— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128999
In the mid-century I worked as an ambulance sanitary in the outbound brigade. Winter and the epidemic. All brigades: linear, BITAM and obstetric – were given pediatric calls. Delays up to 4 hours. The cries and screams of parents. Not the essence.
The challenge is: a child. The temperature. It does not fail.
In fact: a very serious five-year-old girl with a temperature of 39, excited parents.
The doctor writes a map. I picked the “Troika.” Injection of the patient. I feel sorry for the children first. But what to do? The girl quietly (the jaw is compressed) lies with her face in the pillow, drops her socks. Pope with fist. My mom quipped. I give an injection. The child didn’t even bite. The girl pulls her socks, and her face is still in the pillow. Sitting for 15 minutes. The doctors will understand what. A girl in her pillow.
We give recommendations. We are going to leave. Mother says, “Daughter, what do doctors need to say? They are leaving.” The silence of 5 seconds. A loud voice from the pillow said, “Daddy!“!”
We continue to treat the children.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128998
Request in Google:
"Where in Mordovia can you normally sit with friends?"
by 0.33 sec. 15 colonies and 10 settlements were found.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №128997
Why go to the distance for a half-stage?Did I get up earlier and work more than I did when I was in the office? What understatement at all?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128996
>>>If you don’t want to start first, then why are you so worried that someone is trying to put a defense?

Read Hitler’s statement on the attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941 and count how many times the word “defense” and its derivatives appear in the text.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128995
Psychiatric Bays

I met here yesterday with my friend and colleague, Vladislav Yuryevich, and talked. The case was near one of the city's clinics, and we watched a security guard chase the men from the backdoors to smoke somewhere away. Vladislav Yuryevich nodded his head and thoughtfully said:

Peter the First taught us to smoke tobacco in order to be like Europe. The current government is trying to teach us to smoke to make us look like Europe again. We are not similar to Europe. Maybe it’s not about tobacco?

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №128994
Oh! and may be a firefighter rescue masha (feminists passionately fight for the abolition of the law prohibiting women to be rescuers / firefighters). The burning house will wait, the victims in the accident too - Masha chooses children's food.

If a firefighter (and not a firefighter, read and feel the difference), then there will be someone to replace at the beginning of the shift, and not when a roasted cock clings in the ass.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №128993
xxx: this song "flesh" and not to understand, you just did not grow up before it, that you would understand it and realize it, is like solving the Poincaré theorem, and it is not given to everyone, so that you brand and swing and not your business at all.

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Vince, are you here?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128992
Before the departure of one employee in a decree, each employee performed for the working day, conditionally, 100% of the work. And after care - 100 + 100 / n%. And an extra hour in the day did not appear, and the working day remained the same.

Why can’t the boss accept another employee?
Temporary free interest?

It seems that the boss is pushing you, and the arrows are translated to the deck.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №128991
AAA: A little restyling of the Hunter’t hurt – at least remove the doors.
BBB: "Hunter"’t hinder removing the gaps in the doors that see the street.
CCC: it is drainage :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128990
There was a black cat at home. Once, leaving the apartment, I knocked on the door. Just about to close the door, I look, and my black face is sitting in the entrance, looking so seriously. Shortly wiped out, grabbed the cat, threw it into the apartment, closed the door and went to work. Late in the evening I come back, I open the door, a black shadow flows out and falls down the stairs. I go home, and another black shadow in the refrigerator looks at me with shaken eyes. The cat was thrown home.)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №128989
Fabula: Train Moscow - Ljov (Kursk region), a coupe car, one conductor and only a few passengers. Among them is a stereotypical hysterical woman, of the same sub-species of primates, which blows in a route at +40 ° C.

Naturally, the conductor is under constant shelling by claims from this passenger. The underwear was handed out raw, and the curve was sealed (yes, the passenger has the right to ask for the shelf) - call the train boss! The tea demanded - long carried, again to the boss of the train. In the toilet splashes on the mirror and dishwasher - urgently clean, not the call on the hot line of the railway.

As a result, the conductor, frankly borrowed, takes a spoonful, a bowl of cabbage cabbage and goes to the toilet. Having scattered a few clots on the walls, he goes out and goes in his rest.

Naturally, it doesn’t take minutes to hear the whisper from the toilet: “conductive-and-ick, is it something-o-o?“”

The conductor quietly goes back to the toilet.

What is that, I ask you! The passenger with outgoing eyes ticks her fingers into brown pieces.

- I don't know, it looks like shit, - the conductor answers melancholy. While the passenger absorbs air into her lungs for a new portion of the scream, the conductor touches the caviar with her finger, then lickes.

Yes, to be sure. It fucking.

The passenger did not bother her until the end of the flight.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №128988
Couldn’t it be on the subject? Not for pregnant women, right?
For the diversity, some of the history:

The plate armor of the Mongols, inherited after them by many peoples, was called "huяг", in Russian pronunciation "huyak".
The word entered the Russian language, so there were often reports of Siberian Cossacks about the tribes going out to battle, horseback, armed and hooked. Or reports of a meeting with the "Ohuyachan Kalmyk" unit.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №128987
They have made the adjustment, but the facade has not yet been done. It suddenly became tense with finances and workers were dismissed for a while.
They called the specialists who woke up the network and set up Wi-Fi. And then the director was drawn and asked these guys to sing the seams so that the!"waffle"'t run out on the street!
Attempting is not torture, but I think it’s brilliant, though it didn’t fail.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №128986
About the localizers. I have a fresh example - a Chinese phone with original Russification. I love receiving calls from "unknown performers")))

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №128985
The taxi driver, whom I stopped on June 3 at the crossroads of New Arbat and Arbat Street and left at Lotte Plaza, asked me to wait, if you read this - forgive me, I have never done so. I forgot where you were, and I didn’t have your phone, and by 9 o’clock I had to go to work.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128984
Recruited in Yandex "Where to go with a girl in the evening in Vorkuta"
At the first reference offered air tickets. Could this really be the way out?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128983
Talk about life extension:
XXX: No need to die.
YYY: It depends on the development of technology.
XXX: Ultimately, the extension of life is quite successful with the help of virgin blood
YYY: Here’s you, and you’ll have the blood of virgins, and I’ll buy a couple of cyber implants.
ZZZ: Challenging life is powerful

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №128982
For example, in the surgical department, where the masha nurse decided to go for a walk (for a very respectable reason, of course).
or a client manager in the bank (I don't know how this position is called), and as a result, a two-hour turn (hello collectors, RochtPassions, and other terrible places)
and may be an engineer masha, but masha can not be sent on a business trip, with a kid, let them wait for a week. Or two.
Oh! and may be a firefighter rescue masha (feminists passionately fight for the abolition of the law prohibiting women to be rescuers / firefighters). The burning house will wait, the victims in the accident too - Masha chooses children's food.

What is?
Have you been to the surgical department? The interchangeability of nurses is amazing.
"Customer Manager" I will not even answer. A stupid example
Yes, Masha-engineer is not sent on a business trip and believe me, everyone treats this normally, this greatly affects career growth and salary.
He killed the last one. You will decide with whom you are struggling, with ovulations or females, then these are different layers of female society, never even intersecting.
You are like the same feminists who write all the men into goats.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128981
My friend once caught a radio sign from a neighbor’s radio. A friend is fighting in the kitchen, cooking food, a radio employee sends a signal that the child is awake, the snack wants. She cried, and there was silence. And so several times...
Yyy: There is a horror movie about it)))
...where the radiant catches the voices of the demons of hell
The Hungry Demons of Hell)
YYY:...and described
XXX If you are lucky.
XX: We feel the experience, yes.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №128980
by aluv:
We get out of the subway today, and a man nearby on the phone says:
Take my account on the iPhone.
Nda... Here I think another "Bear" and here is my wife, not holding on:
“Call me on Lenovo, Yow!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna