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[ + 38 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141133
In Mongolia are gaining popularity labels on the horse:
"1237 to 1480. We can do it again!"

[ + 36 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141132
Alternative to the gifted:

Citizens, having traveled through Europe, begin to read about how beautiful it is, not realizing that behind this beauty is a bunch of investments paid out of the pocket of the locals. That in the center everything is not loaded with cars, because parking is paid and inexpensive, that cleaning costs money, that the maintenance of all these palaces is worth money, that if you live in a historic building, you cannot sneeze there without obtaining written permission. Fuck the dog, again, you have to clean it personally, otherwise a fine, etc.
That is, the author of this is sure that the shit for dogs is better not to clean, or the scraps will bend?

No to bluff! The author says that if you want it to be beautiful as in Europe - clean up your own shit! Not about Dimon.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141131
One hour later, another accident occurred at the same intersection. Toyota and Honda went to the crossroads on the yellow light. After the collision, one of the cars flew onto the lawn through a pedestrian fence, which an hour earlier was pierced by the participants of the previous accident.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141130
On his head brought the girl to the movie for a night session. We came back at three o’clock at night and went to bed. I start to bite her – she doesn’t react. I ask: "What do you want?" Answers: "I am Grut!"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141129
Mom, as a woman more experienced in terms of the household, noticed that the main character was the first of his wishes to guess the bottle of flour and oil, not the ready-made cakes!
WOW: Your mother has problems with long-term planning.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141128
Title on "Honesty can be stimulated by a weak electric current"

XXX: I even know how...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141127
xxx: fucking, it is uncomfortable that the balance of the traveler is not checked
The traveler?
This is our transportation card so called.
yyy: what a wonderful Peter's Nyming) in the city on the swamp, where the eternal autumn reigns,
yyy: transportation card simply must be named in accordance with the word "travel"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141126
In kindergarten, a girl was running after me all the time, clinging and pushing, and I was always pushed by a guy with whom I didn’t make friends. As my mother later told me, the girl I liked and so she did so, and the guy I wasn’t friends with was in love with that girl and from jealousy he touched me, and I didn’t understand what was happening at that moment and suffered from some inadequates.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141125
As long as your parents are alive, you grow up every year.

After the death of your parents, you get older every year.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141124
The population of Kyrgyzstan is 6019500. After writing off the debt of $740 million, Russia gave each Kyrgyz to $123.
Russia is a social state for Kyrgyzstan.
And your grandmother's debt for the services of the family, no one will write, there is no money for her and there will be no one!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141123
Just seven notes – do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si – and get an infinite multitude of melodies from their combinations. Just seven standard situations – love, pregnancy, disability, betrayal, naivety, unexpected wealth, betrayal – and get an infinite number of weekend series scenarios from their combinations.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №141122
This story happened a few years ago in the Moscow State Medical School.On the machmat dean was Oleg Borisovich Lupanov. He conducted discrete mathematics and maths. But for a full understanding of the story one thing should be especially noted: he was small in height (not a dwarf, but 1 m 50 cm in it is unlikely to get). And in the corner of the elevator, closed with wide backs of students, stood the mentioned Lupanov. Elevator in battle. And here someone runs to the elevator and, pointing to the corner, says:
Now move on! There is an empty place!
Everyone is smiling. From the depths of the elevator:
I am not an empty place. I am your Dean!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141121
I visited my grandfather every summer. I took a lot of photographs and was interested in this. He had a beautiful photocopy "Zenit"- very fashionable in Soviet times. I take a picture with him and he says:
I was just taken into retirement. And I did not want. They say age. What age am I? I can still run with young people! No, I have sent it. I got a lot of gifts, including this camera. Naturally, they were taken to the chest on this occasion, so he was back home on the bus and it was too late. The camera hangs on the chest, shining novelty. I go out at my stop and here two guys somehow dug up, wanted "Zenit" to take away. This is when I realized that I was rightly paid for retirement, age is age, not health.
The grandfather silenced, then sadly added:
I could not catch the second!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141120
In Moscow, roses also grow beautifully.

The Moscow metro. I know, I have seen. There is no red in it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141119
Go away, good girl, you’re gathering me out of that fool.

Not too confident men (and not very smart) often choose the bad intentionally to look smart, at least against the backdrop of their women. As a rule, the side effects associated with such a choice, they do not realize because of their own poor mind.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141118
Those who do not want to give up their seat in the transport because... Do not give up. No one is obliged, there is no law. But don’t forget that society is shaped by each of us, and somewhere it will also not give way to your elderly mother, your pregnant wife, and ultimately to you, on the day it becomes necessary for you. And it is not a matter of karma, it is simply a culture of society that consists of the personal social responsibility of each of its members, what we invest, then we receive.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141117
But I am silent. And I don’t believe that when I wash in winter every three or four days, I produce more smells.

And in vain.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141116
Give up your seat, get up.
If I get up, you will lie down with me.
- citizen, these places specifically for children and disabled persons
Are they children or disabled?
She is preparing to become a mother.
I am preparing to be a father.

Half a Century Film

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141115
I teach in school. I had a student, say, Jennie. Evgeny was recorded in the journal, in the diary, the corresponding signatures... But all the students called her Lisa. It is strange. I decided to ask. It turns out, dad and mom could not agree how to name the daughter, before the divorce the case came. As a result, the father decided, without asking the mother, to go and write the child Eugenia. Mother did not have such a turn of events and she just started to call her daughter Lisa. Thus, the conflict of parents has become a part of the child's life, she still has to red for him.

[ + 28 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141114
Very often complaints are written for the purpose of reporting personal accounts with other people or simply for the purpose of printing money.
To me several times citizens addressed directly with the request to press out the administrative resource of the person they complained about (unreasonably by the way), on the subject of printing money, I was offered 50%, in full seriousness.
I was embarrassed and threatened with penalties for corruption. They were upset and complained about me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna