— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130619
here here :

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In the circumstances of the average family, where both work, provide children and barely bring ends to ends, take and buy a gaming machine for a hundred percent of money, without consulting the family - suddenly more important than spending is, for example, a child brakes to put, this is just called infantile egoism.
— — —
It is incomprehensible only to have children if "if they bring ends with ends".

Throw it off, and it happens that love is a carrot and quite reasoned hopes for a very bright future. Which suddenly did not come.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130618
here here :

Comrade, responding to quotes with "Debt", you are debt!

No, he is boring.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №130617
Russian regions have not received money to purchase drugs for HIV-infected people, writes "Kommersant".

According to the publication, the reduction in funding was from 10 to 30 percent."

The wise power kills two rabbits at once: both instantaneous savings on medicines and long-term savings by reducing pensions and social spending by increasing population decline. The saved money will go to the military budget to protect the remaining citizens from the spiritlessness of the West.

I propose to come up with an initiative for ROI: what else needs to stop treating in order to save and raise spirituality.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130616
Why do you have a family?
— — —
Does it mean that family is an abandonment of its own interests? My hobbies do not bother anyone. If my wife wants to go to her sister with her friends, I will stay with the child. If she goes to the shops, I won’t go it uninteresting to me. If I go to the Epicenter of Dota 2 in Moscow, my wife will not go - she is not interested. We have enough common interests. I’m sorry for your family if all actions have to go through common agreement. It is better to let go and see your wife/husband happy than to look at a sad face all day long.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №130615
I stood in the metro. The train runs rarely at 10 p.m. I have a fever of 37 days. I ride with a heat in my bag. I think I should die. I am measuring. The train arrived. I went in, sat down. I sit at the station, two. My aunt next to the series. He looks, he looks straight into his soul. I remember the thermometer. I look at her, take the thermometer and say "Oh!". turned to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130614
All players of the Russian national team agreed to play with a team of amateurs.
...And immediately through the insiders made huge bets at the bookmakers.

to his loss.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130613
Transformers are more useful than harmful.
At the dawn of mankind, there were no transformers, but the life expectancy was much shorter.
I think the transformator has contributed and positively affected the life expectancy of a person.
Where without a transformer? As long as all electricity is held by it, where we are without electricity.
To him (the transformator) a monument should be erected, not defamed.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130612
And if you drink infused water on the shell, from a lack of calcium in the body?
Or is it also the same as drinking a nail decoction, with a lack of iron in the body?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130611
From business correspondence:
Make good and please the boss.
It’s like getting a stable anti-matter by having a pack of cabbage and a moth of beech.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130610
INNOPROM 2016 participant: Mudanjiang Cultural Company with Organic Responsibility "Bohemohé"

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №130609
It is incomprehensible only to have children if "if they bring ends with ends".

Ask your parents about their financial situation when you arrive.
You will learn a lot of new

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130608
xx is OK.
We went to the sea in the evening and took a photo session.
Look at the sunset!

Sunrise is great, yes.
The sea does not touch me. It is so dirty and so warm that it doesn’t even stir.

XX: Yes, I’m a Northern barbar, I’m more accustomed to jumping into the water and immediately running back on its surface.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130607
The desires of a woman with the appearance of her men turn into requests.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №130606
One day my wife’s sister and daughter came to visit us. One morning she wakes up in a terrible mood and tells her that she dreamed a terrible dream in which her aunt gives her a crocodile and this crocodile bites her daughter's hand. And here, imagine, she walks all day and tells everyone about this dream, herself in despair, this mood is passed on to everyone around. And even if her aunt did not love her so much before this dream, then now, after she gave a crocodile in her dream, she does not want to hear about her. My daughter is afraid to walk. In other words, a nightmare.
Closer to the evening, I hear that he wants to find a dream on the Internet and read what this dream means. and Eureka! I run to the computer, go to the free online site builder and in 10 minutes I make a page "sleep". I throw there information about various animals - bulls, elephants, etc. From a real dream, and about the crocodile I write myself.
He wrote: “To see a crocodile in a dream is a rare and very successful phenomenon. If you dream that he bites you or your loved ones, then this is luck, money, luck. When a crocodile is given to you in a dream, the person who gives is a very kind and loving person.
I publish a website, send a link on Viber. I say, “Look what I found about the crocodile.”
Her reaction was, “This is my dream! The class!” In general, the day two she went happy, told everyone what a great dream she dreamed and how she loves her aunt.
Ufff, my wife immediately understood that it was my crafts, but didn’t give up.)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №130605
Service in the Church. A drunk man comes in and shakes his face with the words:
Hit the cheek, put the other. Replace it!
The father on the right hangs the drunken man and says:
With what measure you measure, you will also be measured.
People surrounded them and watched with interest.
Running with Mente:
What is happening?
And the crowd:
Don’t worry, the Gospels are interpreted.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130604
In what society do you live? In our society, not drinking alcohol at all is considered completely normal. But to use it more often than a couple of times a year is unusual.
— — —
Ha Ha Ha Humor Resource
You may be from Liechtenstein.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130603
XHH: Knowledge and Education
I studied mechanical engineering for five years, and I learned from the book of Philip K. Dick that the Greek word "mechanics" came from the Hittite "Mekhis", which means "power", and that the Hittites actually worshipped the god with this name.
The Technozers of the Late Neolithic Period.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130602
Nothing to yourself! A tree fell and three cars crashed. Immediately three!
So they stand tight. There is nowhere to fall, there are cars everywhere.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130601
to this:

Who is Terry Pratchett? I am not a troll, I have never read it.
It was not published in the USSR. And I don’t know any new fantasies at all".

Well, what can I say, if you have not taken the books in your hands since the collapse of the Union, I am very sorry for you. Soviet fiction sooner or later ends, and not all of it is equally interesting and useful. So I recommend broadening the horizon and reading at least Pratchett. Yes, and a new fantasy, he can be considered very relative, because his uncle was born in 1948, and his flat world has been more than 20 years old.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130600
What do you know about shame? I am married for the third time. Two adult sons. Love happens between marriages. But today, a three-year-old grandson said:
Grandma, you’re writing me wrong (after the pot). You drop it down, and go to the side. Here is so. A century alive.

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