— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №115613
We are four in the family: I, my wife and two daughters. I couldn’t decide who would walk the dog.
The game is: whoever says the first word, goes.
As soon as the dispute came into effect, the daughter with a stone face went to dress up, gathered everything needed for the dog to walk, and fell down. And here she is already opening the entrance door, a dog on a leash, the whole family has built up in the hallway, and we are practically a choir of "Molodec, Pola".
And Polya pleased begins to take off her jacket and says, “Here you got.”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №115612
Greece has demanded from the whole world a fee for 2.5 thousand years of using democracy. “Russia owes us nothing,” Tsipras said.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115611
At work heated lunch - chicken with a garner in a lava - is sold in the neighboring dining room. We have a foolish SPF oven - with three buttons for different pre-set periods of time - a cup of coffee, a sandwich and something unclear (equal to 3 minutes). I put the longest, and then intuitively turn off when it seems too hot. An employee, also a programmer, asks:
How do you do it? How do you know when to turn off?
I pull with a smile. It is necessary to feel the weight of food, where it has soft, easily heated parts. I need to know the oven. Then, when you hear that it’s too hot for your tongue, you get it.
Do you tell me the way of the Jedi? I thought there was a criterion. The algorithm.
There is an algorithm: Use the Force, Luke!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115610
And for asexuals, religious people, people raised in the USSR, and for some population groups, the species of publicly exchanged saliva of heterosexual couples is wildly detestable. Should we ban kissing and hugging on the streets?
And let us.
In general, kissing on the street or in a public place is equally inappropriate for any couple.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115609
Imagine you are drinking with a friend. As usual, respect each other spiritually, swear in friendship to the grave. And on the wave of enthusiasm, the friend says, "Bla, lecha, I will do everything for you, do you believe? Here are those thousands of bucks as a gift, so you are my great friend"
Take it? Do you go back to sleep in the morning?
This is a question to the gentlemen without moral principles from the violence of shame.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115608
I understood! I understood why the archery is such a harsh people.
We take an onion weighing 15 kg (as I was explained, it is still quite weak)
We go to training and do 100 shots (also quite an ordinary training)
As a result, a load of one and a half tons is moved for training :) Without stressing!
At the same time, training in 150-200 shots from 20 kg of bow is not uncommon, easy and unforced, smooth... otherwise accuracy crumbles.
The fucking hobby!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115607
He is able to please a colleague. The salary was delayed for a few days. The people went on foot food. When even the hope was over, the phones were ringing - it came!
- All, now you can live in your pleasure... - something counts in the mind - a week.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115606
The Russians and Americans are brotherly peoples, they are the hollow ones who struggle us.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115605
The case on the separation of the Baltic States from the USSR in judicial proceedings
What is? In the "Court"
There was a battle recently about ships, ships and other ducks. You are there, probably.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115604
Commentary on YouTube.
It is a sensation!!Photographs from the Russian navigator and without a mat!!! What a tiger meloman, here is the invisible!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115603
... in the evening I got the same portion with me for dinner - a little rice and vegetables (I am quite enough, the man is obviously not) I did not want to be more equal.
*** by
Equality is when both of you can eat as much as you need, not the same (you didn’t get pressed by a male portion)
*** by
Justice is when 100 people have 100 eggs, and equality is when everyone has one.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115602
And here crawling among the ruins like thunderstorms in the clear sky - ah poor gay men, can not marry officially, the problem! Oh, it is simple!

I don’t understand why they all run? Is there little problem in the country? Yes, no, in the U.S., you see, gay marriages were allowed, a-a-a, a horror nightmare, they will infect us with gayism and we will all die out! Fight the gays until they push us all out! In addition to same-sex couples in Russia, probably, there were no problems, that everyone so fiercely struggled with them. Not with the robbery of resources, not with the cutting down of pensions and benefits, not with corruption and robberies – with homosexuals! You see, from them all the trouble in Russia-mother goes. The 14th century chapel was also destroyed.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115601
It is obvious to me that having sex with a drunk, unfamiliar girl is somewhat stupid. To later complain that you are accused of rape? Or find an unpleasant pain? Keep your head cold, guys.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115600
I’m often met, I usually smile and in a guilty tone say, “No, sorry, I’m married.”

Thus e. all the unmarried you offer to lie,and also apologize for the fact that you dared not want to meet a particular guy? With what to be? Why has the word “no” suddenly turned from a usual rejection into a monstrous insult?

Here are two typical dating dialogues:

Girl, can I meet you?
and no.
Go to #ha! (Any other offensive comment intended to humiliate the girl for rejection.)

Girl, can I meet you?
and no.(Here may be a detailed explanation of having a boyfriend, a husband, three children, an unmarital vow, any other option.)
-The guy is not a wall-moving, and I better, you specifically tell me, I do not see the rings on the finger...bla-bla-bla (until the girl goes on to frank roughness, because he was told somewhere that these girls are so cuddly and you need to "press". Periodically this dialogue ends as well as the first).

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №115599
Looking at how some with open eyes and mouth foam justify the rapists, you want to join the neighboring geeshrach and support same-sex marriages with both hands. That such as you legitimize relationships and do not approach the faces of the female sex for a mile.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №115598
Paint your hair in purple, I said, and go to a rock concert. And the ears of the coastline for diamonds, I said, diamonds are a retreat, my child said then and broke the tunnels by one and a half centimeters. Now, two years later, we have a little black dress and a matte red dress. The hair has long been cut and repainted back to its natural color. Also bought a fake Dior in the shape of a bag. And somehow ask for this image modest nails. And diamonds, if you think, are not so backward.You have to sew tunnels. The child swallowed a plastic bag. 10,000 for one ear. To break through these tunnels cost 400 rubles. But I said.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115597
And in all of America’s favourites, by the way, it is. There, in the legislation of some (if not all) states, a paragraph on "postcoital disagreement" is prescribed. This is the case you are writing about. That is, in the United States, if you’re a guy and you want sex, sit and shake.
P.S However, the Russian guys in the United States are not threatened - the Russian will not give any American. Except for an unwashed street prostitute.
Ask those who live in the states, and don’t think about how it is there. In Russia, the number of experts on the United States is more than the number of passports in the population.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115596
Oh, reject them clearly and categorically, but gently and with a guilty smile. I would give you all, but unfortunately, I have a boxer husband.
And they will think that any manifestation of "attention" from them, including sluggish compliments and grabbing the ass - is to hide what happiness, otherwise "no" and went on the fool is terrible, you do not appreciate your happiness, 40 cats, cowards.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115595
C JavaTalks:

XXX I have a girlfriend. But none of my colleagues, even our timid in 30 years has never been there.
You don’t have a girlfriend and you don’t have a colleague. Your brain has invented all this so that you don’t go mad under the burden of feelings of hatred and loneliness.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115594
I am in Aachen. You bark yourself, behave like prostitutes, consciously go wherever you go, buy alcohol... And then blatantly realize – that when I myself bark, my legs expanded, I didn’t want to mean. and ah. You can’t see anything but alcohol. "You drank vodka - now take care of your pellet" (c). and pissing.

You guys are late. Flashmob "how to distinguish a fool" has long since ended. Thank you, this is a great example. It is classic :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna