— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140993
When I was a child, my dad once joked to me that astronauts only eat chocolate and honey so that there is no waste. Before I had the internet.

YYY: Eat a jelly marmelade and on day three you can forget about a white friend. Comrade of the SPN GRU told

zzz: This is how the secret development of the Russian military leaks into the network :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140992
Do you have cookies here?
and AGA.
Can I take one?
and UGU.
You are just feeding me.
“But then I’ll listen to how you don’t get in your swimsuit and rub.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140991
>>> What are you talking about? More than half of the population does not know Russian.

And of course, you think that all Englishmen and Americans in everyday speech build sentences in English exactly in accordance with textbooks, ah. Especially with Russian English textbooks.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140990
XXX: We have some shit at work. Hell and treasure.
Yyy: And the four horsemen of the apocalypse: Lenny, Procrastination, Incompetence and Phuism.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140989
The Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton, the inventor of Coca-Cola, named it in honor of the coca plant. Pemberton himself was addicted to cocaine. With his help, he got rid of morphine addiction. I’m even afraid to guess what he got rid of with morphine.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140988
I could not remember my phone number for almost two years until I realized that there was an Euler number in the middle. I immediately remembered my number.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140987
Q: Have you heard the note?
Burn it already.
If you attach an empty wallet to your ear, you can hear the government whisper in it.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140986
here here :

I went to the theatre with a friend.
So tell me, please, why does none of the builders-designers (and all the other involved) theaters, cinemas come to the mind to put the seats not dumb one after the other, when people all the session / spectacle glimps in the back of the head in front of the sitting, and shift the rows in half-seats to the side in relation to each other? Like bricks in a brick, each layer of bricks is moved by half the brick. Then the scene will be remarkably visible from anywhere, the back of the head sitting across a row from you - it doesn't bother, you won't have to slide around the place, bending to the sides, looking like what's happening there on the stage. It will be comfortable!

Why no one? There are such theatres. But the width of the passages in the hall according to the requirements of fire safety may not be less than the minimum allowed. For example, in a small hall with three passes towards the stage, the number of seats is reduced by 2 in each second row. Not every theater can afford such a luxury.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140985
I moved to Cyprus 10 years ago. None of the locals lost their happiness, but also did not encounter hostility in their address. On the other day, families with colleagues went for a picnic (equipped platform: tables, barracks, urns). One Bulgarian woman complained that she was tired of racism, that she was being humiliated at every step and "must be cast into civilized Scotland." I picked up the bag that she threw out of the car, picked up the bowl of coke that her son threw, and gathered a pack of garbage at the end of the picnic. Scotland hold on!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140984
In the smoking room, the phone of a respected lady from the accounting office ringed. On the screen appeared a picture of a guy in a carpet, looking out of a lookout. After the conversation, it was clear that my husband was calling. She said, “Nothing can be done without me. I asked, did he not serve in the Northern Fleet? And the submarine, too. No, I once wanted, but I didn’t get. Of course, I did not say that this luck and this perspective I have known for many years. My older brother served in the fleet building, and the whole part was photographed in a carpenter, sitting in the cooking boiler of the dining room, and sending photos to the girls.

PS Father told that they in the c/h 49392 in P-Kamchatsky such fishing was done all AHCH

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №140983
When the government cannot raise pensions, it raises the retirement age.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140982
Probably many people were stuck at the time when political information was held in schools.
And I wasn’t just stuck, but I was a political informant, though not very long.

This burden was borne on me by a good manager. So she said:
The kids! This year you will be accepted as pioneers, and you should be aware
what is happening in the world. Once a week, every Wednesday, we
to conduct political information, and as a political informant I propose to choose Maxim.

I prepared for my first political information very responsibly.
In particular, he decided to ask his father about what is happening in the world.
My father was very pleased with my curiosity and decided to introduce me in detail.
in the course of the matter. He was a member of the party, but listened to the BBC, like many people then.
He revealed all the world events to me very carefully.

Long talked about Afghanistan, and about the boycott of the Olympics (was the 80th year)
and even expressed in that spirit that if once again to make such an introduction
A limited contingent everywhere, as if there was no nuclear war.
At the same time, he was not a dissident, on the contrary, he sincerely believed in the ideals of socialism.

Here is my first information. It coincided with the fact that it was done before
An open lesson attended by the director of the school and members of GORONO.

And then I went out to the board, turned my face to the classroom, and began to broadcast with inspiration.
He felt himself an oracle that shines the light of truth and breaks the cover:
I believe that the rise of imperialist aggression in the Middle East can
leading to nuclear war!

So I reasoned, and then I began to tell the story of the elimination of Taraki and Amin,
introduction of a limited contingent on the territory of the DR.
Then he went on to subsequent attempts to disrupt the Moscow Olympics.
My classmates listened to me in absolute silence.
The faces of the members of the GORONO commission gradually stoned, the director sat with his eyes,
They seemed to be coming out of orbit.

When the open lesson ended, the guys demanded a change from me.
Continuation of fascinating story.
The next day, before the class began, the classmate said that Maxim,
(i.e. to me) in her opinion is more suitable to be a physorge and suggested
to elect someone else for the position of political informant.

But for my classmates in politics I have since become an authority.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140981
It is said that if you show a person a picture of a boy running, stumbling on a chair, to the question "Who is to blame for what happened?" Children up to 5 years of age respond to the question: "Chair!"Children from five to 12 years of age answer "boy" and only when they become adults begin to answer: "The cattle that put the chair here!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №140980
I open the door without looking. I kept it for myself, I passed, now you get off the phone and keep it for yourself. I am not paid for keeping the door. And no, I will never hit the door in my forehead because I have hands.

There are no brains. Hands can be busy with a lot of things, except for the smartphone. But you don’t carry your own bags, you have a service for that. The most offensive thing is that such spiders “feed” what normal people do for each other.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140979
The Defender:

In short, there are people who think I have to keep the door in the supermarket, in the subway, for them. Here’s the shit, the puddle. I held for myself, I passed, and you cut off your fuck from the phone, fool. Hold your own fucking door. I always open the door when such an unhealthy mess begins. Maybe these fools will move the door to fucking, so they will start to think a little and stop living like hate. I am the sanitary of society, I save the world from the fools. It is pleasant to feel a holy defender of justice."

You are not a sanitary, but a product of the digestion of the megacity. There is absolutely nothing to be proud of.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140978
<Natalia>It’s bad when you’re tired of yourself. You cannot take a break in relationships, live separately.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140977
It is very difficult to be in the same apartment with a little nephew: there is always so much delicious around, and all this is NOT YOU!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140976
xxx (placed in the hospital): I see a button, above it a black silhouette along the belt with a square head and a red cross on the forehead. The nurse’s challenge?
YYY: Approximately so they look.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140975
Melt, it's some kind of gay parade today on the road
xh: the first day after the holidays, usually free - no, from the morning they are already gathering each other in the ass, taking two stripes. The Peders!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140974
Don’t you think you’re not about it?

I am registered with a psychiatrist for 2.5 years (bipolar). A month was in psychiatry due to suicide attempt (forbidden in this country). I had three psychiatrists and one psychologist. Psychiatrists prescribed pills that helped me. Psychology carried some wild from VK publications, such as "think passive))))0" and a similar heresy that did not help. I despise psychologists. These are useless humanities. And I respect psychiatrists, they deserve to be called doctors.

I think my 90-year-old grandmother with paranoid madness, too, a psychologist will not help. I may be here.
It is like seeing: the blind does not need glasses, but a guide dog.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna