— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112730
YYU: Everyone is insulted around, some kind of madness. Pops, Muslims, pedophiles, atheists have already clung to the nihilists, I am not in the subject. Seriously, people, I also want to, where are the insults sold here?? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112729
Olesher (on the situation after the earthquake):
There seems to be a big problem with technical and drinking water.
What is not surprising. About the river that runs through Kathmandu, I can say this: if you stumble, fall, and with your head going to dive into it, it is desirable to shoot yourself.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112728
Who are you by horoscope?
See also: ST
See also: Sterva
Thanks for the car replacement.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112727
Yesterday I was walking with my five-year-old son and suddenly saw a pregnant girl smoking a cigarette. I was so angry that I pulled a bottle of beer out of my son’s hand and threw it into the hell.
My son is sorry. No need to drink beer. It is easy to take a bottle from a child.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112726
About Adsense which displays advertising for newly purchased things
Yuri P: This is something else. I am offered to buy a property in Tobolsk. And the first announcement is the giving of my aunt, an announcement of the sale of which I placed.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112725
(Removing the dog’s self-cut from the fist)
Why eat screws? If you seriously want to die, tell me, I’ll call your veterinarian to get you to sleep. Even if you will not suffer. And the screws are long and dirty.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112724
Insulting the feelings of a nihilist... Can you insult the feelings of a nihilist? Can Nihilists Be Believers? How will a nihilist react to insulting his feelings?
If a nihilist wants to insult himself, he will insult himself. In this respect, he is no different from the others.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112723
Once, in the early 1980s, there was a doorbell playing the melody of Paul Moria "El Bimbo". And how it sounded in a new way, when we arrived in the 90s "Police Academy"! This song sounded in the bar "Blue Oysters"...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112722
In the office of the kiosks: it is necessary to urgently gather from the managers of the projects super-important and timely information-which-needed-everybody sent letters yesterday with the requirement to immediately send services with information on the name (conditionally) of Metel Maria Ivanovna...

Silence in the air.
Lenny flows minutes, turning into clocks.
and here! Finally! The first call in two hours from the first of the twenty-five project managers! He wants to clarify!
Of course, everyone is ready to rush to him immediately for help, anything - only to obtain information.

"Say, - lazyly crawling, asks from, - but this name, Metel, is she - sloping?"

Silence in the air.
Lenny flows minutes, turning into clocks.
I love my office.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112721
Any problem can be solved, the main thing is to think sober.
Beer is too little, I need more.
Zzzz: A sober thought.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112720
xxx: I was under the supervision of a psychiatrist, a type of day hospital, but I persistently believed that I was working there.
When I came back to myself at the end of spring, gently speaking, I was not childish.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112719
The xxx:
Well, my quote they considered for more than a week.

I have been considering myself for a long time too. This suggests that they have a huge amount of unrealistic shit, through which they dig only using excavators and technology of directed explosions.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112718
I went to a girlfriend to make an advertisement in the newspaper. Apparently delayed, once from a friend during lunch came this message:
Everything is delicious, and the customer will not fall away. The aftermath is fucking! I could guess it’s time to drop!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112717
Look at him asleep, like a dead man.

[ + 12 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112716
The world comes when not “Glory to Ukraine” or “Glory to Russia” is said, but when “Glory to God” is said.

[ + 9 - ] Comment quote №112715
The world comes when not “Glory to Ukraine” or “Glory to Russia” is said, but when “Glory to God” is said.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112714
Long live our court, the most conventional court in the world! - said Vasilyev, leaving the room.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №112713
Someone, Roger Gay, an airline employee, decided to use his right and fly from London to Manchester for free.
Arriving at the airport, he boarded the plane and found that the seat indicated in his landing pass was already occupied, and sat down in another free seat.
The plane was quickly filled. A few minutes later, a woman in the shape of an airline (not a stewardess) entered the salon with a list of passengers in her hand. She approached the place where Roger Gay was supposed to sit and asked the man sitting there:
Are you gay?
The man turned red, squeezed into the chair and in a quiet voice replied, “Yes.”
An airline employee said:
Sorry, but you will have to go.
Roger realized that there were no free seats on the flight, and he, with his free ticket, had to fly on another flight.
He raised his hand and said:
I am gay.
Then he stood up and began collecting his things.
Suddenly, in several rows from him, another passenger rose up and said with an angry voice:
I am also gay. If we stay together, they’ll throw us out of this plane!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112712
Long live our court, the most conventional court in the world! - said Vasilyev, leaving the room.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112711
My business plan usually ends somewhere at this stage:

It is necessary to open a taxi park with cars and only take men named Ashton to work.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna