— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101373
A beautiful poem "Lenin and the stove" - about how the stove was called to clean Lenin's stove. "Two military seeds... Dress up... I will ask you to take the tool with you..." And, the just great leader - He did not shoot!Al the furner made a sharp comment to him six months ago - he did not shoot anyway! Just made a day to work for free. I drank the tea and let go. The Humanist.

— — —
No, I did not shoot. There was something else, remember?

Lenin just answered.
and Lenin! The old man sat there.

25 years of confiscation.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101372
A colleague returned from a trip:
Nursery (10:10:54 4/08/2014)
was at the employer. He told a story, entertained everyone. and shorter:
made the way. She walked next to the church. He came to his father and said, “Do you need a pedestrian crossing to them and where to do it?” To him again, grandmothers go to church, and here the road is 4 lane of movement, "How will they cross the road?", daddy on his wave: "God will give, will cross..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №101371
The rumors about women are exaggerated. I am going in 20 minutes, from lying in bed to slightly painting and forward, and my husband 2 hours. During this time, he needs to have breakfast with an omelette - dampen before the compound in the pants - drink coffee - smoke - dress - half an hour to look for the phone of the cigarette lighter throughout the apartment. And if you don’t catch it at the end of the thread " well let’s get out", the cycle will start again)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101370
HHH: That is the hell! Rospotrebnadzor has identified harmful additives in whisky!
Would you say: Kola?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №101369
A man jumped out in the dark on a familiar blonde, put a knife and cried "give the phone!“!”
To death, the frightened maiden began to dictate: “Eight nine hundred...”
The man stopped and fled.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101368
A 4-year-old kidner is hysterical, his wife grit: Go into his room and talk to him in a manly way, he doesn't listen to me.
I calmed down, I came back.
Wife: What did you talk about?
I am AHA.
Wife: What did you tell him?
I: I said that the tablet will not get, then he began to threaten me that he would not allow me to play his toys. In general, as if we were mixed with pips and separated quite satisfied with each other.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101367
xxx: We saw there, along with the already familiar 7D and 11D cinemas, a huge 20D and an indefinite XD.
xxx: Unhappy visitors come out, and they are so upset: "Have you not seen in a small font that X=2?"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101366
@iAdramelk: I'm playing D:OS, I'm approaching the statue, it offers the future to look, I agree and what do I see? The final titles.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101365
The girl, who went with the Scary, the Lion and the Iron Wooden to the wizard, in the original fairy tale is called the nifiga not Ellie, but Dorothy.
In the original, sorry what? "The Wizard of the Emerald City" is not a translation of "The Wizard of Oz" of Baum. This is processing. There are a lot of names changed, a bunch of different little things and some episodes.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №101364
HHH: On the other day, he didn’t get up on his wife. The next day on the working table of vitamins - type transparent such a hint.
XHH: In general, today I put her in a box photo from the wedding, photo at the moment, a centimeter and a fitness subscription. I’m saying, if you haven’t thrown out my drawer yet, stay home tonight. Maybe I will have to go after her.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101363
Reply to AliExpress :)

22 July 2014 19:48
Excellent is! The seller was great! Send phone in 48 hours, as promised! thank you. Prodavec balabol, nichego ne otpravil, zabral y nego dengi.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101362
I: By the way, what made you get sick? and prostatitis?
Lili: Theory of Probability
Lily: Who determined me to be a woman

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101361
The jobs of everyone are different, the modes of everyone are different, the needs for night or day sleep are also different! We borrowed your advice!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101360
This is:

The day started smoothly and pleasantly, and will continue until the evening at your favorite job. At least I don’t sneeze my nose, although I actually sleep very little at night.

Not everyone starts at 10 a.m. Many go to 7.15, to 7.30... If you get up for 3.5 hours, then you can only run around the house at this time, then to find adventures for yourself.
– – – – –
I go to 9. At 5-30 it may still be dark, but we have good lighting in the courtyards and quite quiet. You can in principle not run out on the street, but do a charge at home. Things do not change it. It is not about physical education, but about the reluctance to go to work, eating butter on the go. No half-hour of morning sleep is worth it, and this "opportunity to fall asleep" is more exhausting than early waking up.

It just doesn’t come to you that getting up at half six or three in the morning (it also takes time for the road), it’s a few different things. I had to do it, I know what I am talking about. It’s your choice when to get up and how much to sleep at night, but don’t indulge yourself in teaching others what you don’t know.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №101359
Rebellion on the ship to rats.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №101358
The summer. The heat. of August. Near the vegetable store is a line for apricots, peaches and other tropical fruits. The turn is big, standing after work reluctant, want to get home faster. Word for word, a small mess arises, turning into a small mess. Encouraged by an energetic wife, especially aggressive healthy ambal in a T-shirt with the inscription The University of Oxford. Finally, the line begins to leave the weakest, directed by the skillful hands of the ambal. The line comes to the dirty and stunned man of the bombish look. Ambal shades his quads to the poor, but suddenly a cross or a pocket flies out of the man. Ambal from Oxford flies somewhere behind the boxes. A man who became a hero for a moment, almost with tears in his eyes, says to others:
And the hands remember: I had great hopes in boxing when I was young.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101357
Sometimes it seems to me that the only person in the world who is interested in my opinion is my aunt at the box with her question about the package.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101356
Hunting you in the morning, not up to the end,
to make such a wild
"running" with swallowing butter whole? I am
I wake up 3.5 hours before work.
The day. I keep cats, cook them food, run for them.
A circle around the house, then rest.
I wash in a warm bath, calm.
Breakfast reading and watching.
News... I dress, I hair... and then
Half hour walk to work.
Practically in any weather.
of ice). The day began smoothly and pleasantly.
It will continue until the evening at the beloved.
of work. At least I don’t sneeze my nose, though.
I actually sleep very little at night.

At what time do you start your working day?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101355
I serve in personnel. The old striker brings a report with a request to extend the contract with him until he reaches the LOST age. Here I sit and think, if the LIMIT is 50 years, then it is a banal note, or an outdated box decided to hang in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces until 80 years?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101354
As a child, I was told that I absorbed knowledge like a sponge.
Now I understand what they meant SpongeBob.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna