— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103894
My sister yesterday asked: Where is Leocadia? Oh, Lecocadia is a city legend and my former boss. In the service of a taxi, Leocadia had a baptism and knew where to take it. Although it was not called Leocadia, but Evalia, but it was so called. After the corporations, she sat in a taxi and said:
Pleased to introduce. I am a leech, and this is my family. How do you glorify? Oh Andrei? Andrei, take us home. - And for 15-30 minutes of travel any taxi driver was put into a state of hiccups from laughter.
In her hands everything broke, crumbled, even the keys did not serve for a long time - moved with two fingers. In order to prevent the door of the toilet from being locked, the tongue of the castle was pushed out and it was bended with a precise blow so that without the Bulgarians could not be pulled out.
She could give 4 interpretations of the word "snoop"and none of what you thought. She could reasonably prove that the female originated from a man’s penis bone, not from a rib (after surgery on the penis, it’s as if it were!) is
It was painted with three crosses. The director prohibited. She began to write beautifully. Three years later, it became clear: I wrote beautiful venelles "Here to You". The director stumbled. She called him a perverse and said that Heer was the letter of the alphabet, not what he thought.
Where now Leocadia-Euvalia I do not know, but without it it is terribly boring!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103893
To the enthusiast:
There is no democracy, but what we accept for it is a shadow of deception.
© Zirconia

After playing with many different forms of government, he stopped on the form of democracy known as “One Man, One Voice.” Thus man was <XXXXX> and he had only one Voice.""
by Terry Pratchett. Mor, student of death

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103892
My grandmother for a long time refused to use a modern electrician. Because a normal boiler can not boil water so quickly, it is radiation, uranium heats.
Yyy: Well, if the electricity is from the nuclear power plant, then the grandmother is right.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103891
zzz: We and the neighbors below have a long history of some imaginary, but very disturbing things. Let’s say they can knock on the door at night and say we’re flooding them. We go down, look — they point to the clean ceiling, assuring that there is a spot on it. O_O
Or somehow they blocked my way into the entrance, telling me that our cat was mocking loudly and preventing them from sleeping. The problem is that we don’t have a cat. My pet is a rabbit who does not know how to cuddle with all the desire.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №103890
The Young Soldier:

Okay, what problems can you have? The money is there, we found one prostitute for three, each according to mynetics, and you live on without problems. You can communicate with each other... men, so why are you so against same-sex marriages? It will be easier for you. Wife brains bear... you will not bear each other's brains, and in the garage to drink you can walk together... why do we you at all? I do not understand.
Not everyone has money :)

Remember, friends, paid women are much cheaper than free ones.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103889
1: Well, I’ve seen everything now, Sasha Grey starred in the movie (doesn’t?!?!?with Elijah Woods (yes, yes the Hobbit).
The film is called Open windows, where she plays the role of some star pursued by some maniac.
Fuck, I’ve seen it all now.

You have not yet seen the continuation, when the maniac, after hitting the victim, cries:
I fucking fuck you, shit!
What Sasha Gray proudly answers:
How dare you offer me that? I am a decent girl!
And the curtains :)

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103888
From the correspondence:
1: Who are you working for?
Proctologist of the principal god Asgard.
1 of 1?
I work with OneAss.
1: ))))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103887
Many women eventually realize that having a husband and a man is not the same thing.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №103886
He was at the funeral of a distant relative. The cemetery. The tomb was lowered into the grave. Everyone started throwing three handfuls of land (the custom is for those who do not know). I also tended to throw the ground. The car keys fell out of the pocket and straight into the grave. Almost no one paid attention, and I was in shock. Going down into the pit is unreasonable, getting the grave is not the way out. I have the keys alone.
And then one earthquake gets a magnet on a rope from my pocket, a couple of seconds and the keys I have. He said, “You are neither the first nor the last.”
What to say, a professional.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103885
The morning. The Monday. The boss asks:
You have red eyes. Drinking is it?
No is! I missed my job, I cried.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103884
I have a former friend who saw a man in me, as you call him. I also pointed to him for sex, and Edak - he is not in any: neither to embrace nor to kiss. Just go home and that’s all. Of course, I found another, with the first communication somehow disappeared. Two years later, I found out that it was me who turned out to be the Frenchman at the time. Don’t be stupid, you will be happy.
It is....
Remember, guys very poorly understand hints, especially from girls they are interested in.
Could it be more clearly indicated or even more openly acknowledged?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103883
I’ll tell you, the little (cat) performed on the weekend.
On Friday evening, I took a chicken liver out of the freezer and threw it into the shell to unfreeze, so that it could be cooked in the morning.
In the morning, the little girl came to wake me, walking after me, murmuring. I say to her, “Manuya, let my mother sleep again.” She went away.
A couple of hours later I get up and something lies on the floor near the head of my bed. I cannot understand what it is. Then look at. This is cake. In the cock. Thus e. The manna carefully took the puppy with the liver in her teeth, brought me and started waking me typically "Mommy, it's time to have breakfast!"
Yong from the morning I tell, he says: It is good that I did not break the fist and it is good that I did not put it on the next pillow, or the bed would have to be changed. I: If when I woke up I found someone’s organs on the next pillow, the bed would have had to be changed for several reasons.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103882
here here :
“The Americans are going to talk about small-sized sanctions against us, and we’re all in trouble. And what shall we do?
Implementing sanctions, which
Which ones?! to
We will abolish anti-piracy law!

Yes, this law and without retaliatory sanctions few people fuck.
Admin offices for 200 comp, where licensed only toys on the director's iPhone

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №103881
What do women need?
I came to a new job, met with an employee from the neighboring department.
By the first impression - physical disgust: low, loose, warts on the hands, badly dressed, dirty hair, brittle hair.
After a month of communicating exclusively on work issues, I suddenly realized that if he had offered, I would not have refused.
Because the main sexual organ of a man is the brain, and he owned it virtuosely)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103880
I was at a school meeting with my middle son.
The psychologist that the number of anxious children (in this wording!) In our class it is only 2%. There are 23 children in the class. We calculated on the calculator, which part of the child we have anxious... Long decided – which child this part... The psychologist could not understand why a group of parents so stupidly hiccats during her serious speech...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №103879
I’m not overweight, I don’t drink alcohol.
Better to drink...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103878
I don’t know, I’ve been lucky with my neighbors.
HH: They are not.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103877
<...> Being a photographer by type of activity, my consciousness drew me an aggregate performing stereographic 3D images...
= is
When you come to the station, did you not take your hat off?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №103876
I looked at the mother-in-law for 7 years and suddenly realized that her ex-husband (who I had never seen in my eyes) was probably not as much a goat and cattle as she tells me.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103875
xxx: because there are a bunch of funny ways to put a small bag into the brain by waking yourself up in a fig.
YYY: awakening...the imprint of Freud
Zzzz: to persuade to have sex.
YYY: He woke her all night, but didn’t wake her up.
XX: Because I did it somehow not excitingly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna