— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №131579
I am a cleaner. And, as the worst enemy of the Sisadmin, I propose a ceasefire and friendship against the accountancy! Because these chickens will smell anyone.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №131578
Recently I read a religious controversy in which some of the church mothers, among other things, complained that very few Christian cartoons, and all the usual cartoons - Satanism and devil.
I agree with them! We need more Christians! Because, judging from my memories of early childhood in the early 1990s, nothing distracts religion as much as this dark, boring Ebola, which was launched instead of "fake stories."

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131577
The site you are on is "The Citizen of Rune". If you, wandering through your favourite forum, found a fun dialogue or monologue, you can post it here.
But! Go, please, with your stories of life, angry tirades and the like.
— — —
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[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131576
Comments on Distribution:
>>corrected unknown untouchable shit

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131575
to this:

Brazil covers most of the continent.

We borrowed, we do not know.
Half cannot be larger or smaller. Half is when one part is in the past of the whole, absolutely equal to the other part.
And more or less can only be part or share!>>>

Like the concept of an entire number, the concept of a fraction was not created immediately. The idea of “half” arose much earlier than of “third” and “fourth”, and of these latter – earlier than of fractures with other denominators.
The antiquity of the concept of “half” is attested by the fact that in all languages it has a special name, not derived from the word “two”. The expression “big half”, “lesser half”, “half-lived”, “half-bad” and so on. It shows that the word “half” originally meant one of two parts (not necessarily equal to each other).

Profit))))) learn the history of mathematics)))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131574
Whole life counted
All my life I believed that a woman is the comfort and order in the apartment. Then I married. Then I divorced. Then accelerated homework courses. Now I believe that comfort and order start with the head, not a set of chromosomes.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131573
I am a feminist, average communication with guys:
I am against the mandatory army for men, against the fact that you have a higher retirement age, against the fact that you can be exploited at work and at home only on the basis of your gender.
You are an exception! All feminists fucking, you are the only one for men, all the others want to exterminate and castrate us!!! to
Do you know a lot of feminists?
“No, but there was an article on the internet about an American woman who wants to exterminate men, I just know that all feminists are like that! You are lying to me that you are not against men. You, like all feminists, only think of yourself, you don’t care how men suffer!

After such a topic of feminism with the male sex I do not even discuss, let them believe in the fairy tales about evil feminists - devil-cannibals, although I have 95% of my acquaintances feminists against the army and other manifestations of sexism towards men.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131572
My husband always goes to work early in the morning and puts his shoes on the floor in the hallway. This morning, the shoes were on the floor next to the closet.
The younger son stopped at the moment when he carefully opened the door. When he saw me, he said with respect:
Did you go to work in Narnia today?

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131571
Ladies and gentlemen, as well as children, cats and dogs!
A moment of attention, favourite.
The site you are on is "The Citizen of Rune". If you, wandering through your favourite forum, found a fun dialogue or monologue, you can post it here.
But! Go, please, with your stories of life, angry tirades and the like.
IY: It would be cool if the quotes published here were about-computer, as was originally accepted here.
ZZ: The commentary has been turned off.
ZZZ: Yes, I understand that this post is not the subject either. How did they fuck.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131570
Comments from the regional website:
Why did the bus number 5 be canceled? It was always full and getting there was faster and more convenient, please return the bus!!! All the people at the stop were outraged.
Alexander: All the people at the stop are not concerned that they were driving on the trolleybus route all the time, and now they will drive not only on the trolleybus route, but also on the trolleybus.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131569
(We are talking about drawing dishes)
- In the museum we took, if I don't change sclerosis, about 800 rubles. for a cup. But it’s fucking what a cool cup of coffee, a work of art, without fools.
Don’t forget to remove the little one!
- We have in the silhouette, in such cases, on the contrary, the abdomen crushes :)
"Sorry for the French, is the underbelly still a lob or an egg?
It depends on the size of the stomach. Sometimes it’s knees.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №131568
Do not drink Coca-Cola, it is harmful to the brain.
Friend : Why?
Because if you drink my cola, I will eat it for you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131567
I did not understand:

It turns out that some obvious scammers registered the Church of St. Pokémon a month ago. In the regions, other fraudsters have been appointed as archbishops, archpokemon and protopokemon.

Those who registered their church a hundred and a hundred years ago are not scammers, because it was a long time ago, isn’t it? So, a flying pasta monster can, even scientologists can, and Pokémon can not? John Oliver and the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131566
I work in a German company. A young man recently joined us as project manager. I talked like that with him and hearing my foreign accent (where without him), he asked me if I was not speaking Russian. When I find out that yes, he moves into Russian and I whisper. Very rarely you will meet a foreigner with such a literate construction of sentences and with such a good stock of words. Well, word for word, he told me that he worked for several years under a contract in Russia and Ukraine, and learned the language there. And since he managed construction objects, he mastered a magnificent and non-normative vocabulary. Since then he has only spoken to me in Russian, which clearly pleased him (it was necessary to shine and boast of his knowledge of the language).

Then I decided to take a break to buy cigarettes. I go down and see him standing, smoking. I think I am shooting at him, then I am running for cigarettes. He gives me a cigarette, and at this time I’m digging in my wallet, looking for cigarettes. When he saw this, he rounded his eyes and said:

Will you give me money for a cigarette? (I want to point out that in Germany it is normal to come and ask for a cigarette on the street and pay for it.) Don’t confuse me with these slugs. I lived in Russia.

And the pride took over us. You can teach good things in Russia.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131565
The Russians are the tallest people on earth: they are all on their heads.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №131564
Light spot

Dedicated to Peter Semenovich – a true teacher.

Not everyone in life is lucky to meet a real teacher, but those who are lucky will remember him until their last "cup of water".

My wife and I went to visit Masha. Masha is a rather successful artist, for her paintings in Europe and America are paid some undue huge money.
Thro the house on the walls hanged a whole estate - Painting Cars.
I walk, admire, look – in a beautiful frame obviously a child’s work, on it a man in a white shirt, and on his chest he has some green spot, whether it is algae, whether it is moss, or just an abstraction. In short, strange somehow.
I ask :

Did you paint too?
and yes. This is our beloved Peter Semenovich - the head of the studio in the Pioneer Palace.
What fucking green is it?
When I was eight years old, I painted this painting at the entrance exam. There the contest was like the Academy of Arts. Everyone wanted to study with Peter Semenovich.
The parents are worried behind the door, and we sit and paint. Not an apple but a living person. and joke.
The naturalist was the teacher himself, but we did not know him then and saw him for the first time in life. Four hours had already ended, I was terribly nervous, rushed, and here, somehow inaccurately pulled, stuck with a pot for molbert and op... Green spot almost half a picture.
Nothing could be corrected, I sit quietly and cry. Life is over.
After a while, Peter Semenovich noticed my tears, stood up from the chair, approached, looked at the painting, silently took a bowl of green paint and, without any emotion, poured it on his chest.
Then he sat back and said, "My friends, pay attention - now I have such a beautiful, green spot on my shirt, if time allows, you can also draw it.

Masha smiled and began to put the wind in her face with her palms so that the dust did not flow.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №131563
The son of the pathologist forever taught the classy leader to pronounce the phrase: "Did you not forget the head at home?"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131562
All my life I thought that the ankle and the cane are the same thing.

A century of learning. The ankle = the ankle. The muscle is above and behind.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131561
xx: An Australian from YouTube, who runs the channel "primitive technologies" first in a few years went the way from the extraction of fire to the construction of a video camera, and then with its help began to shoot a second passage again.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №131560
To the topic of men's spells, that is, fingers and other things in the ass.

I have no right at all, I have no right at all, I have no right at all, I have no right at all. This fact became according to the fact that I am ar-man against him: the Holy Spirit and the other men of the Holy Spirit knew him in his words about the Holy Spirit, because "he who loves so many wives, is himself a woman, and not a man."

And you say, in every time your tricks.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna