— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139473
Mom went to the store "Fresh Meat" and went out impressed. The seller on the main counter laid out "From March 8!" meat. The women who enter this quiet basement store on Rjabinova street are really impressed, no indifferent.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139472
When our Hindus call the Indian tech support, they insult it: “Damn Indian tech support!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139471
On the subject of names...

In 94 we moved from a military town in the depths to Minsk. Since the house was still rented, and we were already expelled from the office housing, we lived with my aunt in the village. The times were hungry and poor, but I was given a cup of sweets. The choice in the store was modest, but it is wrong to complain. My attention was attracted by a mushroom of baked beets with a glaze on the hat. Cheap and angry. Hopping through the price card, I gave the seller a coin with the words:"Give me candlestick mushrooms". The saleswoman surprisingly raised her eyebrows, but knowing that I was a tribe of the director of the school, I did not dare to argue. As a result, after a month, everyone bought the mysterious fungus candritis and did not freeze.

The fact that everything is not so, I understood already seven years later, finding the same delight in Minsk with the price "Gribb condit.". I was very surprised that the mushroom turned out to be confectionery. It quickly fell out of his head.

And after a fifth year, I went to my aunt and when I went to the store, I saw a price note with the inscription "Candrit Mushroom". With a laugh asked the seller (already a commercial store) what "candrit" is. And she showed me a box with the label, where it was written: "Candrit Mushroom". To say that my eyes came out on my forehead - nothing to say. I called the manufacturer and asked. As I explained - since the name was invented by the consumers themselves, the manufacturer has adapted...

And you say the names are incomprehensible :) Those who are interested - look in the surroundings of Rudenska :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139470
Outsider: In the community of one game about pirates there is a discussion of the problem. In English. Chuvak (in the course of development) says that the game should first buy, and not go to the official forum with problems in piracy. The other does not understand why? How to take and buy?
The first does not stand and writes genius literally:

"At least my help for you will be legit, understand?"

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139469
100 years ago, in the villages, women had a choice: to work hard in the field, or to raise children. They chose the second one. It is easier and more interesting. And now a lot of interesting activities, substances of all kinds, and who can explain to a woman why she needs five children?
Women had no choice at the time. And hard work, and pregnancy, and raising children - all at the same time.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139468
Time heals, but the price is deadly.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139467
Old officers know that only salaks and fools are justified. The real military responds to any, even the most unfair reproach of the chief, “yes”, “so sure”, “blame”.
During the Crimean War, the old Field Marshal Paskevich (a war hero from 1812; Nicholas I, who served under his leadership in his youth, called him his "father-commandor" all his life) came somehow to observe the crossing of Russian troops across the Danube. According to the law of wickedness, in front of the eye of the Field Marshal sank one of the pontons of the bridge led across the river. Well, when will the iron be drowned, if not when the boss appears! The old man’s mood did not improve.
And here turned under his hand captain of the fleet Greve, commandered to the Danube army. The man was smart and calm, he had nothing to do with the crossing, but in the head of the field marshal, naturally, the bridge, the water and the naval officer merged together. Paskevitch began to speak to Greve for a bad transit. The captain coldly agreed with all of the commander-in-chief's remarks, repeating after him, "Really bad, your light. Absolutely rightly, your light is disregard, inexcusable omission, and so on.” From each such response, the Field Marshal became more and more angry, and finally, finally falling into anger, shouted:
Who are you!
- The passers, your light, - calmly replied Greve.
The reassured Field Marshal returned on his own, taking with him the "passenger", whom he invited to lunch.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139466
Flowers are not the most practical gift on March 8. A few days and then into the garbage. Another thing is the pig head. This is a soup, and cold, and just beautiful.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139465
xxx: you are bad you don't understand in computers))) websites on Ubuntu write a linux shit))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139464
The Diet

> At home, I have two dishes to choose from: vegetables from the steamer or ham without salt.
In the morning there is no choice: cheese or ham without salt.
In the evening, again, the choice is small: kefir or "no fig for the night to eat, brush your teeth and go to bed!"
Therefore, I cannot be invited to visit: I eat a lot.

And I have a hobby: to seduce such a sufferer to temptation, and then watch, will be able to find the strength to stop itself or sadly explode :-D
Because, as it was well said here, "mimimi, the touching helplessness of the girl before her own appetite..."

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №139463
It is no secret that friends do not grow in the garden, even if they are buried there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139462
In 1974, he was on a two-month business trip to Belarus. There were often rabbits on the road at night. He was chasing, but never caught. :unknw: And then, many years later, I’m walking around the city at night and... I see "that’s jumping " by the side. White is like that. The rabbit? Drive to the right and.... to the left :shok: :shok:. Athlete in white shoes. :crazy: Since then I have not reacted to "country".

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №139461
Classes in the mine-explosive case were conducted by the “invited star” – Colonel Vinodov, whom we called the “Bond” for his manner of appearing: Vinodov. Colonel Vino of... du".

The first lesson took place in the classroom. Bond, presenting himself in his corporate style, put a diplomat on the table and, rubbing his hands, began:

In Japanese folklore there are very interesting and unique monsters. For example, Sagari is a horse head hanging from a branch of a tree in the forest.
Sirime is a ghost with an eye in his ass.
Hitosume-Kozzo looks like a bald and one-eyed boy, and Hoonade is a ghostly arm flying apart from the owner.
I will not say exactly, but there is a suspicion that the reason for the appearance of such strange creatures was that the Japanese early enough to take the powder from the Chinese.
So, the theme of our first lesson: "Security techniques in the handling of explosive substances."
Sgtmadcat ©

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139460
<yum> Have you ever watched the show?
<plumbus> is that which every day rotates on the first channel, with Malakhov?
<yum> ah... no. There, in short, about crazy monsters who prove to be much more ugly morally than outwardly.
<plumbus> yes it is.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139459
To this...

Buddhism is to enjoy what you have.
I have osteochondrosis... I am happy!! to

So is yes! Rejoice that you have ALL "osteochondrosis".
Not the cancer of the rectum.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139458
Dog:...For example, there was such an interesting custom – to grab a jacket. A pair of needles of sewing and blades (not English) solves the problem. And the cylinder from the motorcycle in the bag with the second shoe solved the problem of waiting after school. Security and detectors? Chinese foods are not used.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139457
I love holidays, but there is also a place to hate. Early in the morning, congratulations begin. No, thank you, of course, and you too, but let’s sleep first, fucking!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139456
Wife: Imagine, Tanka, a goat like that, she posted photos of the Maldives on Instagram, sunrise there on the beach, and we are frozen here with you! I am so jealous of chewing, I also want to go to the sea <3.
I: Well suffer, suffer
J: And what will happen?
I : Nothing. Just endure it.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139455
From geektime'a:

In the 1990s, BMW customers (naturally, men) opposed that the built-in GPS-navigator spoke with a female voice. They admitted that listening to the women’s team’s driving was unbearable for them.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139454
And not to sue us for three hundred years of occupation and the yoke of Mongolia and demand from it... And what can Mongolia demand? At least a trillion horses.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna