— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №135821
"I wanted to give up the place to the old lady, but my grandfather was more proficient." of the unpublished. Barack H. Obama 2016 by

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135820
How can an adult be proud that he did not sleep, did not fall asleep and was able to entertain himself as a child?

Do you know that you are from a major regional center of Central Russia? So, go away from it for a thousand kilometers, sit down at least in a small district center, I am not talking about a deaf village, and in a year, and what is there a year, a few weeks is enough to start to be proud that you do not sleep in this deaf man and find ways to take your free time.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135819
Picture with a description of the wrongly translated Chinese colors:
xxx: 24 pages of animal, adult relieving stress, 5 pieces Partner, holding position...
What are you doing there?
YYY: Stress removed, with 5 partners in different poses and with animals, what did you think?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135818
Correspondence in contact:
xxx, good day to you! You have a birthday soon, we have a gift for you! A new format to celebrate a holiday quest in reality with friends. Tell me more about privileges for nominees?
WOW: Good evening to you! I have an old form of celebration: drunk-eat. Thanks for the offer!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135817
X: My husband is an idiot
X: a dog in a hat and shoes (separate conversation, she is so cute) adopted as a child
X: I thought for a long time, and then asked why we didn’t guess we wore a shirt on our son.
A: That is a good idea!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135816
Of course it is bad when the translation of an ambar book is as expensive and as long as the translation of Dickens’s novel. But the translation of Dickens's novel at the pace of the translation of the ambar book is generally beyond the boundary.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135815
Obama and Trump met in the White House.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135814
Live broadcast of the radio "Moscow speaks", a man calls and begins to sing the folk Russian songs with three voices.
Leader: You are doing well! Who are you working for?
Calling (killing seriously): I am managing the IT project.
Q: Here are the talented IT project managers!
A: Yes, we have the same projects.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135813
The PFR promised Steven Seagal a pension of 5 thousand rubles

He is entitled to a social old-age pension only when he reaches the age of 65, if he has a passport in the Russian Federation. The minimum is about 5 thousand. RUB, plus to this pension he will be paid up to the subsistence minimum of the pensioner in the region where he is registered.
If Seagal will live more often in the United States than in the Russian Federation, then he will not be given a social pension. In addition, the PFR will check whether Seagal is entitled to a social old-age pension.
Let’s see if he had contributions and if he has 7 years of experience in Russia to assign an old-age insurance pension.

The comments:
Steven Seagal must now report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the presence of U.S. citizenship and submit quarterly information to the Federal Reserve on movements on foreign accounts.
2nd It will not be from him, but from him. Probably somehow.
Three He has to go to the pension fund and give them the pits there. All residents of Russia
4 is And the screams are like the time of the lullaby-"He broke my nose!Your mother!He broke my nose!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135812
must be:

What is Misogynia? Girls are simply not interested in such a boring and difficult activity as programming.

In the 1970s it was interesting, and in 2016 it was not interesting (the percentage of m/g in computer sciences in those and those years is google itself). What profession are you going to be? Because, as a programmer (a girl, ah), I’ll say it’s interesting just because it’s difficult. Do you know how I came to this area from purely humanitarian? There was a person nearby who gave me the idea and the courage to try (now I am a seller at Silicon Beach with a six-digit salary per year. In the U.S. of course. In school, universe, family, etc. the setting was completely different, I’t even think of myself as a programmer. The girls do not go to the technarry, because these spheres are positioned as purely male, say not a female mind this is a matter. Since childhood he has stumbled. Boy a designer, girl a doll. Who is lucky, like me, or even better - when since childhood there are no barriers and stereotypes in the family, they go and work no worse than men. Most simply don’t see this as an opportunity, because dolls-filfacks-thousand-girls and all that.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135811
Friday and car replacement
XHH: Only Yariq needs to be caught, he took the exhaust for tomorrow))
XD is exhausted. clearly.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135810
When you offered to drink, I immediately said.
I cannot drink, I cannot drink.
When you said, God himself said with the swallow.
I replied, he did not mean me.
When you said yes, you drink, brother!
I said I couldn’t, and sat down on the couch.

When you said yes, well, at least lose it!
I said I will lose, but I will not swallow.
When you said, for parents to swallow.
I said nothing, my mother would not be upset.
I assured you that I am very comfortable.
You all thought that something was wrong.

So why are you hiding now, cowardly creatures!? to
Show me your ugly haris!
For your words modern, no-ka, answer.
They wanted me to drink, Padly, Nate - get it.
So why are you hiding now, cowardly haters!? to
One by one, like cats drown in the bathroom!

Listen, fat, you can in principle go.
Your body will stay here.
Where you broke, I did not let you go.
Well, sit at the table, in the house, yet, a guest!
We will be with you for a long time!
Honey, let it go! Talk to you shit, toast!

What kind of creatures you are, I tried as much as I could.
I told you, I don’t drink, guys.
I hope you, fools, have learned a lesson.
You have to listen when they talk.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135809
Trump is said to be racist, sexist and anti-gay. It looks like something bad.

[ + 34 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135808
Once a sea wolf caught a goldfish, and it promised to fulfill three of his wishes. The disguised body of the sailor was found shortly after the incident, witnesses report that he was struck by lightning, his eyes broke, and the anchor was spinning out of his mouth.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135807
Recent acquaintances told me that in the rural school where my father studied, there is the "Golden Foundation of the School", where in the middle of the wall under the glass is stored his work on geography (!) for the fifth class. There is a lot of work and only the best are hanged on the wall, so it is a little strange to see among the fresh works written with beautiful, smooth handwriting yellowed from time leaves with the crude handwriting of a five-year-old. They were then instructed to describe the cycle of water in nature, and he literally described the journey of a certain Chapel, which was evaporated by the rays of the sun, wind, various plants, but it continued to fall in the form of rain and snow in different locations and to break through the sand and streams until one day returned home to the ocean. According to the story, the reason that has held this work at the center of the Foundation for decades has been the following sentence: “Floating smoothly in a slow dance with thousands of the same blindingly shining girlfriends, Kapelka suddenly thought that in order to make this dizzying flight as a snowflake she had to just evaporate from a certain place at the right moment...”.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135806
Self-confident ignorant: "I am a heroic translator, the language I do not know from the word at all, that to translate 1 sheet of text I need Hours". It is time, Carl. To read, it is necessary to understand the meaning of what is read and re-print in Russian literary language. On one A4 sheet.

Indeed, there is nothing worse than warrior ignorance. Another "genius" equates the work of a translator to the work of a professional machinery and is confident that it is not a problem for him to wrap ten pages per hour. The fact that translation is not reduced to artistic novels for female reading does not come to his mind. About the fact that the translation of artistic text and the competent presentation of specialized texts are different types of information processing, he is not concerned. The fact that when translating movies for sound to time-coding takes as much time as the translation itself is unknown to him. If the translation is not pirate, but is done by a serious studio to show in a wide range, then the translation under the oral speech is also done with a lay-out (so that the lips of the actors pronouncing the replicas move in accordance with the articulation of the phrase), this takes even more time.
And so there is reasoning in the style of "and what crane makers do, sunrise and lever you pull all day, anyone can do so".
I borrowed a cheek.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135805
here here :

And here I see that the predd somehow strangely touches our only girlfriend (eh, few girls go to programmers. In the second class, there is only one.

Stop complaining that girls don’t go to programmers. First, stop calling sea pigs, pressure on the fact that the role of a woman to be beautiful and to give birth to children, and to show their misogyny a hundred times a day, then they will go.
Disrespectfully, the only programming girl in the department of 30+ people who is overwhelmed by both these complaints from fellow employees and their ‘bro-dud’ culture that I have no place in.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135804
[08.11.16 13:21]
On the table of Natasha there are a few Belarusian sweets for warming up, afternoon tea )

[08.11.16 13:27]
Belarusian sweets are potatoes in the uniform?

[08.11.16 13:27]
in the chocolate)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135803
What to read, understand and translate A4

Content translation, subsequent translation, artistic literary translation and literary translation of specialized texts are four different ways of presenting information.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №135802
Just in the Sisadmin's office:
- Fuck, it's angry when the users come with the application and try to get behind the back, and watch what you're doing there.
- You need to draw a line on the floor "do not go beyond this line"!
How in the bank?
As in you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna