— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127378
Review of the film "Crew"
"Edrith your ethi... Soon and "White Sun" will be removed. Abducted pilot takes away Russian women cheated by the needle."

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127377
Well, that’s all this:

Guppy and bubbles, a song about hand washing, words:... So you don’t pull, hands wash and rub... I have it all.

Maybe there was a wash?

[ + 20 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127376
It turns out that atheism is a religion and paganism is a philosophy.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №127375

One thing I regret.
WOW :?
He didn’t marry her exactly the same way.
To whom is this cushion?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127374
>>> as the experience shows people who do not want to "work for money",

What is this experience? Do you hire people and pay them money?
So, young man, there is a certain bar of labor profitability - if the monthly expenses of the employee to ensure survival (HCR-transport-food-health-shame cover) exceed the proposed salary, then what is the point in such work?
We leave the spending on self-development and full-fledged rest behind the sticks – in our country (Russia) it is already the middle class.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127373
The WTF? O_O those who assure that the USSR without religion achieved everything (read how many communists sold gold and icons from churches in the twenties, and the money for industrialization was allowed, here the church helped a lot)))

Did you eat soap? Gold and religion. Although, without expecting it, they were partially right - thanks to the clergy's acquisition and worship of the fact of Mammon and the Golden Taurus, and not by righteous labor, and these wealths were accumulated and eventually returned to the legitimate owner - the people.
Proletarians of all countries, unite. and Amen.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127372
Serena, what do you want in life?
I don’t want to do them and get a lot of money!
Okay, your first thing has already been done.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127371
The boss once again stressed on the "super-term-important-task", which, as always, turned out to be unnecessary at the end. I did not endure:
by Alexander Mikhailovich. When a man is sent to knock his ass in the jail, it has not gone anywhere! But when it turns out that this gap is above the waterline...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127370
Vegetarians are not ageing. They are winning.

And since the quotation is too short, I will add to the exact shit - call the child Ignat and count the hard after.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127369
Mosquitoes do not drink bad blood.
Yyy: If you want to get mosquitoes, you need to check the blood.
Zzz: Yes, and check out the green flies – they rarely go wrong. ;D

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127368
>>>Why does everyone think they owe everything to them and they never owe anything to anyone?

Take a receipt from your mom for the payment of the home and find the line "Cleaning the home area" or similar. Don’t do it, ask your mom to help.
Then take a piece of paper, a pen, a textbook "Arithmetic" of Malin and Burenin and count how much money is paid for this cleaning every month from each home.

In our courtyard, z.B., there is no need for any Sabbathers, as they are always clean, i.e. Everyone is (!) The day. Well, and if you hurt in the courtyard faster than the utilities carried out, then the Sabbath day once a year will not change the picture of your world.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127367
I walked past the kindergarten today, there was just a walk of small children. One boy stands next to the fence and looks at people passing by. And here neither from this nor from this he addresses me with such a jealous voice:
Help me get out of here! Oh well please!
It lasted only 3 minutes...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127366
Ideas for parents of newborns:

1st Take a picture as if you’re pulling a baby out of a flying plate that crashed into the forest.

2nd When the child is ten years old, adjust so that he will find this photo on the roof.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127365
The church is like a house with a cross on the roof, it doesn’t ask for money either.

Okay okay? And the heating? What about the godless electrician? What about water with sewerage? And the repair?
They don’t pay taxes, they do.)

Well, and according to your logic, is the RPC the Russian Orthodox House with a cross? A small house? (and the second is the RPCZ)))))
However, the church always knew how to tell stories.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127364
XXX: That was the joke.
I bought a car. What color? Have you seen sunset? It is, but it is green.
YYY: I do not understand. What a nonsense?
xxx: It was meant to be like #FF4025, but actually #40FF25

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127363
Don’t worry about small business (C)

I came from the tax office and asked for an explanation why we are not closing contracts with suppliers.
two days spent clarifying that in their understanding "the contracts are not closed" because
We did not give them a contract.
Our contracts are indefinite, with automatic extension for next year.

It turned out that if I paid the supplier on December 31 with a delivery period of 16 weeks, and he did not ship me on December 31 - it means that I have a bad deal with the supplier!!!! to
(What this means, why such questions, and what threatens, we could not explain)

three days wrote an explanation why we will never close the contract
Because all the sliding speakers made samples from 1C in the range of all sorts of accounts and other things.

40 minutes of buzz. I told them how we built the process, what we pay, we wait until six months from production, we get - and all shiaaslyva.

They did not understand

They said to write a paper that the agreements 14 years will close in 15th, the agreements 15th in 16th.

and all.

What was it all about???? to

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127362
xxx: we here in the day sent 4 different mistakes a woman by the name of Beda
What’s worse, it’s T.P.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127361
Moscow authorities allocated more than 85 million rubles to increase clouds on May 1

We do not sow and we do not pasture.
We make a fool.
The 1st of May comes.
Destroying the clouds.
The Opaganamstale!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127360
What trait do feminists accuse men of female hatred? No one hates babies more than other babies.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127359
In three years I will be 40. 40 is and 40!!!! Let’s celebrate it somewhat. Take for example a safari.
I see two lions, one of whom complains that he has a heartburn from these stupid forty-year-olds.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna