— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112269
Before Christianity it was possible to kill peacefully. After the murder, the police came or the Constitutional Court existed. He paid the worst punishment.
This is powerful! Is the existence of police and laws somehow bound to Christianity? That is, all over Asia, including China, Singapore and Japan, there is now an impunity massacre?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112268
Alexey, you are a dick.
I am not Alex.
But you’re just a fairy...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112267
So since then, dear ones, the concepts of decent and undecent, erotic and pornography, extortion and sexual acts have been so clearly chewed, written, numbered and scattered that there is nothing to argue about. Everything is in the laws. What is unclear is explained in the comments. And all the rest is nothing more than the hants of incompetent people, neither in dances nor in laws.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It is mysterious that, at the official level, the shook went and this was recognized by experts as "pornography" (whether they were from the body after Easter, science is not yet known). If the spectators were to grasp this hot dance, it would be understandable. Even if one of the parents with a scandal translated a little bit of the overgrown tiny into a circle of sewing with a cross instead of such a rhythm - it would also be understandable, but it would be a scandal within their family. In principle, even the whisper of anons on YouTube is a matter of life, on the Internet, everything with its super-value opinion is ubiquitous. The Investigative Committee! And no matter who of the moms ran there in indignation - no, it is not known at all who initiated such an excitement.

I regret, here is another syndrome on a hundred note, which nobody had noticed there until the moralists raised a similar note.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112266
I do not understand why the existence of evolution must necessarily contradict the existence of God? For me, as a system engineer, creating a mass of objects such as “living beings,” including the “intelligent man,” seems much less cool than creating a self-learning, self-regulating and self-developing process that, using only 4 amino acids, will lead to the independent appearance of the same mass of objects. And the creation of a process in which these 4 amino acids are randomly generated is a more filigranal job, I protect!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112265
by this:

This is:
The wrong bees.
Remember, if you, looking at the beauty of a naked woman, first of all see "unclean places" and they need to be closed from you, then you are not a human in this regard.
Ivan Antonovich Efremov "Left shafts"
– – – – –
If you see the beauty of naked women when you look at half-naked children, you are a pedophile.! to
I will put in your mini-scrub, my 5 kopecks:

1st The beauty of a naked woman is not what you thought, that in fact, and is trying to convey the quotation.

2nd In the aforementioned beekeeping, there are neither children (16, not very children), nor half-naked.

Three The problem of pedophilia, it is worth studying, realizing and understanding, to relate to reality, not imaginary. Do not use it as a flag. That never contributes to the solution of the real, not the imaginary, which under the flag is mostly seen, because while proudly fighting with windmills, time to see the present, is not enough.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112264
by Padding:

Believers are the impasse branch of evolution.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №112263
We know how Orthodox and Catholics loved each other, and they were together Muslims, about the burning (literally) love for the neighbors of the Inquisition. How many beautiful women have died as a result of such love? What about the unforgettable Valpurgian Night of Love for its neighbors?! to

— — —
The religious, of course, the other guys, you are right.
The night of Bartholomew.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112262
I drank on Saturdays for several years. This recently became the liver on Sundays (and until Tuesday). I decided to bind with a drink, at least for a few months. Now I don’t drink, and the liver still regularly hurts from Sunday to Tuesday. It reminds me of stories about a cat or dog, whom everyone regrets for a broken leg, he gets used to it, and after a month sadly pushes the already healthy, by habit...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112261
I listened to a conversation between two girls in the cafe.
...and here I was with him in the position "the driver", you know? And he then, so pleased, threw himself down on the pillow, pressed me to himself and said, “You are straight like a bee!” Am I hardworking? and diligent? How, in your opinion?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112260
Here: I propose to gather all the bees in the same hall and pour a couple of dozens of high-quality salt rocks! With the publication of photos of crooked asses on the board of honour!
I suggest going to a psychiatrist and check for the presence of deviations in the direction of the tendency to associate with minors with the manifestation of special cruelty. You are already dangerous to society.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112259
I went to the kindergarten for my daughter. Last week, the children painted eggs (empty) for Easter, and now all of these painted eggs are displayed in the dressing room. My daughter’s co-worker pulls me to the stand: Look, that’s what I painted! Yes, I say, very beautiful. The boy doesn't get away: You see, even signed - X and B, that means Хорошеев Вова, that's my name!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112258
Everything can be sold! Buying is very little.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112257
Destroyable Bees, or “Remembering the Lambada”

I will not even watch what these "bees" were there (the sensation of the last day of the planet, there are no more problems in the world!) Now I have only read about the "open movements that were taught by schoolgirls" - out, everything is clear, and there is nothing to read here - it remains only to hope.
Hopefully this nonsense will somehow calm down and come to a common denominator.

When I was studying at school, there was a wild rally of restructuring in the courtyard, and thanks to God, no “disgraceful dance movements of schoolgirls” surprised, frightened, or disappointed the teaching staff of my school. I think it was 1990.

The country saw “Lambada”.

So, we showed that "lambada" in the program "Before and After Midnight", and we then lived in a wave-easily - to make a new, non-Soviet, we will see, and the whole country is impressed.

Imagine how impressed people were by this video.

If before that, since the appearance of calves in the apartments, people only saw the Gensek, Russian folk dances, the "Shared Circle" with African masks, well, and ballet.
And even Pugachev. And for a while - Aguzarov, the holy.
These were the most scandalous phenomena. Pugacheva is such a kind of sex symbol, and Jeanne is a city crazy.

Lambada made Pugachev. This is a sex symbol! - and drink, drink edak from the screen.
It was, tree sticks, a killing force!

Well, and, of course, our high school girls learned all this matter – hey, you, the new century kids, our girls didn’t have a youtuber to carefully consider this magnificent ass-motion, they watched the video exactly once! In the telecast! In black and white, I’m sure. At that time in my village there were most black and white calves. And believe me, Lambada after that was not shown from morning to night! Maybe somebody on the video and recorded, but not the fact (the view was also something like...eeeee...oh. I do not know. Short, rare and expensive.

At the contest "Nastenka", dedicated to the holiday "8 March", the girls blasted it all.
The guys stood up.
The guys watched standing.

The only sanction from the staff of the school - the team of the eleventh "A" wanted to reduce the rating "for wickedness". But the teachers themselves were red and looked guilty. There were also Soviet teachers.

The next day, as usual, I walked through the lessons, sitting in the library, between the shelves. I read there. I was better there.
Tolstenna Rusica and her colleagues temperatively discussed yesterday’s performance of their students. Especially because one of the schoolchildren did not get to the "Nastenka" - she was told everything. And the thick Russian tried to depict "this is the pope." The shelf swung, and I was afraid that I would either be found or drowned.

Comrades, citizens, and even bees would not have fallen to anyone if modern journalists did not worry so much about their piece of bread and honey.
They just have nothing to write about. There are no real problems in the country.
If these writers were taken away from blogs and video hosts, they would probably be extinct.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112256
How is the king different from the president?
The king knows that if he robs the country, nothing will be left to his children.
The president knows that if he does not rob the country, then nothing will be left to his children.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112255
Here is a table and there is a chair, they are made of similar material and the table has signs of a chair - 4 legs and a base, but it no longer has a back. Does this mean that the table originated from the chair through evolution?
It is ===
I wanted to get rid of stupidity, but it didn’t work out. How did you learn to print if you are so unfriendly with logic? I hope it is trolling.
You have already been told that evolution is the result of heredity, variability and natural selection. Any system that possesses these properties will evolve. If you cannot refute any of these three properties of nature, there is nothing to draw on their logical consequence.
Per evolution doesn’t tell us exactly who we came from. You can consider models with all kinds of lords-gods or generally that someone created your world a second ago by putting false memories into your head – and you will never be able to refute it. But why build sophisticated models (occam shaving) and scratch them with coffins, if there are beautiful models that allow you to make the right predictions?
And with regard to the paleontological findings, breaking the final (sarcasm) theory of evolution developed by Darwin, I advise less to watch Ren-TV.
P.S If we are created in the image and likeness of God, why is God a fucker?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112254
Let’s tell now how living cells emerged from stones in water billions of years ago
It is...
It resembles a scene from the series "The Partner" from k/f "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik". The same stupid uneducated beast feels.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112253
What about GTA V?
yyy: C view from the first person became more interesting to pick up a prostitute on the road and go to a strip club.
I didn’t expect anything else from you.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112252
Now activated the "eternal" panel license for the server at Routenko, so their eternity ends in 2033-12-31. I hope they’re just greedy and don’t have any unpleasant information.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112251
Plushchenko announced the resumption of his career
How they balanced these "last" speeches.
This is the case of Bora Yeltsin.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112250
The ban on smoking in this country...Nothing good has brought to anyone.
And if you were a non-smoker, you would already feel the joy of not meeting ten times a day with this odor, from which then the head hurts for an hour. I’m sorry for you – you don’t know what happiness it is to get into an unsmoked elevator, get in and stop.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna