— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144974
Do you want a massage?

Tanya: I am not very. My grandmother will not refuse. She has a terrible radiculitis, she has just been prescribed a massage.

Snoopy: I do something else.

My grandmother will not give up.

Snoopy: a joke for the 100th norm

I’ll be joking regularly. And you will throw me every hundred on the phone.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №144973
It was in the time of the great and mighty.

I served in the glorious Turkestan Military District, as in other places, most of the personnel were our “brothers” that is, children of mountains and cotton plantations, who naturally did not understand a word in Russian, but this is only at the beginning of the service.

Another supplement is coming. After two weeks of quarantine, their vocabulary was scarce. To the commands and orders of the elders of the rank was the answer: "Don't understand" and all. Our gentleman, a man with a good sense of humor, takes in the office some leaflet with machine-writing text, builds a company and reads:

Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR.

For those who do not speak Russian, the service in the army is extended to three years.

The same evening. The office has a line of young people, comes the first:

- I know the shipyard of the captain, the ordinary Gurbanberdyev, the Russian man.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144972
Some women want to compare the face to a tight ceiling.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144971
A colleague told me.
When I finished school, I told my father that I was tired of studying and I’t go to college. He was, of course, not happy, but he did not argue very much with me. If you don’t want to study, then go to work and agree with my uncle to take me to work for his company that carried out transportation in New York. My cousin was there for the same reason. It was fun. A new sense of freedom, our own money, and the city that never sleeps awakened our young blood. But I also had to sneeze almost every day. Very quickly we realized that the worst thing is to transport doctors and lawyers. They had a lot of things — heavy and bulky furniture, beating lustres and porcelain, and for some reason always, his mother, a piano. Loading and unloading the piano is, I will tell you, just a song. And the easiest was to transport offices – standard furniture, boxes – all light, square – beauty! One day we received an order from the hotel. We think it can be transported there in the hotel. Probably something office - we quickly shoot. They came and learned that they needed to return the exhibits from the halls on two floors where yesterday the exhibition of... the piano ended. I don’t remember how many there were, but I think there were a hundred. We did them almost a week non-stop.
The next year I went to college. I have not listened to classical music since then.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144970
Where is the most fertile land in Russia?
- In the park Zaryadye - 13 hectares removed 14 billion. “The Greens!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144969
Evangelisto: There is more than one way to test a cat
We protest the cat.
We ask – “Are you a cat?” – if he says “yes” / “no” / starts showing documents, then it’s clearly not a cat – the real cat will just ignore you. By the way, if Kosha answers “Mao”, then it is most likely a Chinese counterfeit.
We perform smoke test – during the day we check whether there is no smoke from the cat.
Conducting a safety test - try to touch the cat - scratched. The Scotch. The big? The rough?
As a behavioral test, we try to hang the cat on the curtains - it hangs. We try to put it on the table in the kitchen - the people around start to argue - it's all right.
Testing a cat with a black box has already been considered by Schrödinger, so we will not stop in detail on this.
We try to determine the sex of the cat - we mentally measure the cat in length, divide the resulting figure by two, measure this distance on the cat with an eye - we determine the beginning and end of the half of the cat.
The cat refuses to participate in the refusal resistance test.
For volumetric testing we will need: a container for collecting displaced water, knowledge of the value of water density, weight, cat, and a bath, filled to the edges with water...
Based on the results of testing, we can conclude that we really have a real alpine cat.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144968
Toilets of the bank and three restaurants in Geneva were filled with 500 euro banknotes for a total of 100,000 euros.
So far, there is no reason to think that the money found is dirty, the local prosecutor said.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144967
We discuss with a Mexican friend the latest news about the interview of brother Escobar.
I’m sorry to ask questions. We simply do not represent the full picture of the immense drug trafficking from South America, the whole, so to speak, scale of the spread of cartel power.
He: Nothing, everything is okay. We don’t understand everything in Mexico either. We think the Russian government is there and you have a cartel there.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144966
IMHO is the right approach. What is not so? I would argue about the "self's fault", but in the case of an admitted knockout to explain why it is a knockout and how to do so as not to knockout further - why not?

Because when a person is very distant, he most likely doesn’t care about explanations. At least soon after the incident. A little later you will explain and advise, and now feel. Or at least be silent.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144965
I'm testing a man to replace Vasilyev today.
If it fails, there is a chance.
I just started to taste it. :D
YYY: This is a girl.
XXX: Will she survive?
YYY: I still don’t know.
Well, more precisely, she will survive, just you and Leha instead of work will be driven away from her.
XXX is a beautiful girl.
YYY: The usual
We do not take beautiful ones. They must work for them.
xxx is %)))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144964
He: I bought a house.
She is :! seriously?! to
and ah)
In a mortgage?
No, I paid the tax.
by Naomi! Are you a millionaire underground? How many meters? From what made?
It is about 0.4 square. Made out of spruce.
You are on the go!!))
Will you come to New York? and :(
And tasteful though?
It is delicious)
I will come.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144963
xxx: the power regulator broke in the vacuum cleaner, and now it is sucking with such a force as if it wants to

The iPhone X.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144962
Title of News:
"Created autonomous heating battery on Intel and AMD processors"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144961
The coat of arms of the Magadan region will be replaced due to errors in symbolism.

Images that have been painted on the heraldic shield for more than 15 years cannot be used.

After 15 years in Magadan, the images will be released on amnesty.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144960
News: 12:30 Swedish banking group Nordea tries to leave Russia for the third year
Comment: well all right: in Russia entry ruble - exit two

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144959
Yesterday I went home in the elevator with a black man and a banana. A black man came out on the 16th floor - a banana behind him, I'm like this: a banana stands, a black man looked at me very strangely

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144958
In the photo, the body of a fox, rotted by a combine to a two-dimensional state. The commentary:
"Not a bad guy. 10 years of the 21st century. and Salmon. and Lisa.
Author: The Unknown Combiiner"

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144957
It is fun for the Russian to work in an international team. Customer X!y Wei, developer Abbas Ali, Kar As, a Greek warehouse chief with the usual name Eros. It is especially fun to see the documents of the Eros act of poisoning, where in the column the recipient of X!y.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144956
The name of the news sounds!! : "Peskov’s daughter removed Instagram"I’m scared for Facebook now!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144955
xxx: the tool of anal intimidation... we had such a local mem about a cyst
I have been operated three times in the hospital. Well, they brought more urgent patients who were one foot in heaven, well, they needed to be urgently on the table. and before the operation it is customary to rinse the intestines so that the percentage in the disconnect does not obscure the unintentional surgeons all the fun. I remember, the whole chamber was over me.
xxx: and after some time, his wife wrote a script for the "precaution" on the motives of people in black. And she had to invent a variety of noisy weapons of aliens. Then was born.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna