— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129839
<komar> > Having seen the fly moving through the window with discreet cracks, I realized that reality is lying.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129838
A small store in a residential house. The cash from the morning is zero, but there are 2-3 thousand small notes, carefully left from the evening for delivery. What sanctions? How should the inspectors know when the screenshot was taken? And in the middle of the day, the owner came, took half of the box and wholesale for a little?

Accounting of received and issued funds.
Do you want to tell me about your work?
Understand, finally, that for any action with money there must be a paper.
Then the owner will tell you that he did not take anything and you will have to.

Federal Law of 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ of 08.03.2015) "About application of check-cash equipment in the implementation of cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129837
I live with a girl. If I don’t do something (I don’t fix the same socket) she is constantly threatening to call a specialist to do everything. It scares me, and I fix everything right away. Probably once looked at a German porn-type - the sanitary will come. :)
And a joke for breakfast. Wife-husband: the rosette is sparkling, fix it. Am I an electrician? The door corrected. Am I a carpenter? And one night my husband comes and everything is fixed. He asks his wife – she says she invited the neighbor, he did everything. How was calculated? And he said, either sing, or let’s fuck. And you? Am I a singer?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129836
Lubelia: It is a strange feeling.
When the dates of hot water shutdown coincide perfectly with the dates of departure / arrival :))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129835
In the topic about the dual meanings of words and their perception by other people:'s like in the bus, lady I say, cautiously, you have the swens (the castle on the eyelid) broken up, it's red, let's let the coward, the cowards check...)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129834
The lady returned from a trip to Dhaka.
<D>: People, what a beautiful Moscow we have! How clean and beautiful she is! How few people we have! How good and not stinking!! What a wonderful electric!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129833
Case of life. I bought a car by general authority, but life is unpredictable.

After a while I got into an accident and an interesting incident happened to me.

After the disclosure of the accident, we (both victims) are announced that this accident is undermined and we will not be paid for it! Since we were both not guilty in the accusation we were very upset, how, why?

The first argument is that you have the same names. Since the fellow man and I unfortunately do not come to each other, we began to prove that this is a simple coincidence.

The second argument was: but if you are someone else, why do you own both cars by the same person? We were both in a stall now. As it turned out, the owner of both cars was the same person, he was a merchant and we were both riding a general.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129832
The Russians are even ready to master teleportation, only so that the roads do not repair.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129831
In general, the cartoon "How the Cossacks played football" wasn't about the national team and the European championship, but about Kiev's "Dynamo", which won the Cup of Cupowners twice in the 1970s (at that time, 3 cups were played among European clubs). Naturally, everything is defeated fairy-tales-humorously, in the traditions of the genre, but basically pure truth.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129830
xxx: Where is the thin line between "throw out" and "may be useful"?

Throw it out, or it will be useful.

Zzzz: So it happens, you just need to throw it out...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129829
>> I have had a lot of trouble in my life lately.

Let me guess, are you from the swamp?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129828

X: I don’t have a printer!

y: The PC printer does not see. Check the cable going from the printer to the PC or switch it to another USB port.

X: Well, you should at least warn. I gave the cable to a colleague...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129827
According to the investigation, Dodd accrued to himself a special premium on the results of work for 2013 in the amount of 353.21 million rubles, exceeding its size by more than 70 million rubles.
> said that it is not necessary to make out and take 280 million

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129826
What else can I tell you. Life flies very fast. You come home and no one is waiting for you from the doorstep, no crying, no screaming, no asking to lie down together before going to bed. And then you are already 30, 40, 50 and you are definitely not needed by anyone, it remains only to scream on everyone that was said in my time of the day.)

It feels like you don’t need anyone in your 20s. Figo, very figo indicator. Consumer is like that. “I need a child to wait for me, to scream... Yes, if you are giving birth now, then in your 40-50s your child will be 20-30 years old. Do you seriously believe that at this age he will wait for you from the threshold, scream, scream, ask to lie down together before going to bed? Are you 146% sure you will need him at this age?

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129825
- The wife complained, can not collect the urine analysis of the child, sits and sits with the pot for half an hour, then goes away for a minute - and it's done. I solved the problem! Bringed the baby to the bathroom, put on the washing machine, the wife holds the bowl, I took a shower, turned on full power and let water in the bath and on the tiles. The sound is dull, water runs everywhere. The child was inspired in a minute.
Well guys! Wife is grateful?
The fact is that five seconds before the child inspired, the wife dropped the bowl and ran to the toilet.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129824
Note: If you do not hear the whisper of the blind, it means that he is already sitting on you.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129823
and blues!!! to

Yes, with some FIFs it is just like that. I’ve been with you for 3 months now, so change your habits!" 20 to 40 years of habits. I have a question – who do you think of yourself? Where is this fucking desire to change for you? People don't change, you don't have enough strength to change a person, and even more so with one request. No one should change for you. Find out whether you accept a person or not. There are naive idealists who all owe.

Well, I had time to get married, or else I would have to ask every new one: do you wash the cup after coffee? Do you throw your shoes out in the hallway? Do you throw? Then the next! We’ve been married for 2 years, we’ve lived together for 4 years, we’re both constantly changing. This is called respect for each other. They usually come together because of common life goals and principles and sexual desire, but this whole household is either resolved by adjusting to each other, or you live with pimples, and I will live with hair in the slime, but we will live separately.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129822

There, on the text, the man himself is cooking pellet and does not make any claims - where did you get the housewife again?? to

He cooked, but did not clean up: the remaining pellets were not cleaned in the refrigerator, the pot was not washed. Who will clean? Of course, you can wait until life begins in the pellets. By the way, to repair the rosettes: there is not written that he has to repair them himself. Electricity may call. And the matter is not who owes to whom, but that if they agree with your request, but in the end do not fulfill it causes a repeat request. Listened many times and not performed many times, it causes irritation. And here she sounds already with irritation and comes up genius:"You’re drunk me". I can’t chew, I can do everything myself, but then we go to the harams and just fuck. Good and quality. We can talk more.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №129821
Q: For whom are you sick?

For the Croatia.

Oh yeah, now I am for Croatia. And before that?

Wow: Yes, I didn’t get sick for Russia, get away.

HH: And I was sick. Sometimes it is even interesting to hurt for the weak. It is like charity.

For the weak, yes. For the poor - no :) Not that team we called Paralympic.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129820
He walked in the yard of his house, along the entrances. and. And here I see the girl starting to call the home phone to her home. The following dialogue follows:

Is it 5x6?

My daughter: 30

M is 7x3.

D is 21.

M: 9x6

D is. and. and. and. I do not know

M: You will call when you know * throws the phone*

These are the tips for summer :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna