— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127418
We discuss with a girl that hair loss has become capital

Have you thought about the masks?

The AK90
A hair mask?

type of that. Well, at my previous job, the cleaner told me, her grit fell out after stress.

The AK90
after the onion has prayed?))))

It was funny when my husband left.

The AK90
I’m sorry I can’t stand it...and my husband left after she started to lubricate?)))

The fool!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127417
Q: Do you know my cat, Cousin?
J: I have the honor. and what?
F: Well, I picked him up with the cat from the cousins when their cat was wrapped. And today I go to them for business, I go home. It is distributed "miu", and it is included: Kuzkin’s mother!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127416
> in retirement, medical fear and social. Fear is paid by the employer; VAT is paid by the store in the person of the principal; excise duties are paid by the producer of the goods, etc.

A shit in the head, or just fat.
Here came to the store Vasya Popkin, bought for 100 rubles. The boss is sitting like that and thinking, yes, I need to pay 18 rubles of tax, where would I get them? I’ll do the shield, I’ll pay from my salary. So what?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127415
Borrow 20180, the next time your mom asks your dad about the money for repairs or for another household, don't forget to call the container and her.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127414
Do not exaggerate:

See today on news sites: Moscow authorities will pay 86 million rubles for the uplift of clouds on Easter.
Because of prayer, no one believes. Why do we celebrate?

It is not clear who will be paid for. It is not excluded that it is the diocese for prayer.

[ + 45 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127413
“If a man is not registered, will he be able to give birth at home?”

Why is this category of people stamping children as a conveyor?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127412
News: The head of the Tatar Medžlis of Crimea called for the seizure of the peninsula. Members of the Medellin are 33 people."
This is worse than the threats of the Baltic States, with its two tanks!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127411
"What is the difference between religion and religion?"

Religion is an organized faith. With the Board of Directors and Management

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127410
Men are funny.
think if you wrote hello, you're cute, then the next phrase "let's go" will be quite logical

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127409
to the name:
Not every name is attached to a man. The name should be such that it is convenient to wash the floor." (c) Terry Pratchett

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127408
As a child, thanks to my older brother, I learned the song "Three Tanks" with a minor modification.
That night the samurai decided.
Crossing the border, you fools.
I loved singing small. I had great success at demonstrations when I didn’t have time to shut my mouth.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №127407
xxx: Prince William and Harry played the attackers in "Star Wars"
What have you achieved? :)
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Played with the boss in a role-playing game "Can I give you a salary today or not?"
I have lost.( by

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127406
When it’s Friday night, I don’t want to binge.
I want to be in a coma... and get out of it on Monday morning to work, resting.

Director, 29 years old

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №127405
About ageing and adulthood. I have a funny girl at 40. It differs in the fact that any fist lies with a serious look. It lights up a couple of times.
And here comes for tea - for computer affairs, it hurts.
She saw the boys riding on the boards. I stopped looking. The guys noticed and asked her what to say? She explained that it just didn’t happen at her time, she was interested. The boys offered her to ride, and even did it: that is, they took their arms, helped get on the board and rolled a pretty whispering aunt two circles. And she stumbled on two things: 1) her peers called her bad words, that is, at old age she suddenly became a joke! 2) A police officer approached them, attracted by a whisper, and asked what was happening. And the guys of the choir gave friendship: Yes, we are here to catch my grandmother!
by Zy. They promised to teach her, in the fortress she went to buy herself a board under the sensitive guidance of the youth.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127404
XXX: Prikyn, always laughed at the various loops, who after a long period of use of the technique, found that they had not yet taken the film, due to which the quality of the images was unclear.
YYY: Well, there’s something behind you, and what?
XXX: I will not laugh anymore. Yesterday I picked up the phone, something wasn’t exactly connected. The main camera was in the film. Three months of use and it was not seen at all!
YYY: With a return to reality.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №127403
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered an infrasound system to influence law enforcement violators:
xxx: According to the description, they need powerful columns and a disc with a Russian tail.
yyy:> It is also written: nonlethal effects.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127402
begemotik_bondi: Going on the slopes in the middle of the forest on the trail saw a breakdown. The path is narrow, low. There is no road nearby, to the nearest residence a few kilometers. Normal like that. Heavy, one and a half meters long, not rusty, working species. He was lying across the road, orphaned. Probably someone swallowed.

congregatio: Oh, and we somehow many years ago found it in the woods :))) Maybe they grow there?

begemotik_bondi: (With the Voice of Drozda)
Wild individuals of this species live in the forest, but it is almost impossible to notice them, they are extremely hidden. And only the sick crawl on the paths and paths in search of help. Thus, there was the domestication of their man. and :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №127401
Washing in the Middle Ages was a mistake. The Church believed that the body is perishable, it is not permissible to take care of it, it is necessary to think about the purity of the spirit. In addition, the washing of the body is inevitably associated with nakedness, which after the "offense" of Adam and Eve - shame and shame.

Healthy bodily and, especially, young by age, should wash as rarely as possible.
St. Bishop"
– is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127400
See today on news sites: Moscow authorities will pay 86 million rubles for the uplift of clouds on Easter.
Because of prayer, no one believes. Why do we celebrate?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №127399
“The Lord God could have stopped the hand of the operator, who, controlling the reactor, made a terrible mistake. The Lord has forgiven, and many people have contributed by their death to the atonement of the sins of many,” the patriarch said.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
The sick bastard.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna