— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143069
I hate doctors. No condemned honey worker so relates to his illnesses. For a banal reason. At a certain point of study, many, even nurses, lead to a visual demonstration on cadavers of what disease does to the body from the inside.

Oh Maine Goth! He was a doctor in television series. So, baby, “a certain moment” is the first three years. After anatomy, gestures, pathan and top (search in the internet, you will be explained by these jargonisms) first the future doctor in the third course discovers ALL diseases in any reference book (this is kindly called the "third-class" syndrome), then, in the course at 4-5, in the modules / cycles on disciplines is infiltrated by fatalism and we will all die, and to the internship becomes a finished cynic. Who drinks the most? Anesthesiologist and resuscitator. Those who are sick take you away. Who is the prosecutor of the cabinet to "although a tail hang"? Cardiologists and neurologists. Because they understand, heart attack and stroke have a lot of risk factors. Endocrinologists and gynecologists love to eat. There is no such thing as the word "waste".
so we appreciate your drawing on the fan, but it’s never about the truth.
I tell you as a nurse (yes, there are no "medbrothers" in our university, all nurses write in their diplomas), who then finished medicine, with a clinical experience a little longer than your life experience outside of your mother.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143068
from ZH:
I was with my neighbors at the ceremony. It was a fairly young rabbi.
At some point he started congratulating the owner with a new home, new happiness, and so on.
The owner shrugged his shoulders: "Is this a house? This is not a permanent residence, but a rental apartment.
Two people calmed him, almost at the same time.
Every temporary home is also a home. The Rabbi said.
Every house is also a temporary home. I said.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143067
It is funny that, as you grow up, you start to love what you hated as a child, for example, to sleep well and be slapped off.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143066
Alewer: Oh, I just recently explained to a friend the essence of my job – an analyst.
The wife says to her husband, “Buy something delicious.” The analyst is engaged in what constitutes a specific TZ for the husband: it is necessary for half an hour to visit a grocery store at a distance of not more than 2 km from the house and there to buy in the department 3 goods, a total cost of not more than 400 rubles, with a share of fat from 30 to 50%, with a share of carbohydrates - up to 70%, with a share of proteins - up to 20%;

[ + 20 - ] [20 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143065
Russians will add 18% to the cost of purchases from foreign online stores, and packages will be opened to evaluate the goods

# # # #
XXX: I wonder how we got to such a life at all.

YYY: When the authorities first tried to turn the first gait - only a little, yes, the smallest - it was necessary to go out for demonstrations with the whole world. Now they arrived.

zzz: Believe me, even this is just the beginning of the long way to the slide on Saturday. There are so many rights that we can take away. We are still being released abroad, computers still do not have mandatory technical checks, technical passports, and no one checks certificates for access to the Internet. There is no annual fee for internet repair. Oh, sweet, quiet 2017

Remove it if you can!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143064
Unusual storage cameras appeared in one of China’s shopping centers. Visitors can hand over their own husbands who do not want to go shopping with them. The Man's Storage Camera is a glass cabin with a chair and a computer, where the games of the 1990s were stored. Now the break from shopping for men is free, but soon the visitors will have to pay for a storage camera.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143063
by Dou:
Sometimes, at the very beginning of his career, I was looking for a job and at the final interview with Americans heard the question - how would you describe the database of humanities. A simple question, I thought I would now break out a sheet of paper with a sign and all that.
In the end, it was like a “paper sheet” – piece of paper or sheet of paper. And in the end I said piece of sheet that with my accent and in the context of what was happening meant something different.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143062
Youτρ andο
I am not ρabωy, dοgοnaeτandπeπeρedcτaaviτeel κlacca gοπniκ:
– Do you hear, τs, cygaρeτs and e?
Iοll give you τabacκy.
– Α hο τy c ρyoκzaκοm, cπορτcmen hοl?
Chyvaκ явнο ποdbyhanny. Thus, it is not possible for us to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able. Ποτοm οn issued fρazy, κοοορaia me προcτοybila. Ρjy dο tych πο:
- Τs th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th Ηy hο τy cebe bοροdy οτρacτil, κaκbaba?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143061
from ZH:
The Cinderella went to the ball. And exactly at midnight her dress turned into rotting clothes, the carriage into pumpkin, the horses into mice, and so on.
All this would have no importance if at midnight she was already without a dress.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143060
It’s a pity when you first shyly kiss her in the cheek, hoping that your feelings are mutual, and this heartless creature is trying to spit out the clutches and disconnect from the battery.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143059
Dostoevsky in the person of Paskolnikov showed, κaκ previously received from usκloan ορorganizations.

[ + 26 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143058
Someone is going to the passageway, because the working day is over. She approaches the cabin, where the evil aunt stands and so mysteriously in her ear says:
- Tatiana Ivanovna, I need someone to take out tomorrow... So that there are no problems, what will be more suitable for you – chocolate or a box of candy?
To what this aunt and her speech responds, blotting her eyes:
Maybe a box of candy.
The man went out and went home to himself. The next day, a man rushing to the cabin after the end of the working day sees the smiling aunt he had agreed with yesterday. The closer he approached the cabin, the more and more the smile of his aunt became (larger, wider). And suddenly a wicked whisper comes out of the mouth of this aunt:
And put your hands behind your head in the pool!
The guard came and let the man feel. Shakes, touches, almost split and realize that the man has nothing. And then the man approaches this aunt and gently says to her:
Tatiana Ivanovna, you are a fool. I took it all yesterday...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143057
The law is the same for everyone, but the articles are different.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143056
Incredible greed

Recently I read the book of Artem Tarasov, the first Soviet millionaire, which is so called - "Millionaire". There, including about the fun life in the nineties - rackets, robberies, murders, and more. I remembered such an episode: Once the Tarasov bandits "presented" the following claim: say, then and then you were going to be silenced, but the killer confused, and put a completely alien person in your place. How are you going to compensate him for that?
The case was fun, and I began to recall examples of similar unusual greed from my own life. Nothing similar has been found in scale, but still...
Case one: at the beginning of the two thousand I met a girl. We lived in an apartment brought to me by my recently deceased grandmother. Suddenly, the girl decided to leave me. It happens, but much more funny is that she immediately asked me to release the apartment - say, found a guy, and would like to live with him. “You live with your parents, okay?” He added, smiling innocently. I refused restrainedly. But that is not all. The scenes of separation and so on. The incident took place in a small store next to the recently built "Victory Park" station. We stood in a line at the box office, and while we were talking, the girl took out a $50 mobile payment card from the window (remember those?), and all also innocently smiling, I put it on the conveyor tape to my purchases... I decided, to see that once it didn't ride with the apartment, then at least on the map will see - with a bad sheep, say, even a wool clock. Naturally, here I got out of myself, said a lot of silly words, and in general, terribly satisfied with myself.
The second incident happened ten years ago. Imagine I’m sitting in front of the TV, watching The Clone Attack, and suddenly there’s a terrible thunder, and in the middle of my carpet there’s a huge hill. I almost decided it was an element of some augmented reality, and now Obi Van Kenobi will jump out of the screen. But everything turned out to be more prosaic - the neighbor from below was doing repairs and, hanging something like a hanging ceiling, overhearded with the roof. Not thinking for a long time, I ran to the kitchen, and knocked the rod back. There was a terrible noise from the bottom, and within a minute the door was called. The angry neighbor with the red rod had long spoken about the fact that I had damaged his ceiling, and so on. For some reason, my unwillingness to have a strange stitch in the middle of the floor seemed to him a strange flair, like the aristocratic caprices of the French nobility, and I almost had to use force. The enmity between us lasted for three years, before he moved.
The third case was somewhere three years ago. Once I had a radiator, and I found an office where it could be replaced. The work was silly, but the guys for some reason struggled for a week. Particularly strange seemed the fact that I was insistently required to scan the passport - to say, it must be attached to the contract. Satisfied with the address. I didn't even report the real place of residence, named some first left-handed address - Lenin's street (there is in every city), the house is like that. I sleep at night and suddenly a bell rings out. At the other end of the wire, they ask me with an evil voice: Where are you now?
At home, I answered.
Where at home? You are not home. Are you parking in the yard?
Well yes.
What do you hang on my ears? I do not see you.
Why, what do you need? I am intrigued.
Instead of answering, he threw the phone. For a long time this conversation remained a mystery for me, until somewhere in a year I went to rent a car on a trade-in. I took the second keys, I sat in the room while the dealer checked the car. And suddenly the manager approaches me: - Did you not lose the key from the car?
No, I am answering. What is it?
- Yes, you know, you have the left key in the EBU in place of the second main key.
I began to ask - yes, it turns out, hijackers often do, and often this procedure is carried out in car services. Here and uncovered the mystery of that call - the hijacker, to see, was looking for my car in the yard, and it was not, here and he decided to ask me, where I am missing.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143055
Dostoevsky in the person of Raskolnikov showed what was done before with micro-loan organizations.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143054
Russian scientists have come to a very disappointing conclusion.

According to large-scale studies, in the near future, humanity will begin to suffer from diseases that will not be treated with antibiotics and other medicines.

Scientists suggest that for this reason, life expectancy will be reduced from 85 to 20 years.

The retirement age will remain 60 and 65.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143053
In Peter on Thursday evening someone shot under the windows of the AK-630.

AK-630 is a 30-mm six-stick automatic ship artillery unit.
"A from our window the water is visible"))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143052
You recently had a birthday. How did you tell me what I gave?
At work, they were allowed to leave an hour earlier, and at home, the eldest washed the floor, the younger washed the dishes, and the wife, the hostess, promised to cut over a month of lightning in jeans, which broke up a year ago.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №143051
Where have you been all night?
Mom, I am a prostitute!
So pump on the phone and call me and tell me I smell good.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143050
Afanasyev: The metal fork on the anti-flag coating is prohibited.

Angry_man: Forbidden only for the first time until the cage is new. In other words, we live in a free country. I want to eat a whiplash.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna