— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132159
x: Why the Russian Federation in the coins of 2016?
Y: Maybe they are already doubting...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132158
xxx: stumbled on the dem: the road where the asphalt is carved in the form of Tetris figures. Signed by Tetris Rashn Edishn. Why is the Russian game rushing? O_O

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132157
I was in a school rock band.
The shooter was long sought. Bass guitar, rhythm guitar, and everything.
A guy comes. Satisfied and gone. He is inspiring, but sometimes does not get into solo.

They suffered.
There was a wolf. Guys listen to me. When it is carried, I will salt on the shock from above. All is norm.
Vovchik was a musician with experience!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132156
When I was 5 years old, it was the oldest group in the kindergarten. In the bedroom along the walls of the beds stood single, and in the center adjacent. I slept just in the center, and Masha “slept” on the next bed. I turned to the side, chatting with my friends, then Masha chewed me and I envyed, turned to the nef and began to chew her.

The door opens, the teacher enters and asks, “What’s going on here?” A couple of wise men replied, "And Petya and Masha have sex." I was raised from the bed and put in the corner. In the corner. for having sex. In the garden.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132155
History of 1990.
I and two of my colleagues went on a trip to Denmark. We stayed at Bed&Breakfast in the "country area". We went to Copenhagen on a suburban train. I go into a smoking car. There were literally a couple of passengers in the car. We go, we go, we read. My ladies from the non-smoking wagon for some reason stuck to me in the wagon. I started hysterically asking me not to smoke. You can see the odor of tobacco smoke.
Thus, the anti-smokers there, breeding the shit, reminded me of those hysterical ladies.

When they come to you, it’s one thing. Okay, let's say if we went out on the street, approached any entrance to any building, approached the lighthouse - this is all we go to you in a smoking wagon. Let it be. But when it smells in the apartment, what do you think of it, hysteric? That we did not come to our apartment, but to the apartment of a smoker?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132154
The story happened in 9th grade. He wrote a book about the hero of our time. Not long thinking began to write on the last chapter "Fatalist", because of the whole book she liked the most. I wrote all night and half until my parents went to sleep. In the morning, when he came to school, he told his friends that he was saying, "Ready, now as I read!" In short, I read the composition before the whole class and got two with the words "You couldn't, so you wrote off the internet. Tomorrow you’ll come with what you’ve written.” Ok to Ok.

I’m telling my friends that tomorrow I’m going to get rid of everything and I’m not going to fix anything, even if there’s a complete achinea. So it went, I chose the first one that I got offered by a helpful Yandex. I didn’t know at the time that my friends (4 people) talked to almost the whole class about this story. In the first lesson, I read “my” composition. After finishing, he got 5 with the words: "Look, now you can see what I wrote myself. I tried.” I sat down under the loud whisper of the whole class. Galina Ivanovna, so could not understand this sharp laughter.

I have not loved school literature since then. Ordinary, I still love it.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132153
In the 11th grade, all the boys were taken to the shooting field. Each was given a Kalashnikov machine machine and 9 bullets in a horn. I came to school on the appointed day, dreaming of finally holding a weapon in my hands.

We were gathered at 8: 50 on the street near the school waiting for the bus to take us to the field. I decided to quickly run to the dining room and drink a glass of compot. I come in 5 minutes and there is no one. I cursed my delay. A boy from the 9th grade is riding over me.

I could not miss this opportunity. What to do? He ran to a nearby military station.

Where are the shootings?

About 40 kilometers from the city.

- # and % # and %! ! to ! to

- We now "rafic" will go in that direction, recruits in another city will be lucky. Sit down with them.

I was landed on the highway and told to go out on the other side 10 kilometers on the fields.

And I ran. On the way I met a shepherd, and he adjusted my path.

When he saw me, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

I was able to shoot from the shell.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132152
There is a place in Kursk.
One of the saunas there is creatively called "Courchevel"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №132151
I ordered a taxi in Riga. I approached the car. I greeted the driver in English. He appears in the area of fifty. Half the way, they exchanged short unskilled phrases from the first pages of the conversation books. There was an uncomfortable pause, and then he said, “You see what happens when one pretends to be a European and the other hides that he is a Russian.”

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132150
On the wave of fairy tales from kindergartens and schools, I will tell my story of meeting my wife.

We met in the kindergarten, in the younger group. The parents brought us one after the other, and we shared the first wardrobes in the dressing room, alongside our towels in the toilet and beds in the bedroom, which, by the way, were adjacent. On the first day we were so close together that we exchanged cowards at a quiet hour. That same day we beat a girl who was running around the beds with her naked ass during that same quiet hour. Then they both stood in the corner.

Our fate was then predetermined. We went to the same school, university.

P.S Since then, I have not changed my underwear.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132149
call to the worker. An elderly female voice asks a colleague to the phone, a girl (as it later turned out, she left with the grandmother of her son). I can only hear the words of my colleague:

Have I fallen asleep? ... well.. Take the controller and turn off. and BA! In the upper left corner there is a red button. How is it from below? ! to and. Turn the controller! ! to ! to ..... Why not succeed? Goal is better! ..... Maybe the battery. Go to the Division. Do you see the button on which “power” is written? ..... No, you don’t read that, the “Rose” button! ! to ! to Do you see? Press it! ! to ! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №132148
In all its glory, my gallantry was manifested as a child, when adults for some reason left us and a friend alone to wait for the sanitary and instructed to give the sanitary a bottle of vodka.

The sanitary technician comes, and he is... a woman. Although we were children, we realized that this is how to give a lady a bottle of vodka is not a comilfo.

So we found my grandmother’s coat of snails for sewing, got the beautiful atlas tapes, tied the bottle with a luxurious band and handed it out with all the respect possible.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132147
by Diana:

I share with a friend-cinologist considerations about the transfer of Nosomotts from cakes to dry food.
The girlfriend:
Yes it is useful. Only if they are going to eat this feed after natural beets with meat.
I am :
Hal, they are bulldogs. They even eat garlic, olives and candy fantasy. and :)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №132146
A friend works as a prosecutor, just a statement comes to him, a person writes "I was fined on the street twice in a year for being on the road without a flicker, how can it be? I’ve been in prison for three years.”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №132145
“Interstellar,” you remember we watched?

About the potatoes?

About the corn. The potato is a Martian.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132144
My babulancy called me and said that Sashenka is coming to the city, he is going to act. She asked to pick up a man at the station and temporarily shelter him in the parent’s apartment. My job is just to bring it to the door, and there the grandmother will do it herself, so that I don’t get distracted. I have agreed. Why not help.

Now a little about Sasha.

In my distant and careless childhood, my parents often brought me to my grandmother for the summer. As a child I was sociable, but all the guys were five years older than me and did not have the desire to argue with the little things in my face. But I was lucky that year, because there was Sashenka. A brittle little girl, two years younger than me. Her parents moved to the village for some reason. That summer was the funniest for me, but it was the last summer I spent in the village. Then I went to the first class, and my grandmother was taken to the city, as her health deteriorated rapidly. The house sold.

And I come to the station, I go to the car, I think what a cute lady she grew up. I look at a girl with bright hair, and here I cry out:

and Ol!

But it was not a woman’s voice, and the Nifiga was not a woman’s voice. To meet me from the car goes a healthy light-haired child under 190 centimeters in height.

Long time not seen!

Please forgive me? ... →

I am Sasha.

In general, I have no idea why as a child I was sure that I was communicating with a five-year-old short hairy girl named Sashenka. And why this "girl" even played with me several times in dolls. But now Sashenka came to enter the heat power plant.

I thought that only happens in the cinema.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132143
Is Zhang a Communist? Just a rent that lives on interest from “Capital.”

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №132142
My boss in the 1970s graduated from MGIMO, now he is an ambassador. He studied Arabic, wrote a diploma on Yemen and was planned to be sent on a business trip to that country. But something there didn’t work out and it was distributed to Sudan. Well, Sudan is Sudan, giving up the first trip is generally not accepted. After the distribution, an old experienced diplomat approached him, knocked on his shoulder and said:
You don’t even know how lucky you are.
What is luck?
No matter where you are sent, it will still be better than Sudan.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132141
Hello, do you understand mathematics?
Only after sex.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132140
The Hustle:

Have you seen many smokers who, after smoking a cigarette, lose their minds, start to flatter and behave inappropriately? Do not compare smoking with alcohol and drugs. I also know how to shout, but in the dispute to such a questionable argument I do not resort.

In my opinion, there is absolutely no adequacy in smoking tobacco in the entrance, people at the public transport stop, visitors to cafes and restaurants, forced to pass through the entrance through your smell of tobacco and then with disgust feel that this smell has filled their hair and clothes, to assure that nothing like this, nothing smells and no one is bothered when people tell you about the opposite. Your nose may not smell.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna