— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146458
In our courtyard recently appeared a man with a dog (probably moved to us) - the female part of the dogs immediately echoed his "guru of style". Because for some reason he decided that his mission in life was to teach us to beauty. He loves to suddenly approach the corner and start giving advice - say, you need to paint brighter, or such a pale look you will not attract men, and you definitely need to wear heels (excellent, just great advice to the owner of a large and mobile dog at half eight in the morning!) is

The fact that no one is listening to him does not bother the uncle or the fig, as practice has shown. And even on direct mailings to the forest, he is not offended. In general, it is perceived as a weather phenomenon. And only one Anya treats him with good-hearted irony. Because the 43-year-old Anna, who will become a girlfriend from day to day, was very pleased with the phrase "You are thirty years old soon, and you will not begin to dress feminine!"

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №146457
Neighbors rented the apartment to Uzbek, husband and wife, both illegal with a child. In two years, two more children were born here in Russia. When there was a hotline on TV with the president, the Uzbek wrote SMS, said, Vladimirovich, help with citizenship. Immediately a phone call, they say that the address is needed, who to help, then. He dictated the address, and after 20 minutes the handcuffs of the FMS clicked on it. A naive Uzbek man.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146456
The Green Pokémon Bank burns:
If a new card is already available, its re-release occurs immediately, you are issued a carrier and the PIN code assigned to it is, and the credit card with the expiration date is annihilated in front of your eyes.

Annihilation of 1 kg of antimatter and 1 kg of matter produces approximately 42,96 megatons of trinitrotoluene.

The loan weighs 5 grams.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №146455
I saw such a dull picture in the morning – a shepherd runs in a compass, and behind her a woman with a scream “Willie, don’t touch the snowmen” and this Willy just crashes into one snowman and takes the course to another))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146454
LLeo: It’s you haven’t played in Tetris yet – one stress and throwing.

Braintunic: You’ve never played Tetris!
When the cubes begin to clump together and then you jump out a long stick, and finds the right hole, and with one blow at once with the stone fail four rows... it is just an orgasm!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №146453
Namedny went to his neighborhood for a beer. In the shorts. This is an important explanation, because they were such classic summer shorts, almost without pockets. For now, the weather allows. I held the money in hand.

Going deep into the store and picking up the goods from the shelf, I hastened to the box office. As I approached the vendor, I heard a cry:

by Paasport.

I am in summer shorts. I did not have my passport with me. Where is he? In general, I tried to connect all my charm and asked to sell me the product without a document. A short exchange of replies – in no one. I went back and put the beer on the shelf. But that day I was determined – and wanted to repeat the manoeuvre, but already with a passport.

After a while, I go back to the same store and take the same beer from the same shelf. I approached the box with the same seller. And... the seller breaks the goods just like that. Without questions. No of Criminals.

Why didn’t you ask me for a passport?

- Young man, you were not there for 15 minutes - it is clear that you went for a passport.

This country cannot be defeated.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146452
She recently broke 70, bought her a smart new, fashionable whole, but one thing but - she does not use a phone book. Absolutely. She remembers all of her contacts by the mouth and calls every number by the memory. She failed to even scroll through the list of calls, as much as not explained. I looked at the number forty. of different. Not all are preserved.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146451
The most popular phrase for today:
Look at the tone you wrote to me.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146450
For some time in the apartment became a strong smell of sewage. 9th floor house. The smell came from the ventilation in the bathroom. It was winter, so it was not possible to constantly ventilate the apartment. He decided to temporarily glue the ventilation and parallelly turned to our sanitary staff.

I call. I am a sanitary technician.

I - From the ventilation in the bathroom constantly smells of sewage. The neighbors above and below are the same.

Yes, I have already received a complaint from your entrance. What do you want? The fault themselves.

I – in what sense?

Do you have plastic windows?

I – Well yes.

When does ventilation smell less in the apartment?

I am naturally less.

C is here. These houses are so designed that you’d better leave the wooden windows. There were cracks and natural ventilation was created. And you used plastic, this smells and accumulates. You will do nothing here.

I was a little distracted by such an expert’s statement, yet I went down and left a written application to the TSJ.

After two days the smell was removed.

Probably re-designed the building.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146449
Lyse moustaches give a chance to hear about yourself not "this bald", but "this chubby."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146448
One English preacher, in the twelfth, apparently century, explained to the parishioners that the Lord, being not only wise but also loving, commanded the rivers to flow through the great cities so that people could bring goods to the markets by boats.
It seems to me that, although the preacher has died, his conception of causal relations is still alive.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146447
- Shirt, dear, and the dialogue is still possible, or are you already clearly right?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146446
>>> The basic skills of this matter, by the way, are given even in school.

Yes, there are so many basic skills in school that not everyone remembers them. Only a day ago one character was explained how the radius differs from the diameter, and he in response objected that he did not study for an engineer and does not know this difference. He was tried to explain that he should have understood this difference in the sixth grade, but he was still trying to prove that he was required too much.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146445
I was a spider.
xxx: In school, I remember, I wrote a play in poems, about how we would behave on the change, if we studied together with Pushkin)))) there everyone talked about the poem so loudly))))))
xxx: but it was before I found the early poems of Alexander Sergeevich;)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146444
From the lives of these little ones

The vacuum cleaner, suddenly appearing behind the cabinets, launches its long hose into the nearest hole in the human body, reaches the brain and sucks it out. Eggs are laid in the hole released, and after a while salespeople of a well-known brand of vacuum cleaners appear and begin to walk around the apartments, offering the goods.
In any case, do not open the door to them - the risk of catching the parasite is very high.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146443
Dialogue in chat support

xxx: Help me to match these two sentences in the description of the application: "Plastic payment terminal does not work, requires summing up, I can't break the product. Two good guys came, washed their hands and the towel was dirty. Shame to horror. Could you give us a powder to wash our towels"
YYY: It looks like the powder they found.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146442
Why don’t teachers and teachers give gifts to mothers on Mother’s Day? Why did they get their work and salary?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146441
One English preacher, in the twelfth, apparently century, explained to the parishioners that the Lord, being not only wise but also loving, commanded the rivers to flow through the great cities so that people could bring goods to the markets by boats.

It seems to me that, although the preacher has died, his conception of causal relations is still alive.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146440
Recently, two weeks ago, a not the most pleasant story happened to my girlfriend.

She married a year ago. With eyes opened by happiness. Then she lived with her, not suffering from home. She studied at the university (we were group members), he worked not know who, but they had enough. Such a pleasant, calm life. I don’t even remember they were fighting.

The words of a friend.

The action takes place two weeks ago.

Senya, a colleague, told me yesterday that I was no longer the one I was before. That family life ruins my beautiful young body and I am a baby. I didn't even take into account at first, he loves the ugliness just to say so, and then thought. The truth is, the dance has gone, the load is little, you have to take care of yourself. I found a complex of a-la slimness on the Internet for 5 minutes a day and started. There you need to do the plank several times, from which I have because of the carpet (which, by the way, my husband's aunt gave to the wedding) on the elbows of the rombi are printed. Then I go to work in a shirt. is ugly. Who knew I would be able to do such a service?

I did it a little and forgot about it.

After a while, I get up at home, and a neighbor comes down to meet me. I tell her, say, when you get the money back (I borrowed 500 rubles for two days, and more than a month has passed).

She stood up, but I insisted, and we went home to her. When she took off her jacket, I almost stumbled. Fucks on the rubies. Fucking rubies from our blanket.

What fucking thing did she go down to her floor? I could hardly wait until she gave the money, the bullet escaped. I get up, and there is a man in one of the cowards, he said, shake up, sweet.

I passed, split, I say, go and shake the carpet, or dust. He complained, but he went. As I walked, I picked up the pieces and put them in the entrance. At the top of the note, who was fucking on this carpet, let it fall. He did not even argue. I filed for divorce.

by PS. And for those 500 rubles I bought a beer to Sen, a colleague. Without him, I would have lived with a cowboy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146439
YuriV: Give me a point of support and I will sleep standing

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna