— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138231
You’re young until your child gave you his old phone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138230
The Golden Unity

The year 2037.
The unit is protected by Microsoft patents, copyright law and the U.S. 6th Space Fleet.
You can buy a toilet for $ 10k, but you can only suck in it. The toilet, in which you can spoil, is sold for $20k and is no different than the unlocked fecal washing function. However, for the convenience of the user, the wash has a pulse of 1.5 seconds. In order for the stool to be guaranteed to be washed, you need to buy the Ultimate version of the toilet for $ 40k, or activate the "Turbo-slive" option for $ 30k.
The toilet must be activated for a single user. There are also public toilets, but they can only be created for educational purposes.
For backward areas of Africa, there is a discount of 50%, but the toilet supports only African asses and cannot be sucked in standing.

The year 2067.
The toilet can no longer be purchased. Instead, a toilet-on-demand service is available, where consumers can get a toilet for just $ 10k a year. You are guaranteed a thoroughly washed toilet not later than 2037 year of release, the fecal washing function you get on the promotion "sri and wash" for a period of 6 months. At the end of the promotional period, the cost of the option is $2k per month.
The Service Provider reserves the right to arbitrarily change the functionality of the toilet. To ensure maximum comfort, the toilet microprogram must be updated at least once a day, otherwise the toilet will be blocked before updating.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138229
Photographs of porn stars:
xxx: I don't know anyone
YYY: Not that point of view

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138228
As a person who was stolen 5 bicycles, I believe that blocked is great.
Do you live in Lublin? :D
Worse in Thessaloniki.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138227
Well what, quite well. For example, the reinstallation of Windows is estimated somewhere in 2k. For a day, without stressing especially, you can put 3 screws. For 2 weekends - 6, for a month - 24. In total, for a year such work brings up to half the money, and in 9 years you can earn for an apartment in Moscow.

Mathematicians shouldn’t be economists. Apparently everything was calculated correctly, but in reality this is impossible.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138226
# grass

I have a few friends-knowns who are in yoga, ayurveda, vegetarianism, that’s all. Periodically, I get stuck with a bubble or adjust the diet on the doche, but most often I just read articles on the subject. So what was my surprise when I learned that entirely enlightened Indian yogis demand to include in their diet - meat, operating the fact that in the cold climate it is necessary, and rely on the differences in the climate and the richness of the choice of fruits, vegetables, spices, etc., in India, and the lack of full-fledged in quality and quantity analogues in the CIS.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138225
XXX: The information is presented on the company's website on the Internet.

It is not just oil but oil from oil. All Russian-language websites are located on the Internet. In English, if you need to clarify that the site is located on the Internet and not on some land plot, you can write a web-site.

Wonder, do you want me to deploy Denver and put a site in a local network that doesn’t have an internet connection? The website yes. On the network, yes. Not on the internet! A corporate website for internal use.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №138224
Not in Russian

The two parents burned the balcony.

It seemed that I was no longer surprised by any creative spelling, but it was "2 days", disagreeable as a rebus.... I remove the hat

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138223
Why do you have ice cream in your coffee?
I love coffee and ice cream, but I don’t like ice cream.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138222
From the Dating Site:

I would love to meet a like-minded man. I don’t have any special thoughts, so anyone will fit.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138221

<<Why do they have roots if they are bulks from trees ripped.>>

The bread trees exist. But the bottles do not grow.
Here are the figs - it is a kind of human hater cultivated.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138220
Not vegan, but observation. Two small explanations: I am attracted to full-length girls. Not thick and thick, but full. And I can’t physically stick to a vegetarian diet, for several reasons.
That is, I try to watch full-hearted meat-eaters, hoping that they share my sympathies and my predatory preferences, because "from vegetables they lose weight", "from meat they get fat", "vegetarians are healthy slim people". Among my favorite types are almost entirely vegetarians of varying degrees of severity. And not "thinking" but ideological, real.
Moreover, I have never seen a slim vegetarian in my life. No, what claims, they were all absolutely adequate! Adequate, understanding and pleasant in communication even in the absence of response sympathy. But just now you wonder where, well, where are the stereotypes that do not correspond to the truth, and how do they survive?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138219
acsochka: told her husband about shorts that make "Brazilian" pop. The husband commented on the news "And then you bring the guy home, Brazil is over, greet the Russian reality?" and began to sing "Hopelessness, hopelessness..."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138218
xxx: "World metro" Elon Musk can pass through Minsk. In Europe, the construction of a test site will begin.
xxx: sat drunk in the metro in Minsk, and woke up in Abu Dhabi
Yyy: and okay, but to sleep in Abu Dhabi, and to wake up in Minsk is worse
yyy: "good that you came to Bratislava in the summer"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138217
Since in my childhood there were only bitten soldiers and some kind of fist, I was crazyly pleased with such a gift of fate and played with these things until they disappeared. I raised my eyes up, that shit jumped up too and slowly descended. I landed it wherever I could, picked up virtual glasses and repeated it over and over again.In short, I liked it so much that I decided to share my unlimited joy with my parents. What I soon regretted.They took this very seriously and pulled me to the oculist. I told my aunt the doctor, she checked her eyesight, shaken in her eyes, told my parents that my vision was okay, and you need to see a psychiatrist. Further, we go with the parents to him, everything is repeated, I explain the situation, a lot of strange questions, show strange pictures and the doctor concludes that everything is okay with the child, but children very often come up with non-existent things and the type is normal. Going home, I was just hysterical trying to prove to my parents that I actually saw those things. They reassured me as much as they could, and I became even more angry and didn’t understand why nobody believed me. Later, as an adult, I learned about these mysterious things called eye flies. And even now, although under 30, when I catch such a thing, I'll definitely get a couple of invisible monsters and just enjoy how funny it is!)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138216
See also

All of these people have a proper name – fools.

But after reading local statements, I already begin to suspect that fools are just those who do not want to live as they are instructed, but do everything in their own way.

Here everything is very simple: the fool does in his own way interferes with others, despite what he could do without interfering. An educated person, doing his own way, tries to minimize the inconvenience for others. All of. Nothing more is needed: smoke away from public places, walk slowly along the edge of the trail, apply perfumes in 2 pishka no more, talk on the phone in the OT, but quietly, walk with the dog, but in a leash, a mouthpiece and with a shoulder and a bag for cockroaches. Your rights end where they violate the rights of others.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138215
Night at the Paris police station. The shoulder cleans the nails. A police officer runs in: “Msye, on the Boulevard of Capucins, prostitutes fight with pedestrians! The officer continues to clean his nails: - Well, how are we?
Now the canonical version:
WUZ The lecture. A late student:
Professor: And why are you late?
Student: Professor, there are gay men fighting with prostitutes!
Professor: How are we there?
Student: I don’t know how yours, but our got great.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138214
The head of the administration of the Belorec district Vladislav Mironov on January 9 at a meeting in the municipality said that by 2020 108 million new jobs should be created in Belorec. Then Mr. Mironov clarified that we are talking about 108 million bees, whose honey the region should supply to the Chinese market.

to eat!) In Belarusian district will be employed bees!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138213
# from prison
Siddhelds also did not have a term, so I stumbled out of these cigarettes in the tiny. I will explain - a friend somehow stupidly sat in the Crosses, an elderly mother helped with the transportation of the transmission. The other impressions. Then she had already gone, well, there is a bigger sigh and tea, it is understandable, and threw a smoking foam tube that was still lost in the farm (by the way, they calmly accepted it) and, scratching the sushi - a kilo of butter oil, reasoning that the product is useful, it is unlikely in the menu they are overdose, and in general let it go to the grocery store, a pot without a refrigerator there. A friend then told me that the transmission had a wild furor in the contingent, advised to repel urgently on me, such a clever, to marry %), but the pipe of the windshield was still pressed in a couple of months. Why am I all? Yes, I wish everyone to remain a human being in any situation and think about the neighbors,. For from the sum and from the prison in our Sparta, even the Aitishs have not been able to declare themselves for a long time.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138212
33 years old, last year bought a 3-room square in the regional center in a sleeping area (if on the outskirts of Moscow it would be enough for 1 room), not a mortgage.
Basic experience 9 years as an engineer-constructor, the first year received 12k, the second 20k, then 25k, the last 3 years received 35k. There were work related to comp, as in studenthood he worked as an enikey, and then as a sysadmin when he received the certificates.

Such sub-workings are concrete, because all the money you earned on the main job (a little more than 2.8 KB) will not be enough for the apartment, because they are on average in the Russian Federation from 3 KB and beyond. It will not even be a three-bedroom. And considering that you had to have something else to eat, somewhere to sleep, something to wear, somewhere to be treated, etc. In these "workings" there should be at least another 3 million. Moreover, storing all this is also a very non-trivial task. So you, softly speaking, don’t agree a lot. Or just whisper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna