— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131959
Shakespeare was written by Hamlet.

yyy: "Dead Souls" wrote by Gogol

yyy: "Anger" wrote Dostoevsky

XXX What?

Yyy: Yes, Hamlet

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131958
Question in the questionnaire:
"Did there be comments on previous workplaces in connection with alcohol consumption, were they detained by the police?"
I wrote "not noticed was"!! Everything is clean without stitches. XDDD

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131957
It is said that when Nadezhda Krupskaya in her youth asked her mother to remind her of her bridegroom, she replied, "Fuck you bald!“!”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131956
In principle, you do not give in - I will blink far, then I will approach close and I will signal to the winner.
— — —
At least strengthened. I will cut off the emergency card, stop the car and give you a cure for diarrhea and novopasitis.
And also in the car is a cut of the pipe and MPL-50, so I advise you to forget about power methods.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131955
Buying a car, my phlegmatic, figure and behavior similar to a panda, my husband at the same time bought a traumatic gun. This is all you need to know about the culture of behavior on the roads in our city.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №131954
Once in the Moscow metro there were "Metroexpress" points with burritos, I don't know if they exist now. On the tables near the point for some time there were large dispensers with ketchup and mustard.

And here I stand at the table and eat burrito. The point was located somewhere in the transition, there is little space and an escalator comes out on the site in front of the tables. On the escalator, the grandmother rises in the size and expression of the cow's face. He approaches the dispenser, presses ketchup into his hand and begins to eat it.

The picture is similar to National Geographic videos, as bears eat honey, swallowing it on their legs. In short, inhuman behavior, a stunning spectacle.

My grandmother eats ketchup and looks at me with mad eyes. I, accordingly, look at her, waiting for another chip.

After singing ketchup (the voice of Drozov behind the picture: "pulling off overseas meals, the bear decided to return to the forest... ") the baby left.

The problem is that sometimes I dream of this grandmother, she is all in blood and chews her hand, staring at me.

I never did that burrito. The appetite disappeared.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131953
We discuss with a friend “The Witcher” and what Mr. Sapkovsky said that he would not allow Geralt to become a superhero.

Friend: He doesn’t want to turn Geralt into a superhero, but that Geralt fucking everyone in a row is the norm.
I: Well, men don’t fuck, as in the "Mass Effect" – it’s not bad nowadays. You didn’t play in the "Mass Effect".
Friend: I will not be now!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131952
All my life experience suggests – you should not trust kefir, which, like the State Duma, has split into factions.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131951
We visited one of their acquaintances in their house in the village, in a deaf house. Far away and deaf, but clean air and pleasant company. In the evening they sat in the kindergarten talking, and behind the fence on the bench the old ladies, as usual discussed their affairs (about all and nothing) But one phrase literally beat us drunk:

- And here is Petrovna, you hear, and what is your grandson? How many years he has been doing what he is doing now.

Well he him. Call once a month. Somebody speaks to a master.

God is with you Petrovna? Didn’t you do that at the institute? ? to ? to Well, no, he’s a big guy, I told you to let us go to the school. Well, as Walkin learned, the entire village antenna sets up...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131950
He works as a programmer in a large company. For 6 years of work, he was not once on leave, as he first changed the department twice (expansion of management) and simply did not let go, and then he did not ask. Many times the management asked him to go on vacation, but the acquaintance refused because he liked to work. Then he became a big leader, so nobody really reminded. All this time the holidays have been spent. This is due to the fact that all wages are white (including prizes).

Now he and his family are moving to the United States because they have made a very good offer. Eventually, he wrote an application for dismissal. They calculated vacation fees: ~ 1 060 000 rubles for all years of work. The eyes of accountants.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131949
I worked my first year in school as a math teacher in the 6th grade, and here on the shift I come back from the teaching room with a magazine and see that one student completely climbed out the window and hanged on his arms, holding them behind the window. He amused his feet on the third floor, and I mentally said goodbye to work and prepared for the difficulties of life in the area. I decided that if I scream, the guy with a scare could stretch his hands. I stop the first classmate that hit this cascader and say quietly, "Tell Dime that soon lesson, let him come back to class." He, having fun with jokes and additions, brought Dima back to class and me back to life.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131948
Let’s talk about responsibility for our actions. On the one hand, people have the right to make a mistake, but on the other hand, imagine the situation:
45th year - Soviet troops break into Hitler's bunker, and Hitler says to them "OK, I was wrong, I apologize," which the soldiers answer "Now when you sincerely regret, then go with peace."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131947
Friendly Parental Forum
- I tried today to shake yesterday's shale, reading our quarterly report at last :-)
proved good - juicy, fresh, nutritious and fun
So how is Shashik? and ;-)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131946
In connection with Divanostrach counted at work:

From Men :
Feed the fish once. I don’t work here once. Help to move twice. I brought you coffee twice. You want to smoke twice. Go eat, my here turned - 1 time. What about techno? I can’t see it – twice.
From the women:
I didn’t work twice. Please bring it once. You can take your milk three times.
I bought milk once. There are your favorite cakes with a discount, I took - 1 time (the money was not taken, I offered). Hold the light, it will fall now - once. I’ve given you coffee three times.
I’ll share a sandwich once. You will beat twice. Whoever wants a cake – 1 time. Admin, I have FTP failed, and there work - 1 time. I broke three letters at the request of the administrator (he knew that the FTP had collapsed and I pulled him away) 1 time (the whole department smoked).
How does this all translate into a fractured equivalent and who owes to whom?
How to count it all into a fractal equivalent.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131945
111: Bronze prize winner of the Judo Olympics beaten on Copacabana beach in Rio
222: beaten, apparently, the gold and silver prize
222: not suffered the loch

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131944
Hubr, discuss the fall in LinkedIn profits:

Is this the “death of the era of professional social networks”? It sounds like! Just like a biblical apocalypse. They also predicted the monopoly of the entire Internet. One Facebook to rule everyone. I see directly how Zuckerberg codes in PHP, sitting in the hill of the Mount of Destiny.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131943
We work with one employee - a jade to the bone brain. He always sleeps. Every morning he is very cheerful and fun.
The whole department hates him.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131942
Then I will come close and signal to the winner.

Until someone hits the brakes. The distance needs to be observed, and I do what "the cat ran", and the bumper is strong)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №131941
Here you say - the Chinese, say, do badly, curly. I have a story like that. As a child, I had surgery, gips, to-se. As a result, the right foot is larger than the left by 2 sizes. With winter shoes is still normal, and summer shoes usually have to buy 2 pairs. And then my husband and I were in the shoe, Chinese shoes looked like cast seats! On both feet! Half open, and with holes in front, on the sides, with a heels closed only. The husband and so, and so watched, knowing my problems, could not believe that they were not two couples. She is the only one, the last. Per the only one that is sewn with careful Chinese hands on my different legs :)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131940
We had a colleague in our office, we’ll call him Kirill. He used to "shoot" cigarettes from me, initially a couple of times a week, but over time more and more often, to the point that he had no cigarettes for weeks. This continued for three months. Then I began to appear in the office less and less often (working on the facilities) and already started to forget this feature of Kirill, if not the case in the corporate.

Half a year later, we had a pre-New Year corporation. I go out on the street to smoke, and Kirill comes out with me, naturally "shooting" a cigarette. The second, third, fourth overdose - the situation repeats. I go out for the fifth time, but this time I left a package on the table in the cafe, and I took only one cigarette with me, which I told Cyril. When he heard this, he made an unhappy face and said, "Well, I'll have to smoke my own," and got almost a full package of Winston. After that incident, I didn’t have a cigarette for him, and I turned out to be a mess.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna