— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120692
A very good friend, doctor. I advise on a delicate operation. Be sure her boyfriend and her best friend will know! What does it matter to them? Why do they know it? And most importantly, why then ask me how to do and sympathize? Yes, imagine, I didn’t expect you to shake about such intimate things!"

In fact, such a “friendship” ends in the court, where the “friend” will be forced to be held responsible for violating medical secrets and disclosing information about personal life.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120691
We found our cat at the water station. He was very kind, but also very stupid. That’s why we called it “Catabaran.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №120690
I decided to teach my younger brother to order. He repeatedly asked for order in the room. Zero of emotions. In punishment included his game Fallout 4, scattered beds in his barracks and removed previous storage. I have never heard so much whisper in my life. As a result, the third day in the room is ideal.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120689
As a child, I liked to watch how construction machinery works, nothing changed only for this I get money)))))))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №120688
News on geektimes "Retro find — batteries «Prima» A 316 (1989 release)" and comments to it:
XXX: They are so cool that they want to lick them.
YYY: 336 elements were laid
Zzz: Isn’t the Crown on 9V?
www: Crohn is for the Masochists – she spit the tongue very hard. I can endure, but why? But the 4.5B was pretty “tasteful.” :) In addition, with some experience, it was possible to distinguish an approximate level of charge without a voltmeter :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120687
Comments on the news about the "black woodcut" that illegally cut down trees
xxx: Good that not "the black lord"
Yyy: The Lord of the tree rings ;)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120686
In front of the headline of the news "In Moscow approximately 1,400 certified. Department of Management" And the eye insists on reading "arrested".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120685
From the discussion of dating sites: on the ratio "price/quality" onanism out of competition!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120684
Archaeologists of the future will not teach Latin and Greek, but Algol, Fortran and Cobol.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120683
She called the veterinarian and asked how much it would cost to check the mouse caught on the balcony for illness to leave the rodent to herself. In response, I was kindly asked to open it to make sure that it was healthy.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №120682
Those who say, “I searched and found 300,000 for vacation on the islands.” Tell me where do you fucking look for?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120681
M: I really wanted to talk to you.
A: Why am I not in the pub yet?
Not in the lab.
A: Why am I not in the pub, too

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120680
The speed of time increases in proportion to your age.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120679
I was looking for a job in America. Since a person is extremely lazy - he wanted to work without leaving the house, which he most often managed.

Once I came to an interview, where the main requirement was the presence of a fixed phone at home. He was not explained at all, they said that he was accepted to work, and he was required to sit at home and wait for a phone call. You could call at any time, so you couldn’t get away.

As a worker, he was honest. For days he sat at home, slept, ordered food, ate, played games, waited for a call - no one called. Nevertheless, he regularly received checks with his salary for a very good amount - about three thousand dollars a month, if I'm not mistaken.

That lasted for a few months, and then he was fired. How was he fired? They were invited again to the interview, handed him a hand, said it was very pleasant to work with him, were very sorry that they had to interrupt the cooperation, but asked not to worry about this, as the company promised to pay him the benefit for several months after his dismissal. Everything was done correctly.

He has not yet understood what it was.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120678
Previously in school they were taught to read and write, and now in school they check how children were taught all this at home.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120677
I’m going to work tomorrow, I’m going to arrange.
I quit smoking to save money
Look at what follows.
They say that the game is evil.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120676
A video of cats on the live broadcast of the G20 summit:

Bradabar: Chat, somehow few representatives came to the summit... Or didn’t everyone light up on the camera?

Poskudnik: these are real shadow leaders, not these straight marionettes, they are by definition not many

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120675
To this: "In general, we washed out our suitcase, pulled our own one. And we all now happen to the old one, even if it was outwardly nice!"

Do you believe, not only with employees, but with some bosses the same shit? You think it can’t be worse! Annie, no, a new one is coming, and you know - how can!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №120674
XXX: Mom bodybuilder sad sometimes
I pushed hard on my cheek today.
It hurts (
She did not count the strength.
The skin, not the bones.
YYY: Training your cheeks :D
XXX:Train your cheeks - hammer more))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120673
I am touched by the look of German policemen. It seems to me that here in Germany they really serve the public order. A conversation with a German police officer — which I engage in at every opportunity — can be seen as a form of cultural engagement.
Russian rules of communication with the police officer are as follows: answer all questions briefly and correctly, reduce contact to a minimum, never start the first conversation.
One of my German friends came up with a paradoxical formula:
Moscow is safer than Paris or New York.
Police are really dangerous here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna