— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116153
News: The woman exploded her buttocks during class in the gym. Witnesses say that during the performance of the exercises a loud cotton sounded and the very large back of the girl simply disappeared.

The saying “pull your ass” has become more apparent.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116152
rst37_2: and NASA’s space program is filmed in Hollywood, and we all live in a matrix!
rst37_2: Stop the nonsense. U.S. launches to the moon were tracked by Soviet observation tools for two or three years. And the broadcast from the moon was received, including in Eupatoria. Do you think we would be silent if we discovered that the main opponent was giving what he wanted to be true in such a case?
Bisey: Of course I would. Otherwise, the Americans would tell the world that Gagarin did not fly anywhere: knocked and knocked on the sky, and down on a parachute.
True, if the Americans hit Gagarin, our would tell the world that the Americans live on the very edge of the earth's disk, and they regularly have a bunch of people falling to elephants and turtles.
Bisey: Well, if our mouths were opened about the disc, the Americans would instantly tell everyone that there is no USSR, and this is a mass hallucination.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116151
Today, prices are not just biting – they are crushing into pieces.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116150
I received a letter from an American friend with a joke that well reflects the moods of a certain part of the population

You’re old, you can’t take care of yourself, and the government tells you there’s no place for you in an old-age home.
What to do? You can apply for Medicare Part G.

According to Medicare Part G, anyone over the age of 75 gets a gun, one ammunition and permission to shoot one politician. After that you will be in prison for the rest of your life, where you will have three meals, a roof over your head, heating, air conditioning, a TV, a library and medical care. Do you need new teeth? Without a problem. Do you need glasses? Please please. Need a new joint, kidney, heart, change of sex? Everything is covered!

And who will pay for all this? The same government that has just told you that there is no place for you in an old-age home. In addition, you will get rid of one nonsense politician. And finally, once you’re imprisoned, you won’t have to pay taxes anymore!
Isn’t this a wonderful country?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №116149
“Doctor, I just learned: I will be operated by a practitioner Sidorov.
The operation tomorrow.
It will stop!
We will give him two.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116148
Why did you decide that you went to the United States the best? They were just not the best, but those who could not fit into the life of their country normally and naively thought that there beyond the ocean everything would go differently. Well, here is the trouble, you will not escape from yourself, the dumb man from moving to another country will neither be smarter nor more fortunate.
Well, he taught at our university a chemist, went to the United States, was nominated for a Nobel Prize, but did not get it. I am not a chemist, but chemists say he has a higher level than those who remain.
There he can normally do science, and here with this tension. Here is you and the whole story.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116147
Are you mocking?! to

How should the hands grow out of the ass so that a healthy man can’t push the blanket into the carpet?

Or is this a car worker’s forum?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116146
I sit and try for an hour to find out if there is any Ivanov’s nose. According to Stand. No, the report on speculation is no. In my opinion, there is. I caught myself in the thought that it was easier to ask Ivanov himself, looking at the phone in the physical card)
I present the dialogue:
by Ivanov?
Yes (Unconditionally)
Are there units?
Yes, and the
is super!
and goats)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116145

ooups_vl: Why is the disposal of garbage considered a male duty?
It has to be painted...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №116144
In the industrial center of our city, the marketers built a new shopping center, which consumed almost 40% of the former parking lot of the nearby enterprises. Employees of the industry, of course, were offended and began to park in the parking lot of the TC. The TC was outraged by such greed and placed a shlagbaum with cards for 3 hours of free parking. Workers dismantled 9 meters of the border that protected the factory parking from the parking lot and began to pass there. The merchants restored the border and struck the steel pipes nearby. The workers replaced the stone borders with painted moulded patterns and, having cut the pipes, made them discarded - outwardly, you will not stick. Three weeks later, the barrages cut through the chip and built a fence with a rabbit grid. Engineers from neighboring enterprises hacked the radio control of the shlagbaum from the direction of the station and trucks and went there. The captors placed a guard post at the shlagbaum... While we think...

You just need your man in the bucket and the problem is solved.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116143
Talk about subjects:
Now I understood why I was surprised in the army, say, what a fuck there are no normal carpenters, and instead of them a second blanket and blanket. This is because of the cowardly handcuffs. If this continues, then this class will be included in the special forces exams. They should not be afraid of anything, not even the worker. Then the girls will know exactly what the elite can rule. Everything, everywhere and in everything.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116142
In Omsk, the driver was deprived of his rights for 63 years after he was detained for the 16th time for driving drunk. A man will be able to get them back in 2076, when he will be 99 years old.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116141
xxx about the clusters.
xxx: Today I dreamed that at work I am all so irreplaceable, you need to urgently make a copy for reliability.
XXX: He took an employee and began to reproduce himself.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116140
to this:

They were taught to read (voiced and about themselves, not by slogans), write and count (including in a column) even before school.

In 1st grade, the entire diary was written with comments such as: “I did not follow!” because when reading about myself, he went a couple of pages ahead, while the rest read in slanges per hour on a teaspoon. And when I resolved the task through multiplication, I received a note that "This has not yet passed".

It was because of this in my life that I sat all the first class under the bar... unrecognized genius)))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116139
I help only those I like, so that natural selection takes away the rest.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №116138
by Masha:
Oh the cat! The paper package! Mish, Mish, and put his bag on the floor?
by Misha:
We have the wrong cat. He will not help there.
(I put the package)

Cat: He looks at Michael, breathes, slowly enters the bag, turns his head to the exit and sits inside with the appearance of an insulted archduke.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116137
This is:

The Savior Propaganda:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
What did the Soviet power of the USSR give people?
The right to eight-hour working day. For the first time in human history.
2nd Right to annual paid leave. For the first time in human history.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
In 1888, the owner of the "Cais" factory, Yen Érnst Kárl Ábbe established an 8-hour working day, a 12-day annual leave, retirement benefits, etc.

The rest is the same star.

— — —
I think it was about the size of the country. And so - there were probably other factories and much earlier, where people worked 8 and maybe 6 hours. And some individuals allowed themselves not to work at all at any time.
Z is. "the rest of the same shit" - this is from the series I here type "argument" cited, on one point, so the other 10 are also wrong. A very strong argument, ah.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116136
Taiwan has apologized for the inclusion of the Soviet anthem for deaf Lithuanian basketball players.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116135
New: Develop a "molecular scanner", allowing to know the chemical composition of the surface of almost any substance

Comment: Now I know what the sausage is actually made of.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116134
After 40 minutes of trying to solve the plan
Something, sorry I’ve touched.
xxx: and this is not synonymous with the expression "I am completely satisfied with the result"
I hope you your plan :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna