— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106474
to this


I seem to have begun to understand the female logic.
Dialogue with wife. I ask :
How many sauces do you have?
A couple.
A couple is two?
A couple is three.


Remember, in the Russian version of the third Heroes, the word "par" referred to any number from one to five. More than five were "little". Correct it if I forgot.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106473
XXX, looking at the check: why did the sausage travel?

YYY: I don't know, the seller said some action is over

Oil at $100 per barrel?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106472
xxx: there are even series that keep the intrigue, the soundtrack is worthy, children will at least touch the classics, well, this curly reminds me so Syrozhkin, only he has grown up and gotten badly off.

Which other syrup?

What an electronics, of course!! Are you already 30?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106471
Brotherly peoples are those who consider the Russian pocket as their own as well.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106470
It is said that during the game, Robert Fisher demanded absolute silence in the hall and reacted painfully to the slightest noise.
In the very first match with Boris Spassky in Reykjavik on July 11, 1972, he suddenly turned his eyes off the board and shouted dissatisfied:
Girl in the twelfth row, stop sinking candy immediately!
I just got the third! It was played by the young Icelandic chess player Astrid Beerdottir.
Not the third, but the seventh, a little liar! Do you think I don’t think? Fisher opposed it.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №106469
I sit in the police... they demand to explain why I left the restaurant drunk, sat in the car behind the wheel and went... And I KNOW??? I came there on foot.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106468
Someone asked in Parliament:
"Can we take it seriously?
We will do something anyway.
Also for the public?"
What an unexpected, fresh approach!
What do people want? "
"Let us celebrate them?"
"Let us build hospitals?"
"Do we add trading points?"
"Will we ban the manna meat?"
"Shall we teach them matu again?"
"Should we cancel the apartment fee?"
"And maybe, first of all,
Will we raise the Prime Minister’s salary?"
"Let us do something!
This is our job!"

In the end –
raised the taxes.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106467
The preacher is asked some question about the lab, he says something like: "It depends on the well."
The one group (who asked the question) turns to the other head, crawls the roar of a-la "you do not know such clever words" and pulls:
The square!
The Prep:
It is a pity that it is not spring. You would run out to the pond (and we have a carrier near the universe), sit there on the shore and sit: "Squashness, squashness!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106466
Although forgotten, cats, amins, shredders...

I wake up here at night from a strong whirlwind and fever. I can't understand anything - why such a noise, if nobody but me and my little cat at home, and we, and this growing organism, usually sleep well at night. Is the door opened to me?
I stretch faster, turn on the light and see - the basket took to the printer in the paper bowl and lay on the thin plastic strip of the folded output bowl. That, being already outside the table, is heavily bending under an unplanned load and desperately, with a terrible thunder and scratch, tries to straighten up, and the cat even closed her eyes from pleasure in full enthusiasm for such funny cuddles, and even with music.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106465
to this:

YYY: I will give you, maybe!
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY This phrase in printed form looks ambiguous xD

==== is

And if you write literally – there will be nothing ambiguous: I will give you "may be"!
and :)

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106464
XXX: The pharmacist advised
A pack of condoms, for the case.
xxx: I hope to go before 2018 or the money will be wasted)

Look at the pharmacy.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106463
(Discussions in the forum on the choice of a name for a turtle)

A: Why is her name? Will she respond to him or how will she react?

bbb: Does the Lebeg Integral respond to the call? Or is it we give it a name so as not to be confused with the Integral of Rimane? and ;-)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106462
I am an electrician. Repaired the wiring in the apartment with replacement for copper and a bunch of perversions-hotel owners. The fee is 100 rubles. In the month. Transfer of rights to my work to the heirs. The money stopped coming - the grandchildren came and pulled out the sockets and wires from the walls.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106461
Response to Humidifier:

Nasta 24 June 2014
It does not seem bad, but there is a pair that was not mentioned in the description.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106460
Second is IP. The average income is a hundred, a flat, a cheap car, no loans. He does not drink, does not smoke. He puts money in his shoe box because he has no idea what to spend it on. Sex happens, but "New Year more often". The appearance is untouchable.
God, poor girl, let you volunteer for charity! Bring toys to the children's home, bones to a dog shelter or there medicines to poor cuddled cats. Immediately you will meet a nice and unrestrained girl (there cleansers do not delay). She will teach you to wash and wash your clothes, and the bed will be warm.

[ + 23 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106459
And you will communicate with a girl who has unwashed hair, dirt under the nails, unwashed bagged clothes?
Electricity is honest?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106458
Cossacks patrol will go on first duty in Moscow
This is glorious!
Soon, the poop with the gays will get up.
There will be order on the streets

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106457
I am not afraid of the dentists. I fear that in order for them to be treated, I will have to sell my last pants.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106456
V: No, if you want, I’ll book, but know that in that case you’re not a man.
A: I agree with you.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106455
I am an adult, independent man. I can eat from a spoonful without a salivator!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna