— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132699
XXX: the dog says "Gave", the cat says "Meau", and the engineer says "Bleiin, what kind of bitch did TZ write?"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132698
The Dattle:
** by
About the Childfrey Movement. It is a pity that the parents of these comrades did not adhere to such views.
** by
We are not moving, fucking. Movements are fighting for something, and we are not, we just don’t want to be fruitful and we want to be fucked away from us. And there are trolls among you and among us, you are straight like your first day on the Internet.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132697
The thicker and uglier your children are, the less attractive they are to pedophiles.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №132696
What fucking brain do you have? Previously it was okay!

Natasha: I was embarrassed

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132695
I can’t understand people who don’t like fantasy. Did you love fairy tales as a child? At what point does this "shift" occur when it suddenly becomes interesting to read only something realistic?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132694
xxxx: I wonder, is it some kind of habit from Twitter – to write such short messages on a single word in a chat?
Yyy: I think it’s a habit from the head... If there’s a small cache in the head that doesn’t fit a lot of information, then a person often has to drop it from the cache to the chat. And if he is big, he writes big messages.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132693
<rep> asked his brother to bring a glass of water, he brought a cup of ice and said, "this".

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132692
Bond is burning. Her chest is impressive, size 6, not less, she writes in FB:

In front of me in the subway now stands such a sad man, right so sad that I pulled out the extra button on the blouse. It seems to be beginning to show interest in life".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132691
Hi to!
I recently discovered the Philosophy of Childfrey and realized that this is the lifestyle I aspire to. Tell me where you can officially join your ranks and will two children 3 and 0.5 years old not be an obstacle?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132690
To sell something unnecessary, you must first order something unnecessary on AliExpress.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132689
xxx (cited from the culinary website:)
If you have potatoes, sausages, mozzarella, bacon, cherry tomatoes and 25 free minutes, you won’t be hungry.
- You know, with such a set, if necessary, in five minutes I will not be hungry without this site.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132688
Andrei is gone! In Singapore launched the world’s first unmanned taxi.
Imagine a car like this somewhere in Syzran.
In the future, there will be no sickness.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132687
I’m not sure about the “string theorist”, but the “theoretical physicist” is very much a cutting-edge. “Theoretical physicist” would be more correct.

Theoretical physicist – may exist, but so far no one has seen him

Or at least indirect signs of its existence have been found? Otherwise he is not a theoretical physicist, but a hypothetical physicist!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132686
Yesterday on the car I give back to park, unexpectedly behind the car is moving sharply forward. I thought what a fool. Going to the left of my door, I say, “Accurately, do you do it?” The driver is a 25-28 year old girl. Light retreat (outdoors are dark, it is raining, everything is blurred). The further dialogue:

Sorry, I didn’t notice you were giving up.

You need to be more careful.

Can you tell me where is the nearest store?

(Explain) Next a series of questions about nothing (this is the weather, this is the rain, oh, what car do you have). All this time on the passenger car, my wife sits and starts to painfully compress my right leg. Following is a question from Madame:

Do you have a charger for Android?

Here because of me, the wife jumps out and says, "I will have a girl, should?"

Mademoiselle apologized and said she didn’t have to leave.

P. S. As long as they communicated, no one was disturbed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132685
If you are in Omsk, don’t try to fight it. Do not need this. Just take a deep breath and sink your head. Supporting yourself with easy movements of hands and legs."

This is a description of my whole life!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132684
In general, I often carry all kinds of nonsense and not very difficult to explain, but here I surpassed myself.

He told his invisible that she was wood for our fire of love. The good didn’t hurt long afterwards.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132683
Don't reproduce from those who grew up in underprivileged families, they have a higher likelihood of termination of relationships (statistics are searched for on Google schoolchildren)

He was a man from a full family. He has an older sister. My parents were married for 40 years at the time, now more. My older sister divorced when my son was 6. Since then, she has changed several men, long-term relationships do not form. The guy himself after 7 years of relationship dropped when I was found a tumor, a month after the offer.
This is to the fact that the statistics in real life will not help, there are many nuances, because of which the situation will develop in completely different directions.
Z is. "The Flowers for Algeron" can be read

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132682
XXX: What is the mood?
Yyy: It’s like eating a shaurma at the station: it’s like the outcome is predetermined, but you keep hoping it will pass.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132681
Why are they not in contact? Whether we grow up or not, it is no different.
YYY: xxx, and now think of it - the sting, the fork and the non-flying bird - the symbols of the main operating systems. This is all you need to know about humanity in order to refuse contact with us.
ZZZ: Even under the fear of death.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132680
One bank, like the VEB, has long borrowed me. Every day they called and talked. And then suddenly needed money, and one of their arrangements I specifically yielded. We appointed a strictly fixed time (don’t let God be late) so that you don’t sit in line. At a strictly specified time, I came, sat for 20 minutes in a row, told about myself, as at a confession, and was rejected. But not even then I doubted the adequacy of the staff, and when I was called back in the evening and asked if I could come three hours back...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna