— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №136961
Patriotism is love and devotion to the homeland. // is

Everything is right. But it does not contradict the original post. The use of patriotism for meritorious purposes is dirty and unworthy.
By the way, "You don’t love me, so don’t give me this jacket" is a very common manipulation. "You are not pleased with broken roads – you are not a patriot" – either.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136960
You must be smart so that others are not offended that they are stupid.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №136959
My wife and I ordered the delivery of the bathtub to the bathroom, indicated the time - after 19 hours. We were called and informed that they would deliver orders from 9 to 15 - not to be removed from the house, can be brought earlier. Wait until 15. We were called every hour. The driver always had something to do: traffic jams, and excuses. We waited until half ten in the evening.
Finally, there was a bell in the door, we open – on the threshold of the driver with a fresh bleach under the left eye. The Wife:
– Oh! Have you been late to someone?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136958
Medvedev about the arrest of Ulukaev: this is beyond my understanding.
Oh, Dmitry Anatolievich, if only that.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136957
The two drunkards. Both have multiple facial bite.
I bought vodka. and scratched. The last drink was not shared, and one of them drank it. Comrade offended by this decided to bite the first in the face. The bitten man said, “Why does he bite me unpunishedly?” and bite several times in response. They are standing in the office, offended by each other, demanding rabies vaccines: “He is angry, don’t you see?”

by BES

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136956
Now I saw the advertisement on the rear glass of the lighthouse.
Construction Brigade
"Hands of Shoulder"

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №136955
xxx: and if it is true, all objects in space (the universe) are nanosphere. In fact, all the planets, quasars and other figs, all the distances in light years and parsecs are nanometers for somebody. And our entire universe is someone’s subcutaneous infection. The big blast is someone made a hole, burned the skin, then the infection began - the flight of the universe, and even a few atoms (Earth) formed a home for parasites. Throw it down, there will be a moment when all this will just be anointed with greens, and then the pipe of everything.

When will you stop drinking on Fridays?? to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136954
Monday: Focus from wheel discs.Can be used as a mangal, as a grill, as a stove.
[Photo of two welded together wheel discs of a car]
Andrei Beresnev: And I break my head, where to steal iron, in order to cook the oven in the house.
Evgeny: And I did the same for myself from the Volga discs.
Cat Vaska: man, tell me, long to cook?
Rosh01: Half an hour in boiling, salty water, mixing every 5 minutes.
Monday: I am not a man, I am a woman. My husband says he swallowed him in about an hour.
Calculator: Monday is a woman?? to
Monday: The calculator is a human?
Calculator: Ahahah))) a worthy answer! + is

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №136953
"What is the "square"?"
From the word treasure, i.e. The sword was originally hidden somewhere.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136952
XXX: We have decorated our office today for the New Year
I translated Anime.
XXX: Correction of spelling in official letters
xxx: Cut out in photoshop for photos 3x4
XHH: Take protection from pdf to print certificates for drilling
XXX: And falsified the print - cut off the scans
YYY: What office do you have?
Do you hold fake documents?
xxx: I am an idea designer of ventilation systems

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136951
I invited a friend to do the 12 feats of Heracles... luck!! to

Tell me, what are these moves?

Clean the parachute? No, thank you, I want to go to the army. It is full enough there.

The animals, again, the relics to destroy... the greenpeace is not audible. With a couple of mentors, they will...

How does this end, do you forgive me?! to

My wife deceives with some decaying horse, soaks the straw into the LSD and I fire the whole family on a bad trip and arrange a public act of self-burning...

Is it such happiness?! to

In the garden of the colloquial for the berries... "Uncle the Guardian - I am a hero!!and "

Soil in the ass!!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136950
Cuba owed the Czechs $276 million, but could not repay everything – there was no opportunity.

Cuba has offered the Czech Republic to repay its multi-million dollar debt with Roma.

Soon after the New Year, I have to drink alcohol.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136949
Let’s go to the computer club after class. Only without these stupid scams, like you are over 30, you have no work and no computer clubs anymore.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136948
On a catch on the lake. Have you been on natural ice skating for a long time? It is all in the smell, especially if when the wind was frozen. I’m not talking about cold garbage and bushes. Here we would have anyone guessed a normal slide over the natural ice even on a pond in the park to pour.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №136947
Nahuya asks, should I have cleaned up the tree?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136946
XX: Of course, I worship from my relatives
xxx: My aunt, who is in the social-marketing sect, gave my mom epic pads.
xxx: Guess what they were treated from according to the instructions?
from gastritis? xd
They were treated for prostatitis!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136945
Being the wife of the Aitishnik-Nekromant:
- If necessary, call me for a minute to find out which of these black smartphones is mine;
When heading to the couch, I cross a mine field, consisting of laptops, tablets, and incomprehensible details scattered on the floor.
When I get to the couch, I free room from phones, tablets, wires to sit down.
Now I can go in the note, which one is mine?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №136944
xxx: pfff, shampoo for 5k.. we yesterday had a boss, we all gathered types voluntarily forced for a gift, 1k and gave a shirt

T-shirt for 34k

There was almost enough of it, his mother added it.

XH: Added

Memento_mori: I thought after his "mother" lacks a tail :-D

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136943
I have a teenage daughter and a son of eight years.

One evening, leaving the house and leaving the son and daughter with a friend alone in the apartment, she punished the son:

Take care of them, or not much.

The son, apparently overlooking the possible actions of the sister and her MS, whispered:

Do you think they’re wiping off the car keys? ! to

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136942
A friend sold a couch. It was sold for 8,000. A buyer of a non-Russian appearance arrives, then a dialogue is established (Z - acquaintance, P - buyer):

Q: The sofa 8000r is worth, right?

Z: Yes

Q: Listen, I need furniture at home, do you accidentally not sell the closet?

A: Well I sell it. I give it for 4000r.

P: Let me go. Electricity, that's, I don't have a big car, I first take the couch, and then the closet. is coming?

A: Well let me

Q: All I owe you $12,000, now I take the couch, and I will pay half the amount, and tomorrow I will come to the closet, and I will pay the other half. Okay to?

A: Okay okay

Then he takes the couch, pays $6,000, and leaves.

As you can guess, he didn’t come the next day.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna