— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137831
JJJ: We leave the island to the airport. Go to the boat. There are two young men of suspicious orientation. The wife reasoned, "Look, they have the same, and the backpacks and sleeping pillows (in the plane) attached. Look, they even have the same socks, striped! Oh no no. Look at different. One has two white stripes, the other has three! Unclearly...
I am unwillingly breaking out: What is unclear? One is a sergeant, the other is a senior.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №137830
Vitaly: password from %sitename%/manager can anyone see?
Juliya: root jghfkhjvl
Kirill: Well you’re, don’t throw the common chat passwords, right?
Juliya: And what, many have access to this project?
Everybody is here, lol.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137829
xxx: Thank you, a rare recent article, whose reading does not have to be constantly rubbed because of spelling errors. I, for example, have no idea how you can understand the non-trivial concepts of the subject area you write about, and at the same time absolutely do not understand the reversal infinities in the passive pledge, or how it is formally called there, well you took what I am about... But reading the comments immediately brought me back to reality :)
The author's style is preserved

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137828
Girahai: In terms of the sanus. At the former work, colleagues got "from the neighboring premises" - they went to our office for repairs, clean, there is everything necessary. I put a video camera on top. As a real, even the LED connected from the lighting box. Well, the shock was at the beginning))) But it was almost always free, the excessive expenditure of consumers ceased.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137827
There are many smart things in the world: smart watches, smart alarms, smart light bulbs, smart locks, a smart home. I am still a bit stupid :(

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137826
The internet didn’t work all day. And now everybody will think I have a private life.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №137825
The eyes of jealousy

The Moscow City Council spent 6.7 billion rubles on all New Year’s jewelry. This is the annual budget of a large regional center, half a million. For example, the annual budget of Tver is exactly the same 6.7 billion rubles.

The inhabitants of the village of Kukuevo have already excavated the incisions to crack down the eaten Tver

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №137824
SPB and ST. The metro square. I go to work, I go to the orange branch. I am hit by some guy, somewhere in a minute I notice that the pocket of the jacket has become significantly lighter. I look at this guy and he’s dissolved. In general, the situation is this - the phone by the habit of carrying in the hand, nothing more especially valuable. I recently decided to take lunch with me to save money. The inner pockets of the jacket are very large, so I prepared the strawberries and put it in a small plastic container and wrapped it in a bag for the occasion and all this in the inner pocket. I am standing in the crowd and thinking about what to say to the police. Imagine how they will look at me, they won’t find it anyway. I am late to work. In general, if you, poor thief, suddenly read this - a pleasant appetite creature! Greece is not salt.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137823
I went to the bank to pay for electricity. Two men follow me, one in a younger jacket, the other in a coat, bearded. In front of the window is a grandfather, who overwhelmingly and unlimitedly cuts the cashier with unprinted compliments.
The man in the jacket: “Good, your grandfather, let me pay.”
Grandfather, not looking: "I am a party member, I will do it to the end!"
The man in the jacket: "Where is the ticket?"
The grandfather turns around, sees a bearded man in his coat and answers: “Home, behind the icons.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137822
Today I heard a simple woman ask our Turkish colleagues if they know... Turkish cools.
Sometimes the hardest thing in my job is not to roast.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137821
It turns out that there is a bird, a two-coloured petalous (Pitohui dichrous), which is one of the few poisonous birds on Earth... Judging by the fact that its second name is a two-coloured mosquito mosquito, the first one was given to her by the unfortunate man who caught her.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137820
Chekhov is like Downey the Younger
Yyy: And Iron Man is essentially a man in a box.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137819
The festivities. We gather with relatives, we sit down, we talk. And I painted my hair before NH, now it is bright red color. And then the conversation goes on about this: say, why did you paint, you had such a beautiful color? While I think to answer, something like: "I wanted to stand out and be bright", my mom gives out: "Yes, she just has a gray".
and ((

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137818
RobbinBobbin: In our institute at the 1st grade on the inorganic chemistry control, one girl suggested adding a solution of concentrated water.
TimCbasso: The ability to add a concentrated water solution will be very useful when writing a diploma.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137817
"Viking 12+" goes 2 hours 18 minutes, and "Viking 18+" five minutes longer.
How to respect Prince Vladimir?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137816
A miracle is a well-prepared event.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №137815
Someone with a flag without a row for beer was missed, and in Kamchatka "Speed", with a flash, was not missed to the dying!
I immediately say that neither in this nor in another case I see anything funny or even fun, I just remembered one life story.
In 2004 on duty service was in the same car with the SOBR, two bold extortionists were detained. The process of detention is such - the patient is charged with a listening apparatus and under the strict patronage of the operas, he goes to a meeting, where he must transfer money to the raptors. Think of fishing. But in life, not always everything goes according to the scenario of the fisherman, so was it then. The criminals sharply changed the meeting place, suffered, as a rule, the face willless and cowardly, plunged behind them like a lamb to slaughter, contrary to all our scenarios. Consequently, we need to change the dislocation and very sharply. Sobrovsky UAZik disguised as an ambulance, only without a flashlight. We fly into the snowy yard, we meet the autoladies on a minicupper - do not leave, and we take the ass to give away 60 meters of 5 meters. She drove her machete, type, miss it urgently. The girl breeds her hands, the kind of shit, you need to give up. The commander of the SOBRA on the front seat, shows her on the drive and the AKSU (automatic cortoys, "Ksyusha" by SOBROVSKI), said a service necessity, the lady in response raises the middle finger. The situation is fucking, there is somewhere under the knives standing, and here the glamorous cheek is worn out. From the "ambulance" eight SOBROVs run out in black masks, very quickly bypass the machine from all sides, pick up and put in a swarm, a little curved, well, but to pass. And we pass. I remembered the girl's face - "I was offended, you all fuck"

Tolerance was saved, scammers were bound, I never met this girl again, I hope she realized everything right...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137814
Mona approaches her friend Misha and says:
I sleep with the wife of the rabbi. Can you keep him in the synagogue for an hour after the service?
Mischa doesn’t like it, but as a friend of Moni, he agrees. After prayer, he begins to talk to the rebe, asking him a wagon of idiotic questions to hold him back. Eventually, the rabbi gets tired of all this and he asks Misha what he is seeking. Misha, feeling guilty, finally admits:
“My friend is sleeping with your wife right now, so he asked me to hold you.
Rebe smiled, then gently laid his hand on Misha’s shoulder and said:
You better hurry home. My wife died a year ago.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137813
XX: How is it?
YYY : well! But it feels bad.
XX: How is it?
YYY: I am suffering. The pearl is small.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137812
XXX: Smoking the Spice
Is he smoking?
XXX: Yes Yes
YYY: I thought in the bathroom.
XXX: What else can I do with him? is there?
It is salt!
ZZZ: the borst is controlled
xxx: mmm, bore with a spice. Recipes from Grandma

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna