— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149560
xxx: I gathered in the gym for yoga) let's see what I do
Yyy: yoga in the hamacs ))))))))
yyy: It sounds like karate under the blanket.))))
YYY: Kick-boxing in a chair
Yyy: Judo on the Deck
yyy: Liteball in the Senegal
Yyy: Sumo in Sumo

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149559
Xxx I thought. Is there a non-traditional orientation?
Yyy: You should probably ask a gay who respects the tradition. Orthodox gay.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149558
In the hospital, we smoke on the balcony with a neighbor in the room. Below is a guard, lighting a lamp. He stopped in front of a hole in the fence. He stood, looked and went back.
Neighbor: Well, the walk went well. A hole in the fence. All take care. You can go to sleep.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149557
About the Rocket Class "Drunk Master"
There is such a picture: at the tests of the prototype of the rocket, contrary to expectations, began to wire, because of some crumbling in the navigation schemes, and the commander of such addresses the engineers, saying that for the hernia, you are paid for what money? I let go of all sins. And the engineers take it and scare it off: it's not a scary thing, it's designed so. Not a bug, but a fitch, a new algorithm for bypassing air defense.

And a little classic.

Day of 15.
Learn to shoot from mines. Invisibly placed on the mine stone. As a result, after the launch, the mine flew in one direction and the rock in the other, but with the same course. The sergeant almost fell where he stood. But he cleared his throat and said it was a new type of mine – with a divisible warhead. Started a few more minutes in a similar way. This fun ended with the fact that the forestlord came and stated that it was time to stop scattering all the figs, or the wolves are frightened and jump straight on the trees. He was tired of taking them back.

Day of 16.
Learn to collect and dismantle mines. Sidorov, as always, collected a clever stuff. The sergeant said he didn’t know if this ‘appliance’ would work, so everyone moved away. The device" works, but the mine flies through the sinus. They turned the piece up with their feet, the mines began to fly on the cosinus.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149556
A granddaughter in Prague feeds like this: you buy a granddaughter in Prague, you find a job, you move to live there, and a voila! On the table are Czech cakes with Czech beer.

You may have it. And I have a disabled mother, whom you will not leave, and to break away from the family environment is to shoot. Everything happens in life, man.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149555
I will say:

At least borrowed. Why is it impossible to earn money while working in our country? Why all the money from some scammers, scammers, speculators and their friends, and an honest man with honest work can not earn neither on a villa by the sea, neither on a helicopter, not even on a small shopping center, not even on a shit apartment? You are angry, fucking.

I would have cleaned out "in our country". This is a simple rule of market economy. A simple honest worker will get exactly as much as it takes to survive (in any country). A high-end specialist - get more, but you don't need a lot of them. And if you're not even a shit degenerate, but in a position where you can get a percentage of the work of other people. You are in chocolate. And think about the institution of private property, inheritance, and such a rule of market economy as “money goes to money.”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149554
ANDDRONIC Today, 14:56
There was already a movie where a gasterbyter-illegal rotated a harsh male friendship with a crocodile.

K_O_I_L Today at 16:25
Not a gasterbyter-illegal (where is the arbyte there?And soft, plushy, not like everyone else, and because of that does not fit into the traditional society of Cheburecs, suitcases and Cheboxar. The fact that he eventually finds a friend in a stylishly dressed gentleman who smokes a cell phone, works on a strange job and gets acquainted by ads, and then they build a communion with other such egotists and live happily there, shows how truly tolerant society in Russia was until the damn westerns seized the microphone and began to impose their agenda and their complexes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149553
He made a tank and insulted America. Buying American – strengthened democracy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149552
About the hotel. In the city of Nikolaev, one year so in 1998 was stopped. Large room of the former hotel. A buffet stands on the shelf:
Chocolate “Alionka”
0.5 bottle of cognac Ay-Petrie
The preservative (one of them)
The reception question is, “What is this?” The answer is “minibar.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149551
The main methods of treating any diseases with a gynecologist in the panclinic by age:
14 years: "Well a boy will appear - and everything will pass"
20 years: "Well you will be born - and everything will pass"
27 years: "the second one must be born - and everything will pass"
38 years: "well what you go - age, the more you give birth"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149550
Why the man bought a crazy crane

I’m not pretending to be objective, but...
I lived with a woman for 2 years, we will call her "economic". Everything I bought, no matter for myself or for her, was expensive, and I was a tranche. A good example of the first purchase. I asked to buy a good bucket. I walked in the innet, read the reviews, chose, showed her: I went crazy 2,5 thousand, more expensive than 500 can not be worth! We went together, bought for 300, after six months the coverage began to sink. I went to myself, bought for 3,000: a great bowl, you can bake without oil, and you bought a fig.
And so in everything. What I bought for myself, I didn't listen to it, but this is: how much did you buy the phone? 20 is? Well... very annoyed.
In the rest, she was a beautiful woman, smart, beautiful, and we did not break up because of that.
In short, if a woman broke the crystal service, then it is fortunately, and if the man is a granite glass, then it is a scapegoat.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149549
I lived with a woman for 2 years, we will call her "economic". Everything I bought, no matter for myself or for her, was expensive, and I was a tranche.
The barrel just opened up. Most likely, she had not a very rich childhood, she a) used to the need, it is forever, nothing is corrected, even 40 years of full and cloudless life; b) she used to always and in everything rely only on herself. I just had to give her money! And to say - "choose yourself, you know better what to do and what to do!"" She was uncomfortable and even ashamed that someone was buying something for her or for her. Not everyone has had fun since childhood.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149548
xxx: Give me your fitness and corporations

yyy: fitness is really needed only where work is sedentary (offer a free fitness to the loader). However, smart uncles just put a kicker. and voluntary-compulsive corporations to override employees who for some reason do not want to override themselves in the workplace are needed only where working conditions are organized in an idiotic way, which is why employees are always angry.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149547
Urso: Well, your friends are naffy. The jerk went.
Did you see time? What about the "Dinner to the Enemy"?
Urso: I fully support this wisdom.
You eat breakfast yourself. You share your lunch with a friend, and he shares it with you. Give dinner to the enemy. What does the enemy do? Praally is! He gives you dinner. Cut the fist?
Urso: the saying that food requires variation and diversity. There is nothing about moderation.
Urso: So, she’s fucking...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149546
Mr. proud > I always come to work on time only to me.
J@h > Right to all?
Mr. proud > Agah. Imagine I was late for half an hour today (rarely, but sometimes) and still at work before everybody else.
J@h > Yeah, and Nifga you come before?
Mr. proud > Well, you need to be on time.
J@h > Who needs it?
Mr. proud > Blind

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №149545
We bought a house and we don’t know where to throw the garbage bag. We go looking. We found a large bunch of sludge, in the center of which a pillar with a large inscription: Svalka. We come closer. Under the word Svalka painted the inscription: prohibited, a fine of 1000 rubles.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149544

You only live in the mode of eating and sleeping.
And others will enjoy increases, hobbies, and other joys of life.

(*the voice of an elephant from the cartoon "38 poppies") Increases what, forgive me?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149543
>>> armed to the teeth of socks..

In my opinion, even just slipping socks with teeth is already a terrible entity.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149542
The morning. I call my home acquaintance. A rough voice:
Oh shit to fuck!
Hello, please call me Olivia.
This is Olya.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149541
straight like a little

Much laughed, imagining a cleaner who was tired of cleaning at work, or a teacher who was tired of checking children’s lessons at work.

There was such a bearded joke about a prostitute and a resort. A man rides to her on the beach, so desperately flirting and is very surprised at the decline of interest on her part. Eventually she gets tired of the annoying caring, she tired of breathing asks him: "Man, who are you working for?" He: "Tocker"
She: "So imagine you come to the resort, go out to the beach, and here again around the machine, machine".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna