— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138211
Once brought a hard disk - secretary work for ten years. I ate one of the first ones to whom the key was found on some forum. He gave me a box of candy.
Three days later, the angry secretary calls, "Why did you do the same thing again, you didn't do anything?", and the sheep opened the same letter and caught it again.
tk. A candy box stood in front of my eyes, I sent it to "the programmers", and I don’t do that. There was a son of somebody there studying, of course, a programmer. He said - yes, there are business for three minutes - and drove out an antivirus, which successfully lost all as infected. Then "the programmer" said. that he can do nothing here - because the previous restorator has set up a protection so that he does not recover.
The whistleblowing has already reached my director. I gave them copies of their files, which were rolled in my temporary storage, to which I restore all the files and, fortunately, no losses.
Next call - apophysis - THAT'S NOT ALL!We Yesterday wrote an important letter - Where is it?
There was a real desire to put a telephone cell in the glands of a person from the rear side.
Is it worth saying that this "recovery" has been done for free t.k. It is "until the director has ordered it. He did not give our files" (from the transmitted conversation)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138210
What did you listen to today?
Q: Did you not know about Tupac Shakura?
She: Mother is your dumb skin!

falls in the hs

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138209
xxx: The reasoning of believers about the illogicity of superstitions and prejudices... which can be more seductive :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138208
Everything is crazy! You have to degrade in order to be happy.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138207
Today in the afternoon I saw a promotional video about diabetes: they say, they do not suffer from diabetes, they live with diabetes, and it is allegedly not a special problem. Advertising is so touching with music. The situation in the community, sympathy and all that.

First thoughts: yes, the right advertising, the noble message. But then you realize that it’s just a very quality attempt to warm everyone up. To begin with, healthy people have nothing to explain that diabetes is embarrassing, since no one observes the persecution of diabetics. Therefore, al-la advertising “spid is not a sentence” is not in place here.

and main

The Ministry of Health has steadily started promoting the policy that diabetes is not a disease, but a lifestyle, and all state aid should be abolished, disability abolished, free medicines abolished. Someone may be able to buy medicines on their own, but the number of people unable to buy them is considerable. So the turn to allergy, asthmatics will come. The prices are small.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138206
Using a penis skin cream can help keep the skin in good condition and prevent wear problems, as well as bacterial or fungal infections, and other penis health problems.

XHH (Dreamfully): Problems of export...

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138205
There were no wild edible roots. A funny troll :)
At the time of my childhood, almost all the children from my courtyard pulled out some grass on the shore of a small pond and ate its roots and shrimp. As for the taste, I don’t know, I didn’t decide to eat unwashed. But no one died.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138204
xxx: I saw a bunch of magnets in the refrigerator of a friend. In addition to the standard magnets from cities and countries, there are several photos of girls. On the question "What is it?" he replied: I was there.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138203
And what kind of disease is this when people are angry that other people suck cigarettes, biscuits, members?

People seem to be free. Many even can watch the weld without a mask.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138202
Does the beard color a man? I have almost a centimeter.
A centimeter is not a sentence. Is the beard long?

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138201
How much you don’t eat, and the meat still wants something more.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №138200
The acquaintances took the dog, the English bulldog is unknown with what. Very funny to look, but with a serious defect. Because of the shortened nasopharynx, arriving along the bulldog line, but with a quite normal face and neck, arriving from unknown to whom, the dog instead of the usual haw-gaw, issued sounds similar to slogans: "ma", "yes", "on". But over time the defect turned into interesting abilities, the dog learned quite clearly, for the dog, naturally, to pronounce "yes", and then in general the word "mama", which was very fun for all acquaintances.

Once, when a friend was walking Robin, so called a dog, a guy with a dog appeared. Self-satisfied, with cunning manners, not very pleasant, with a short-haired collie on the lead, which was perfectly trained. He performed all these dog exercises easily and impeccably: he took barriers, ran on the barrel, and so on. Tired of the game, the stranger spoke. He described his pet as the best in the country, thanks to himself, naturally. He called himself a genius of training and dog guidance. After arrogantly looking at the dog of his acquaintance, he disregardingly concluded:
You have an incomprehensible confusion. There are no stupider dogs.
The acquaintance did not come up. Looking at Robin, she said:
There is no more stupid. Is it true, Robin?
The dog raised his sad eyes and answered clearly:
“Yes, Mom,” he blamed his head.
"Nothing, don't be upset," encouraged his acquaintance and they went to the side of the house.

And the genius of training still stood for a long time with his mouth open and his eyes blurred.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №138199
Per only the 69-year-old Clinton could decide to pass all of her supporters in the performance of the 58-year-old Madonna - this is a successful advertising move.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138198
Dialogue at the hotel.
Athletes with coaches.
Does anyone want to live alone?
I am!!! to
No one is asking you!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138197
zzz: The wonder that multiplied the average income tax by the number of workers in the country, gave an article about the state secret.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138196
Well, since it’s #bus_educational, this is:

[The Quote]
The ancient people did not eat roots. There are no edible roots in the wild. No there! Except the root of valerian, ginseng and wild garlic. It was invented by some gorgeous anthropologist, and his fantasies are not quoted in school textbooks for a dozen years. Root crops were cultivated by already settled tribes. But there were mushrooms and berries, but no word about it.
[ / Quote ]

And where did the settling tribes get the original material for cultivation? There were eating roots. Gorec (aka grapefruit), goat lapchatka, sweet, pasternak, topinambur, goat, shooter, batat, wild potatoes - and this is just what first came to mind.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №138195
To get rid of smoking by adding zeroes to the prices, stimulating the birth rate by giving the second child a sum for which you can buy 4-5 squares of living space and calls for an abortion ban, abduction from drunkenness by attributing numbers to the hours of the sale of alcohol and to the amounts of excise duties, breaking the paths not on historically established paths, but on a paper drawn by a creative architect... Well, and other aspirations to force others to live according to the rules of the format “as it lies, as it lies, – the boy is uncomfortable!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №138194
From a psychiatric article:
Interestingly, and after reading the article there are people who are sure that everything is absolutely okay with them?and :)
Yes is.:)>>>>

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138193
I don't know what to count there, but I saved on the apartment, working on a regular job, by the age of 28.

Where did you work, from what age and where did you buy an apartment? He was 18 years old in the Moscow office of a gas oil company, and the apartment was bought somewhere in Zadrishchensk.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №138192
I take a first aid exam once a year.

Last time, no one from the group of 10 people was able to save Goshu-trainer. He had his lungs broken, his neck broken, his keys broken, his ribs broken more than the person has at all, in general, did not let Goche get bored.

A very useful practice, I began to behave much more cautiously, because neither an ambulance to wait, nor even an easy death to die, I will not be given here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna