— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №128679
"Genetics have found out that being poor is dangerous for the psyche"

Scientists finally confirmed that living in the luxury of Courchevel is much more fun than

Bombing at the Norilsk City Wash. I was confused and assumed...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128678
>> All are equal

Probably as well as salary. Yes the school?

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128677
"Otherwise, what kind of re-education of society can we talk about?"

My eye was delayed. What is the "re-education of society"? Take the 1st person and re-educate. I have never seen a successful result in my life. The most it was possible to intimidate a person so that he did as he should while he is watched, but it is worth turning away and he is back for the old again. You can more or less educate children while they are young and learn from adults, but they are mostly bullied. They are small and so are we, how can we be strict with them?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128676
Miracles of Compatibility:
Word 2003: I can't open this. The file was created in a newer version of the program.
Compass: I can’t open it. The file is created in a new version of the program.
DipTrace: I can’t open it. The file is created in a new version of the program.
AutoCad: It is not possible to open the file because it was created in an earlier version of AutoCAD!

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128675
Oh, those silly compliments. The most unpleasant compliment in my life is “Queen of the pot.” I even wanted to crown the bowl of this sick man.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №128674
The story of a cavalier and a girl.
Once they separated, the girl in the rental apartment had some things bought together, in particular, a healthy telephone. The cavalier did not express the desire to take it away, "let it be with you" and all that.
But then the girl decided to move, there was a problem with the cat - and the knight promised in case of something to set up a cat in the village. She called him. The guy suddenly wanted back his box, while with the cat turned on the back. Before a bunch he suddenly found once lost (or allegedly lost) keys from this rental apartment.

The apocalypse came today. The man came and in the absence of the girl brought out the TV, a pot, a bowl and worn female boots. He would have taken something else, but the rest has already been taken away =)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128673
I was 12. Like most of my peers, I’ve always played The Sims. Who is not aware, when creating a new character you need to specify some parameters and character traits. And in the same list was the Count of Fetish. At the time, I was a child not ruined by the internet, and for some reason I was sure that fetish was nothing but something unacceptable, something you can’t tolerate. So in the pop-up list there was such a variant of fetish - the smell of sweat. And I always pointed it out, because I don’t tolerate it myself. What was my astonishment, when all my heroes eventually became terrible dirt, did not go to the shower, smelled their sweat buttocks with intoxication and went on.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128672
<Marie-Joseph> The United States of America is a country of freedom. Whatever you do or say, it is necessarily a violation of the freedoms of others.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №128671
>>Do you see a lot of people on the street who don’t waste because they consider this area their home? I think polluted streets, parks, reservoirs can clearly show what citizens think about the country. So why do they care about a foreign country and foreign people? That is when there will be such caring at least 75 percent, then there will be reason to ask.

very much. But unfortunately, one pidaras is enough on the entrance to turn it into a laundry.
That he was alone is certain, because for three years, while he was absent, everything was clean and whole.
that is. Less than 3% of the bead makes the decency of the rest of the population imperceptible.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128670
XXX: A wonderful post!
YYY: thank you
ZZZ: Please )))))
YYY: ZZZ, why did you spy on someone else please?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №128669
Is there at least one normal person on this planet?
ZZZ: Why are you?
XXX: The Question

[ + 37 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №128668
They are born, grow up in mud, begin to work at twelve, experience a short period of physical flourishing and sexuality, at twenty they marry, at thirty they are not young, at sixty they usually die. Heavy physical labor, caring for the house and children, small quarrels with neighbors, movies, football, beer and, most importantly, gambling - this is all that fits into their horizon. Managing them is not difficult. It is considered undesirable that the slums have a great interest in politics. They only need primitive patriotism to appeal to it when it comes to prolonging the working day or reducing the pairs. And if they are overwhelmed by dissatisfaction — this has also happened — this dissatisfaction leads to nothing, for because of the lack of general ideas it is only directed against small concrete troubles.

George Orwell, “1984”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №128667
Borrow No. 20426, so can you get free flowers from the cellar on the street? Nothing that people don’t plant them for you personally, right? Good grandmother, her old age is forgiving, not everyone at the age of sobriety of judgments preserves... but if consideration remains, the urge to tear what he did not plant himself?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №128666
Can I stay with you overnight?

It was late, I called the elevator.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №128665
I live and work in Omsk. My parents live in Novosibirsk. The story ended with me in the early 2000s. I worked in the Omsk branch of a Novosibirsk bank. The manager of the branch was from Novosibirsk and was appointed temporarily until a candidate from the local was selected. Here he wandered every week between cities, between family and work. And one day we go on a trip to Novosibirsk to defend the annual plan. The composition of the participants of the trip: Your submissive servant (hereinafter I), the head of the branch, my good acquaintance (hereinafter GB) and the above-mentioned manager (hereinafter U). It should be noted that we are all about the same age.

Sit in the couch. The train Omsk-Novosibirsk He departs in the evening from Omsk and arrives in the morning in Novosibirsk. We talked in the evening, drank a cup and went to bed. We woke up in the morning, washed, gathered things, soon Novosibirsk. And there is such a conversation.

U: I will not go to the end, but I will go out at the Novosibirsk-Western station, so I get home faster. The time is 7 in the morning, we are waiting at 11 in the bank. I eat breakfast, change clothes and go to the bank at 10.30.

GB is OK. Then I am at the hotel. Meet at the bank.

I: Then I also go to the West, I go to my parents, from there nearby. We will eat, drink and meet at the bank.

U: I will go from the station to the house by tram, I will go to the Sibyryakov-Guardian Street.

I: I will also go with you, I too will go to the Siberian Guard Street.

U: I am until the Vertskovskaya stop.

I: I will also go out at the stop.

I have a house n.

I: I am in this house too.

The manager and the chief looked at me, thinking I was joking. I like to joke sometimes. Then we go out with the driver, the headbus goes on, we sit in the tram, we go quietly. We go out at one stop and go home. The manager looks at me, with such a look, said joking and enough. But we go further. We approach the entrance, he opens the entrance, we enter.

I am on the fifth floor.

I: I am too.

We rise up. The manager approaches his apartment, opens it and looks at me.

A: So what next?

I go to the neighboring apartment and knock on the door. My mother opens the door, embraces me, sees the manager and speaks to him.

Hello to Serena! As a deed! My son came on a trip!

W:......................! to

This story ended with me.

Back, I took a cognac and my relationship with the driver was significantly warmer. It is a pity that he was soon taken from us to Novosibirsk, and then he went to another bank.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №128664
In the morning, while preparing breakfast, the daughter suddenly said, “Dad, what is a pioneer camp? Send me to a pioneer camp, right?” In my head immediately came a whirlwind of memories, and one thing was so bright that post was immediately born. It was in 1994, my mother sent me to this establishment for a season. By age I got into the 1st squad, and with me in the chamber were boys, all years 2-3 older (and at this age the difference feels like), they were all from the same district, knew each other, and got, apparently on the muddy paths. In the neighboring chamber there were boys of my age, well, and my companions began to survive me in the neighboring chamber to the horsemen. I stood up, there were moments of hard pressing, and then we talked, made friends, and I became "my own." In the chamber of the girls of our squad there were extremely many beautiful individuals, and one of them already very burned in my soul, in general, etc., wished her, but was silent in a shrink, embarrassed, type. What was my surprise when she first approached, and, making a mysterious voice, proclaimed, "I have to do with you." In the head died, in the chest stuck, and in all parts of the body manifested pulses, of a different nature. She continued, “Do you communicate with the elderly? They have all kinds of grass! Get us with the girls, “Well, fucking. by 17.30 Oh, and I thought... But this hope, and suddenly it will be placed to me very favorably, I went to one of the older comrades. My question, of course, was met by Gogot. Fey... But I didn’t give up so easily. On the wings of love, I didn’t come up with anything better than cutting a huge bush of turtle near the body, and drying these leaves all night on a calorifer (it was cool, and a few pieces were given to each chamber). The smell of the dried turtle flooded the whole body, magic reigned in the air and I did not doubt a drop. I drowned a man’s frogs for 10. At nine o’clock, all the female household was waiting for me in a leash behind the body, headed by passion. “Have you brought? Yes, here is and!! Nifga yourself, you’re just great!!” Further, I felt like a great dealer of treasures and watched the girls, depicting the “experienced,” blowing with this dryer, coughing, turning their eyes to the sky and sweetly smiling, saying, “Oh God, it’s bad.” I became somehow uncomfortable, the further, the worse. When it was all over, I somehow insecurely returned to the chamber and worriedly fell asleep with unpleasant feelings. The deception opened up the next day, when one of the boys whispered that he said he had dried the leaves of the turtle all night, saying that the medicine was home for my grandmother. The news spread throughout the camp. For two days I did not go out of the chamber, watching the window as a ragged female crowd awaited me. The elders roasted like horses, the chiefs whispered, laughing as they passed by. The girl I wanted to talk to no longer. This is how I imprinted myself in the history of the camp, as a humorous and ingenious character, something like Hajji Nasreddin, or how he was there.

Z is. The following year, my friend went to the same camp, and then told me, say, the legend still goes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №128663
My apartment has a poor FM-band reception. I have a radio alarm, a radio magnetol, and only a child's electrical engine captures all the radio stations, and absolutely without interference.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128662
KVN, from the performance of the team "CP", 2005.
Juliet, you are beautiful!
What did I look at you?
You are here alone.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №128661
Why can’t I get anything from him?
Because you violate the technology of working with the brain. You just take his brain out, and you have to do everything consistently:
1st to take out.
2nd buried
Three to wash.
4 is to lose.
5 is to dry.
6 is to stumble.
7 is put in place.
8 is The Profit!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №128660
Russia is a country of huge opportunities for abuse.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna