— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142133
Stranges are unobvious patterns.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142132
xxxh: but chickens can usually not be picked up, except for rare species, I do not remember which
HHH: That’s the whole essence of how I absorb any information :(
I can’t do anything, I don’t remember what.
I can’t take it anywhere, I don’t remember where.
I can pick some chickens, and some can’t, but I don’t remember which :(

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142131
Grow up, it annoys everyone.
Degradate – it also annoys everyone.
Do what you want.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142130
In the dispute of the drivers of the routes for a place at the stop, which took place in Uzbek, our, I think, at least matched the bill, announcing in Russian: you are also a lamb!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142129
A direct line with the President is the Russian version of "The Walls of Cry".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142128
Crows and people. Memories of childhood.
I read yesterday the page of Maxim in the Zhzh, the story of how the crows attacked the boy, then the local sloping grandmother, and remembered the story, too, about the crows.
I read back in 2010 on a local forum a desperate cry of soul. I literally do not remember, but the meaning was this: "A wicked crown came around our entrance. She attacks everyone who enters, goes out, passes by, beats with a clove; injured several children, broke their heads, spoiled their clothes. We went to the mountains. The services, the animal control department, called and wrote there, here, cold and there... - no results... It has been going on for 10 days... What to do?!"
And then there was a bunch of comments, probably 50, the meaning of them: "write a complaint", "need", "put a question somewhere there", "turn to the court"... And none! No one is adequate! Who are our people? Think about it: the ugly crown terrorizes tenants (no matter why she does) and no one can cope with it! by Ophigete!
I was surprised at first, then upset by human stupidity, and then I just began to roast, roasting more and more as I read the next comment. And at the same time remember...
We shot a lot. The years at 5 started with horns, first simple and weak, then more and more serious and powerful; some went on - and shoots of different constructions appeared, arrows to them were both wooden and wire, and even camels with bullets. But then, at the age of 12, some had self-pistols. The powder was made by themselves, the bullets were cast from lead or - most often - glued from clay impregnated with the silicate glue of the office. And we shot! No one ever touched the dog – they were friends; cats were also inviolable – they were someone’s or personal, or courtyard, for an offended cat (not to mention murder) could gently present; the pigeons were slow and dumb – not a prey for man. The object of the hunt were crows and rats - creatures clever and clever. The crows were relatively few and they behaved cautiously: they flew either very high, not even getting out of the shuttle, or very low, but quickly and zigzags, hiding behind the trunks and generally showed themselves almost not. They knew that those who were illuminated would not live long.
And then one day there was a idiot crown at our entrance, a nominee for the Darwin Prize. She also kicked from the nearest tree on all the passers, knocking a clove, tearing a few hats, someone's head to the blood... This was treated relatively calmly: they knew what would soon be with her. In the morning it began, and in the afternoon at three o’clock, when I was going from the sixth class, she had already hanged on the fence with her head between the stickers, and in her pulse she had a hole not provided by nature – from the arrow. The youngest tried, their lessons in school ended earlier. I don’t remember any more such fools... So I thought in the end: and what, in that case - from the forum - nobody was found with pneumatics? With a rogue? There were no boys? No one even wrote, “Fuck it!” No, but it is 10 days! 10 days the crown is attacking people!!! No one broke her! What stupidity? Or am I so obsolete?
I don’t remember how everything was resolved.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №142127
My boyfriend broke up with a girlfriend a few months ago. He says he still lives on his April salary.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142126
Two tons of missed letters were found.

Flight of the Russian Post

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142125
Woody, do you know a saying?
of course. For example, give – take, beat – call the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of the Child.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №142124
I: You ask it somewhere on the mother’s forum.
XHH: I was entertained at three mammopharms at the time of my first child.
I am :?? to
I don’t remember all three cases – I remember the most epic one: one asked what to do if the baby doesn’t eat anything. I honestly gave her the dicks from the height of my own experience: for the first 17 years to score and reconcile, and then send to study in another city and send exactly on the tram and pasta without anyone. It is guaranteed that at the first arrival home to eat the baby will be at least from a washing pot. The Ban-s

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142123
Towards someone’s mouth.

Not someone, but Santa Claus.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142122
Curio: Somewhere I encountered a mention that women who had kidney stones and who gave birth unambiguously claimed that the stones are excreted much more sick than children.

Alpine Joe: As a Kun, who has already given birth to two stones, I can say that it would be better for me to be hit by the balls 10 times.

Curio: How did you call it?

Promtovari: Phobos and Damos

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №142121
The case was in 2009, I was studying at the university, and like many students I worked here and there. We had in the city a kind of street labour exchange - a "femach", where those who wanted to work could find a employer for a day, covered this exchange like some thieves in the law, respectively, for each hired worker the employer paid 200 r in "common price". The work was of various kinds, mostly bring-give, bite, and so on.

One day, my friend and I got into a pit under the foundation of a fire ladder in one of the city’s hospitals. We worked together, the size of the pit was 1, 5m * 3m with a depth of 1, 5m, for this we agreed to get 2, 5 tr, only clarified that the money immediately after the work, as they often threw "tomorrow-aftermorrow" and disappeared from the radars. We dug from the morning until late evening, it seemed never to end, the customer came to look, praised the saying, "young guys, so quickly managed, after tomorrow will come concrete workers, we will pour." When asked about the payment, he made an unhappy face and cut off, “Tomorrow, I’ll be here for lunch, come.” Fuck, it started, again fucking brains, but nothing to do, tomorrow so tomorrow. We come the next day, he is not there, they called the phone did not take, then after long attempts to call, he took the phone and replied dissatisfied "fuck with your money, come in a week." My friend and I burned a little, looked around the scarf in which was a tool "will we work a little more?" and began to bury this hole together with removable plywood and armor, simultaneously mixing the soil with boards and other garbage around. There was no worker at the facility, and the staff of the hospital whispered who was there and what was digging or buriing. The next day, at eight o’clock in the morning, we went to the hospital, and from the windows on the second floor, we watched the man running with his eyes cleared and mouthwashing, and the car with the cement stood next to him. There were calls from him on the phone, but we did not take the phone, we just watched him spread his hands. This continued for two hours, then there was a quarrel with the concrete workers, they left in the place with a mixer.

Was it worth it? Definitely!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142120
The pensioner says to the pensioner:
I am 75 years old and I feel like a student.
Is it pulling the girl?
No, there is not enough money for the sacrifice.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142119
At present, the result of any effort of a private company is an economic gain. Selection/genetic engineering/other must ultimately bring revenue to the company. Therefore, it is necessary to convince the target audience that it is safe to sit on the product, if the product is single-use, then even a blind idiot will see the benefit. Therefore, the seeds are specially made to blossom well, but do not leave offspring so that the client comes back again. Nothing personal, just business.

Well, that is, the mule, the enduring and very popular cattle, which is a hybrid of F1 horses and donkeys, specifically made fruitless for the sake of business? Knowledge of biology and economics, you made my day!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142118
After the neighbors from the top wash the toilet, on our stand there is such a thunderstorm, as if the need for screws was done by the Iron Woodsecker.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №142117
Husbands with experience. Diversification of sexual life
Do you want to play at the hospital?
I do not want.
Do you not love me?
Okay what to do?
Call the ambulance.
Is it an ambulance?
- Yes
“Please take Katya, she’s gone mad.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142116
Quote 1 :
After Bilbo did not eat breakfast and gave Gandalf the keys, he fled to meet the dwarves at the Green Dragon.
Quote 2 :
When Bilbo returned, distant relatives settled in his hole, and the property was released from the hammer. The silver cups disappeared.

— — —
And that’s all you need to know about what happens if you don’t wash your dishes.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142115
What is the difference between discussion and shit?

There are results.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142114

Xh: If in a relationship with you the girl is ruined... Why did you keep her wrong?)))
уу: because it needs to be stored in a dry cool place, and with me it is wet and hot)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna