— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117372
We have a man in the neighboring street. Somewhere at two o’clock comes to his home on a tourist bus, parks, gets out of the luggage compartment and with a satisfied mouth rides 200 meters to the entrance. Lunch in the same way. And in general, bus drivers are classy, scattering songs from religious to heavy rock. In the morning, they leave the central station, greet each other and throw sweets out the windows. They are worn like in American films, but polite, even kebenimates do not send, unlike road drivers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117371
It is so delicious to spit them in the holy. One of the comments under the photo: Stefano Gabbana wears sandals with socks. How to live further?
The burning pudding!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117370
In Moscow there is a trolley bus stop "Volgogradsky Prospekt", which is named after a metro station named after a street named after a city named after a river.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117369
I am a smart girl, do you doubt?
In my time, I did not immediately come to how to write Roman numbers in the word.
I found through the search engine an article containing Roman numbers.
XHH: copied and composed as needed in your document ^^
It came without any external help. It was funny and a little embarrassing.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117368
He received "ban" for excessive zeal. Shaken to the depths of his modern soul. My torments and sufferings will be outlined in a short essay "I and Ban".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117367
My husband calls me "on a business trip" with newspapers from home. We are well. and RJT. Little came up with a gentle domestic nickname for the cat: Žmurik. I failed to convince. No, well, it’s clear – the kiss is so sweet! (and it is almost always demanded) What other interpretations can there be?? to
Now we are swimming in the Cheburashka aquarium (turtle, questions are not for me), in the warehouse is sad about patients "Infectious Department No. 1" (According to the version of my husband - "House No. 6". Terrarium for slugs, which last summer was regularly replenished with poor, sick, suffering on the street slugs. As is clear from the history, we have visited the infection ourselves). And at night, he walks around the house and sometimes swallows the jamming. That kind of cushion :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117366
Recommend some family melody.
If it comes to family, lost parents and family values, then the last Terminator.

[ + 11 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117365
A Crimean officer was assigned to serve in Vladivostok.But they cannot take the position.And all because in the case he is prone to betrayal.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117364
She: I understood
I need a separate closet and a small suitcase for every body care.
A closet and a suitcase if you go somewhere.

If you suddenly move
Separate Railway Container

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117363
Technical progress is, for the most part, the invention of increasingly high-tech grills, which are becoming easier to attack.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117362
The author of all our favorite comics, Lynn, is getting married! Congratulations to Lynn!
In fact, Lin is two men.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №117361
Who talked about cognitive dissonance?

Commentary on the photo of an attractive girl:
(Please pay attention to Nick)

Chris: What a grace, what a fascinating line, mm chocolate candy!!! to
Pimples on the skin. I would dedicate a few poems to her on cold winter evenings.
UnisonTwoeySouls: ahabperdelil cha

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117360
I woke up from the bow, I watched. In the box, the Eurovision winner leads Smak shuddered in a moment-looked-Urgant. calmed down.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117359
No is. I want to sell what I want to sell. And engaging in what I am interested in, I created a company for this, in order to express myself, in a high-par slang. So I’ll have everything as I want, and if you’re dissatisfied, go, go, and go. My client will find me and we will both be happy. There are money, but very heavy and uninteresting orders. They go through the forest. Not in money is happiness. There are motors and low money - this is just about the topic, the primary topic: take a lot, and you will not take a lot of money here, if you can take a lot for the delivery and installation of some shelf, it is not a nuclear reactor. And there are exciting orders, I’m ready to do it almost for free because I like it! And yes, I did the children's home at all for free, but the pope refused, why? Because I do not want to go against conscience, and I consider their activities destructive to society.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №117358
The moral of this fairy tale is this - if you grow tomatoes and sell them to wholesale market merchants, but you came to a fool, demanding three tomatoes for breakfast, so that you bring them to his home, cut a salad there, fed a spoon, and then made a massage worker - it is not boring to explain that you are a gardener, not a massage worker. Just say it’s worth 700 euros!
When the grandmother went on a second attack, I asked her for fifty rubles to end it all together. She immediately retreated, looking at me with respect" (C)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №117357
As a friend of mine once advised Ixbox:
"Take, of course, such a cool thing, you can sit in some trousers all day without eating..."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117356
xxx: >> Genetically modified yeast produces opiates from sugar (link)
They will be banned from trading before they are sold.
xxx: Knowing our officials, they will most likely ban sugar
yyy: And sugar beets, because it can make sugar.
Zzzz: And beets in general, just for the case.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117355
fiskus: I even have a plugin that destroys cookies
Fishermen: Th. I am not locked anywhere.
UST: Plugin destroying cookies is mouth

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117354
And under the curtain of summer sensation. Stylists and victims of fashion are fainting. Feshn-Media are fighting in convulsions.

Italian designer Stefano Gabbana (one of the founders of the fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana) was photographed in sandals with socks and posted the frame on his personal Instagram account.
A 52-year-old fashion designer on a farm in Peru feeds alpaca from a bottle. However, the attention of subscribers attracted not only the main plot of the photo. In comments, users in different languages expressed confusion over the fact that Gabbana wore open shoes with socks.

It is so delicious to spit them in the holy. One of the comments under the photo: Stefano Gabbana wears sandals with socks. How to live further?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117353
XX: In fact, homophobia in Peter is about the same as in Moscow.
XX: It is just distributed very unequally.
xx: almost all concentrated in one rainbow deputy

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna