— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112229
I will agree!by :

They saw the wickedness in the dance of bees... And nobody came to the barracks that the bees’ barracks are exactly where these schoolgirls, in fact, were turning? So, this is not a disgrace, but a demonstration of their weapons to Winnie Pooh. Normal, unconcerned people will perceive it like this. Have you seen the picture of a man and a grandmother made up of dolphins? The destruction is not in the sorties, but in the heads.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes, it is somehow so. The perverse people looked at the bee, excited, shouted - evil, to prohibit! They were touched.
The normal - looked, shrugged their shoulders, twisted their fingers at the whistle, addressed the upset, went on.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112228
With the submission of Washington in Europe, they will form a structure whose employees will work in Russian-language social networks – from “Odnoklassniki” and “VKontakte” to local Facebook and Twitter segments. The purpose of the new media department is the struggle with Russia in the information sphere.

I wonder: who will redirect whom?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112227
In the Cuban village of Indyuk, the spouses robbed the mail, armed with a plastic pistol
After a while, they were caught in a stunned car.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №112226
I decided to go to the cinema after work. I go to the cinema box office. There is the inscription "Tickets at 18:40 no". I stand and think what to do... Go to another movie or go home...
Here comes a girl, sees this advertisement and turns to the cashier:
There are no tickets at all?
No, there is one left.
The girl buys a ticket and goes to the movie, and I stand and understand all the shortcomings of her technical education and the dignity of the female mind, for whom there is a difference between “No Tickets” and “No Tickets at all.”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112225
Speaking of disgrace.
Gentlemen, angry homophobes, please explain the reasons for your anger. When was the last time you saw a same-sex couple on the street or in public? Not teenagers who demonstrate discrepancy. Not in the whistle of drunk gentlemen who scream that they love each other. And same-sex couples who demonstrate their relationship.
The heterosexuals have already struck. Not a town, but a bordell. They stand in the middle of the sidewalk and barely climb each other’s cowards. I think we should be fined for that :-(

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112224
Because of such moralists and believe that the victim of rape is the fault itself (dressed too challenging, seductive body movement, at night alone, seductive phrase said and the other Hun *).

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112223
If you can’t find your mobile phone, just order "return call" from any online store))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112222
At my old job, the vast majority of people were, say so, not very much in computers. The editor of the newspaper, crowds of magazines and old-fashioned correctors (all good professionals, do not take this away), and a pair of young and busy specialists with me including.
I decided to try somehow for my own "spiritual devotion" to work with the video. I sit, smoke, smoke different things. Then I first got acquainted with the function of capturing screen images in real time. He recorded ten minutes of the process of his work (a piece of the newspaper), "mirrored" in time, launched a full-screen winamp and quit smoking.
I come back. At a safe distance from my compass there are two responds with open eyes. On the screen, the freshly-formed newspaper strip is independently reversed, relentlessly striving to overturn the work done. I come and wait for a reaction. A whispering whisper: "Jura, your computer is chasing you". – "No and" – I say. "I autopilot written, I test".
Soon there was a rumor about me as a powerful mega-three programmer, and people from the entire five-story organization came to me to solve near-computer problems, which in 95% of cases were solved by restarting. I worked there for three years, but I never undermined the reputation.)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112221
The motto of the boxing club: "Take care of the forest – cut off people!"

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112220
Atheists of the 20th century, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and others, Antonescu had a slightly different approach.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hitler was a Catholic. Mussolini was a Catholic (who came to power). Stalin, though atheist in power, studied at the seminary. I don't know about Antonescu, but even the rest is enough.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112219
I couldn’t stand it, I looked at these "bees". In my opinion, the only thing they can blame for is that it is ugly, not aesthetic.
And about the reaction of many who watched... Grandfather Freud on you is not, in all sexual fucking to see. Invented a scare of pedophilia, raided on six and cope with the screams "the circle corrupt, prohibit, fence, prevent!!and "

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112218
The Countess: The Countess! I am a referent with ten years of experience!!!confused with the guests. % of
The Countess: A Mystery
In the last half-hour, 13 people came to our office, guests to the management staff.
First two to the boss.
Then two more, but they were eventually sent to the tech director.
Countess: Then came three more, and she put them to the boss with the first two.
Countess: Then almost at once came a crowd of six male individuals, whom I distributed to the chief engineer and chief of the PTO.
The PTO is empty. The engineer also has no one.
Countess: *Gong* And now attention the question!
1st Where are the others divided if the boss has all three seats?? to
2nd If that’s what I’m thinking about, where exactly is the teleport in our office? O.O
Engineers are like that, yes. :D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112217
Zeta (23 years old) shares impressions about the process of sanctification of the kuliki:
There were tables on the street, a lot of eggs. Only quickly it all ended: the pop sang one song and left.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112216
I prefer forums for one simple reason. This is my most natural professional deformity. I worked in the press for 15 years. And when I write a message in the chat, I try to write literally. I put the head letters and interpenetration signs, then re-read the message before sending, correct the spelling and style. While I write one message, most interlocutors have time to set five... And if we’re little familiar, I’m often called a brake.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112215
Everything goes in a spiral.
I remember the times when it was forbidden to dance lambada at school discos. In Orenburg, by the way. I’m silent about the clip with the beach and the children dancing lambada.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112214
Andrei was sold for eighty-four.
The dollar I bought for a hundred.
Who will repay the losses, we ask.
None is

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112213
We had one day a walking girl who came for an exam in saraphan and chicken. When the senior asked her, “Nastia, do you know at least what exam did you come to?” she answered, “Culture, Hule.”
XXX: I gave it to five.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112212
Russians, remember, after external enemies always follow the traitors of the Motherland.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №112211
A friend told me a story that happened to him five years ago.
It was on one of the streets of the city. He stopped at the red lighting signal behind the "ten". The green signal burned, the "ten" gives up in the rear and squeezes into the front of his car. In the car was a young and very handsome lady, who at the arrival of the DPS staff stated that it was not her fault, and my acquaintance on the lighthouse knocked the car from behind. There was no registrar, witnesses too, and no one believed him, and a protocol was drawn up with his guilt.
Thank God, the girl was completely frozen, and after drawing up the protocol, she sat in the car and repeated her twist backwards again in the bumper of a friend in front of the eyes of the DPS employees who were about to leave. Protocol is rewritten. The ladies were full.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112210
When acquainted with the video recording of the performance of the Orenburg dance school-studio "Bees and Winnie Pooh" in the Investigative Committee, about a hundred employees were aroused.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna