— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18614
I am an engineer at one of the major internet providers, so I will open my eyes to everyone! In fact, there is no free cable, but the Giant Golden Router, standing in a giant underground bunker, under San Francisco, and generating the internet, but not from the air, but from the blood of the Neapolitan Virgins! (there is a special wreck, through which they are poured) The size of it is a Khrushchev five-story, and the cables are not as miserable as your miserable computers, but huge 5 meters in diameter! All providers are included.
Drop off...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18613
I was told that I was the most literate person in the group.

by Aks404
She has a good sense of humor.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18612
Only a real resident of the community can grasp the whole mess of the weekend alone in the block!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №18611
I walk with a girlfriend and her little son (3,5 years old).

We walk next to the bench where the youth (m) is sitting. The child (r) began to talk to them, we stood a little further away.

What will you be when you grow up?
c) The Captain
M – What would you want?
The yacht...
M – Why?
(p) - I will sail on a yacht on the sea, around the water... and I will fall overboard and fish will eat me!
Why are you eaten by fish?
Because I am a fucker!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18610
Oh, it wasn’t: I’m registering for classmates!
A man with dollars.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №18609
A few months of long caring for a girl...And, I still decided to hint on sex. ...I expected anything, but her fist in the air, and a jump at a la Balan with a scream "I will be given!^_^" were a bit unexpected O_O''

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18608
Let’s give a guy with dollars a symca of megaphone... just so... from a pure heart.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18607
Encento: and this is St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of our country, here works the first, and the last, in the world of the standard sexual orientation!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18606
Announcement from contact:

I really want to find it (((
I am looking for a boy with whom I was riding 24.07. in trolley bus No. 27. And who went out for honey. school))) High brunette with black charming beads and beautiful sponges: RESPONSE...)))))))!!! to

Whoever finds a seal will hurry.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18605
I don’t understand... the Aztec Odmin in the army? The cat died? Has the shredder broken? Where are you all?
At such a pace, the emo will soon come here and will write pink bookcams on the black background of the poem about love.
We will squeeze on the bow.
Captain obvious, come here more often, although you...
P.S I don’t mind that they’re overlooked!
P.S to P.S Despite the poem...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18604
xxx(00:10:25 27/07/2009)
I liked meeting my neighbors in the morning. Nishina... we sit drinking coffee, we make cookies, and here the door opens from the neighboring house and the body falls out, a girl with a swollen face, blades and a blue-colored harry - barely adds to us and gives such a phrase "Can water be drunk? I didn’t take anyone in my mouth, don’t worry"

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №18603
The wisdom of my grandmother: "Hui to fuck change - only time to lose"

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18602
k0tE (23:55:30 26/07/2009)
Upon entering the Chertanovo, the navigator begins to read a prayer.

12.01 (23:56:45 26/07/2009)
What does he do when he enters the southern bucket?

k0tE (23:57:01 26/07/2009)
He jumped out of the car and ran away.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18601
I bought a netbook today. The cleavage, oh The only disadvantage is that there is no DVD drive. And what do you think the manufacturers have placed drivers, utilities and manuals on?

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18600
I wonder if it is possible for me, as a doctor, to forcibly examine GASHNIK and go for sexually transmitted diseases, especially dangerous infections and send in quarantine for a day for 40. And then apologize and say that the problem was with the same family.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18599
by Alexeeva:
Such horrors dream that it is time to take popcorn to bed with you.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18598
Q: Do you not get lost? You have only been with me once.
ууу: No, I played the doom in my childhood, and since I did not know which button to press to see the map, I had to remember it. I have a good memory of the area since then.
o o o o o o

[ + 114 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18597
Fuck, how loud should I suck and bite so that the pen can’t be pulled?? to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №18596
God, do as I should, not as I want.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №18595
How to become yours in any company is a gift.

History of Israel. It is told by a person worthy of trust.
In Israeli intelligence - Mossad, one of the examinations for applicants is a task, which requires extraordinary cleverness, self-control and greed.
Someone A. from the leadership was given the task - to "inside" and become his own in the board in the "Russian company" (i.e. the company of outsiders from Russia).
Having gotten such a “flute,” A. thought. He had no Russian roots, he did not know Russian. After serving in the army he remembered that the Russian guys are good, but to become his among them? No, he won’t drink so much.
The entire operation was reduced by the management. But A. did not go to the exploration in vain. Within a few days, the operation was planned and implemented.
For several days he visited one of the Tel Aviv pubs in the evening, where Russians loved to gather. Watched the public.
One day, A. came, as usual, noticed a company of three Russian boys who drank peacefully and did not touch anyone. After sitting down and drinking a few "shoots" A. got stuck with one of the Russians. Word for word,
X@em on the table, after some mutual messages A. was asked to drop, because the puzzles are not behind the mountains. But A. was not afraid and offered the guys to go out and see who of them was a man. The show has already been seen by a man 8, because such a circus is not every day.
It must be said that for an intelligence (and not an operative) physical power is not a necessity. Of course, A. was able to do the first round and stood on his feet, after which the fight began to flow smoothly into a frank urethra.
At this moment, two police cars were quietly rattled and the heated dragons were bound.
The monkey found out two things - that A. was practically sober, and
"Russian", according to Israeli standards - drunk (they don't know that our man a liter for three is the norm). After that, the investigators came to the Russians and announced that from the point of view of the police, everything was clear, like a good day: three drunk Russians killed a poor aboriginal.
In vain the guys said that "he was the first to start" and showed blueprints and scratches. The officers only smiled in response.
She began to paint unpleasantly. The guys were generally adequate, all the family, good work. A appears on stage.
As well as everything in white.
Yes, he honestly confessed, drank a liqueur, went on. He was not polite.
I invited the guys to walk around the corner. No, there was no beating, clarification of the relationship and only. What kind of battle, boss?? to
The feeling, more similar to orgasm, encompassed guys who had already seen themselves behind bars, pale wives and crying children.
The investigator stumbled, slowly scratched the tail and asked the "Russian" if they would file a complaint?
The complaint? What a complaint? For what?and.
Everyone was released by morning.
When they were released, the former enemies shrugged each other’s hands.
A. was announced that he was a man, a clumsy boy, and more would be like that.
He was also invited to a banquet, a birthday party and a continuation of the banquet anywhere and at any time. And the other and the other.
A week later, A. appeared in the same bar. I found my new friends. There he was taken, aka hero. He was not alone, but with a girl in his hand. Her name was Olya.
The task of the party was fulfilled.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna