— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143814
Neradence: I always have the feeling that I lack money. In fact, I only spend money on food and food. But I miss them all the time. No matter how many, they are still few.
I immediately feel the need to get money and put it on the card. Getting and storing. Getting and storing.
We need more gold! and more! The gold!
Neradence:... I think I’m a dwarf.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143813
Xxx: Control routers are the first step towards a smart home.

Yyy: No, the first step to the machine uprising...

Zzz: The first step to fat ass.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143812
I went to CB yesterday for wine.

I confirm that in the design offices always hold a stock of wine.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143811
From the life of a mother.
It was a city celebration. We walked with almost the whole family (I, my husband and six children – the eldest daughter at the time was studying in another city).
I met a friend – a real Jewish woman (as I thought – visiting the synagogue, celebrating holidays, but not eating :))
She walked with her mother and only daughter for 20 years (with a man not very lucky - but this is now, unfortunately, not uncommon).
We greeted, exchanged kindness, good, my friend's mother is working in medicine, and off-site I knew a lot of fairy tales from her life.
So, hopefully, a friend told me: “My mom was carrying my brain for a day: “Look at what a decent Jewish woman should look like! Husband, children and a shirt. They walk together! And you?The girlfriend weakly replied, “Mommy, Buy! She is Orthodox!” to which her mother replied unwaveringly: “Nothing terrible, it sometimes happens!!“!”
Ryu second day, thank you for the mood of the entire Jewish diaspora of the Tyumen region!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143810
And when your child's hand is ripped off with a Chinese petard, don't worry - it's absolutely normal for a normal country with normal people.

Yes, it is normal. Each child must be raised by himself. Without transferring responsibility to kindergarten, school and the sinister Internet. If the child is small, only the parent is to blame for something dangerous in his hands. If a child is a teenager, only the parent is to blame for not instilling him a little sense of self-preservation from early childhood. Everything can’t be forbidden, dear parents. And constantly monitoring the already grown offspring is also impossible. Therefore, teach, teach and teach while they are still ready to listen to you. Years by 15 will be too late, it will only be left to say that this horrendous site has not been closed, so the child suffered (and not because of his own naivety, carefully raised and preserved by his parents).

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143809
Who is the idiot?

And now for the video on YouTube about this smokevuh the man was conditioned with a large fine.
– is
Education involves not only chemistry, therefore they did not poison each other. And the deadline was correctly given with a fine, the fools can not show this.

Yes, the fools are excited by this and stick timelines to the right and left. Normal people will look, smile and forget.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143808
Sly: Work, boring
Set up so that when moving to the site of RPC Kaspersky issued a warning "repent in sins";

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143807
Heating was turned on in the office. This is all you need to know about August in Nizhny Novgorod.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143806
Attempting to exercise constitutional rights is the first step towards street riots and terrorist activities.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143805
Since then I have ceased to be angry at the circumstances, the actions of people, in my view, wrong. In general, everything around, because I understood and accepted one very important postulate: "Everything that is not done is for the better." Do not believe, look at:
1 ) I forgot to attach the belt in the car, I rush to the inspector of the GIBDD, the rod stop. Injury and anger, it is a pity to pay a fine of 1.5 thousand. A hundred meters ahead, where I was supposed to go for three to five seconds, Gazelle flew out and turned over. At the time it was mine.
2 ) He caught fish, from the shore to the river on the columns made a "seed". Standing on the shore is not very, around a lot of gossip. Failed to knock, and from the nose fly into the water glasses, which two months from the family, the price - 8 thousand. The rub. I spoke a lot of motherly words. The fishing is over. Without glasses is unrealistic. The next day, he came with a mask and a suit for the underwear (so that the snake would not bite). I found glasses, and a plus: a bank with flashes, and expensive; a spin "Shimano" with a coil - this set of thousands. 15 Tracks; the garden is metal. All fresh, without corrosion, I use it all.
3 ) Going by train to the capital, ticket taken in advance. One hour before leaving, I decided to take a shower. There was no water (for the first time in ten years). and boring. I called a taxi. We go. Rain in the city. Half the wheel. and anger. We waited a long time for the other car, and finally we were late. I came home and gave me water until I was gone. Strips from the shower, not strong, but pour past the bath (failed to hang the shower pen). By the morning, the lower apartment would swim, and that swim would cost thousands of three hundred.
and 4). The rest base. Two old friends are sitting in a boat and waiting for me to sit down. It’s dark, but it’s about to light. I stretch my hands to the boat, missing and physically down. Drilled the skin, scratch, on the side. I remain at the base. Friends have sailed. In the farmer. Twenty minutes later, a boat entered their boat. Emergency and trauma. Three years have passed since then, one of the friends is specifically crumbling. He collects money to go to a cool clinic in Germany.
I will stop on this, although there are still under two dozen such cases in memory. Now I am a happy man, I NEVER complain or get angry, because I know firmly that everything that Heaven sends is for good. And when I’m wished good luck, I smile, because none of us know what luck is. Whether the mouth of the pierce, or the money to cut. Time will show later.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143804
Dmitry Anatolyevich caught the goldfish. The fish traditionally fulfilled the three wishes of the lucky man. The lucky man quickly cried out, "I will save Russia-mother from two major troubles - bad roads and fools, and, of course, the iPhone ninth." I guessed the first desire, and the bridges are wide around, and the roads are three-level. I guessed the second wish and, bac, changed my mind for something about the iPhone.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143803
Discussions about GMOs:
I say GMOs are not harmful.
I don’t know, I won’t risk eating it.
Bananas are also GMOs.
Wow seriously?
Oh yeah yes. And small dogs, too.
Q: And you can’t eat them either?
XHH: I just say I can)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143802
Fuck guys, never buy mushrooms!
The divorce is complete, shit!

Recently it was in the forest, so they are there right in the ground growing under trees,
Take as much as you need. It is free!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143801
Nowadays, a person who wants to develop a career, and not just get money for hours spent at work, is forced to spend at least 10 hours every working day. The journey back and forth is 12 hours. Plus, you often have to work at home, in the evening and on weekends. Explain, all-knowing 20-year-olds, where to find this time? What do you offer to save in your dream? Or maybe give up all the housework? Well, yes, they need to be done with children - only in this case they take much more time, and we are silent about the nerves.

So you decide: either put on the trousers or remove the cross. Why bring your family and children, if you have absolutely no time for them? Do you dedicate your whole life to a career? "The job wasO", or do you also have no time to buy contraceptives? Because to love what you don’t see or hear, just to live at work doesn’t bother, I absolutely don’t believe it. Why do you have any "family" in such arrangements?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143800
My mother led her educational processes, as she thought, her mother. Therefore, before my birth, my mother gave herself several attitudes and promised to always perform them. These principles were simple, but I can’t describe in words how they made my life easier. For example, the rule "never compare a child with anyone" - and I have never heard "but the neighbor's daughter is excellent!“Mary’s daughter is married!” This did not prevent me from getting a good education, finding a decent job, getting married, buying an apartment without the help of my parents. Another rule "you can only punish once" - and if I broke the vase, for example, I got an excuse, and everyone forgot about it, and there were no reproaches and attempts to shame in the future. Another principle “a child should have his own opinion” – when I was asked what I wanted, my choice was never ridiculed or denounced. Among all the variety of ice cream I want a fist? My mom thought it was unpleasant, but I bought it, while other mothers persuaded the kids to take strawberries or vanilla. You don’t like Pushkin, but you love the Brothers Grimm? Well, Grimm is so Grimm, without any kind of "catch up, Grimm only kids like, and you are 12!“”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143799
One of the comrades wanted to go through the check-up, but there was no fire extinguisher. He goes to the neighbor:

Give me a fire extinguisher.

Take me in the car.

During the test:

Your fire extinguisher?

and here.

Are you able to read?

of course.

Read what is written here.

The propane butane.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143798
xxx, [10.08.17 16:22]
They wavered there.

yyy, [10.08.17 16:23]
Brief description of the Russian political system

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143797
The xxx:

To me somehow had to come a freezer, a niche for the closet-cube to measure. Agreed for Saturday. A call from him tonight:

No problem if I arrive early, at 8 a.m.

No question, I’m even better off, I’m not going to sit home waiting all day.

Saturday from 4 to 20 a.m. call:

I am near your entrance.

Well, out of sleep, he told him that he was a sick bastard, and told him to come in 3 hours. He waited for three hours near the entrance.


What a working freezer. Or a narcissist.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143796
Children in the field:
Why are you scratching? We need to dig up! You can’t fight with a lap!
It cannot. It is comfortable!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143795
1st :
And who knows where you can cheaply translate a passport into another language with a notarial certificate?

2nd :
It is done a little differently.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna