— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117812
I listened to Eva Simons "Hey, mister policeman". No one has ever performed so elegantly "Hop, trash".

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117811
The girl leads her daughter to the first class.
The teacher’s birthday is in July. First day of class is September 1.

At a parental meeting, they asked to give money for a gift to the first teacher. When asked, “Have we not yet started learning?” they replied, “But you have already been appointed teachers.”

(Interestingly, and after the end of the 4th grade they will still be asked to give money for the next birthday of the teacher?)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117810
Advertisers to note. The best advertisement was in the Soviet Union. I read the stengazette and you are already traveling from the sunny Crimea to Magadan for the construction of Komsomol!) Not what your shares and discounts are.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №117809
Now in America football fans should scandate: The judge-homofob...

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117808
Department of Military. The subject is tanks. He broadcasts:
You can drive at speeds up to 80 km/h. Then the tank loses control.
Everyone has a healthy face of horror. Someone guessed to ask:
And then how?
What how? Everything is okay, nothing terrible. You are in a tank.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117807
From the impasse
I have a friend, a reputable man at one time, my wife was in Egypt in the early 2000s, went shopping, my wife measured clothes, a local merchant said, kiss a gift, a friend did not like it, there was a conflict, what ended I don't know, I didn't tell, but then for the next 10 years 2 employees of his SB went to Egypt and regularly set fire to this tent, timing the fire to the date of this event...

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117806
We will praise for centuries the man who invented smart angles. If something is put on a corner or put on a corner, it is solid. But if a part of something alive, such as a knee or a little bitch, is rapidly approaching it, the angle becomes soft.! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №117805
Diamond: Grandma lives in a private house that is twice the size of our four-room apartment. Grandma is old. It is difficult for my grandmother to clean the house. Every day my grandmother complains about how difficult it is for her to clean the house, especially the windows.
Diamond: She hired a cleaner who comes on Wednesdays to clean the whole house and wash the windows.
Diamond: Now the grandmother cleans the whole house on Tuesdays and washes the windows so that the cleaner doesn’t think she’s a shit.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117804

We went to rest with a young man, namely, August 23, 2014
A strange name.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117803
Deodorant for Intimate Areas: To Smell Smell!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №117802
F.M Dostoevsky on the Internet and social networks:

They assure that the more the world unites, the more it unites, the more it converts into fraternal communion, the more it shrinks distances, the more it conveys thoughts through the air. Don’t believe in this unity of people. Understanding freedom as the multiplication and rapid satisfaction of needs, they distort their nature, because they give rise to many meaningless and stupid desires, habits and ridiculous fiction. They live only for jealousy to each other, for flesh pleasure and gentleness.

The Brothers Karamazov, 1880

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №117801
"Science of Life"

In my childhood, in the 70s and 80s. There was a whole regiment of works by the writer Villenin. The layout of the books was beautiful, but Wilenin wrote very boring, and all that nonsense about the workers and peasants.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117800
I don’t watch TV because I don’t have it. This was yesterday’s joke.
Accidentally stumbled on the Internet on the video "What awaits Russia by the end of the year - the opinion of analysts". It suddenly became interesting, because the video was like it was from serious people, decided to watch.
The video is uploaded, there is some dirty, lame man sitting there, almost naked. And the voice is so dark on the side: "Everything, like, our food is over, so we will have to eat one of us. We held a vote and all voted that we should eat you".
A man in Ahuya, I am in Ahuya. Nothing, I think, the opinion of analysts. And here they show M&M men and it turns out that this advertisement was before the video itself. In short, for a moment I was really ready to run to the store for a saiga.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117799
It’s angry when everyone loves you but is afraid to admit it and pretends you’re irritating them.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №117798
xxx: My mom once gave me the coolest: "A astrologer on TV (!!!) Lions are born businessmen and organizers. So if you are a Lion and you haven’t earned your first million by the age of 30, then there’s something wrong with you!
No, I know where to send astrologers: I always have a detailed map of the triple circular naphyg with me with a few copies. The question is, how can I not send my mother the same route?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117797
The main difference between man and animal is the ability to beautifully shape their instincts.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117796
Here, I remember, Zhirinovsky wept that Anna Karenina at the end of Tolstoy's novel (in fact - not at the end, it seems he did not read the novel) throws under the train. Therefore, the novel needs to be rewritten, the movie about Anna to be filmed again, and so on.
And I remember the performance of "Anna Karenina" in London, where Anna is played by a Negro (who can't imagine - plus, enjoy:
I talk to an Englishman, I complain about the "unnatural color of skin" of the heroine of the classical work. He (white) begins to blow, like "racism", la-la, topol... All races are equal, all actors are equal, have the right to play whoever they want...
I said, “Not a question. Name at least one American film where George Washington is played by an African-American.
The Song.
“Okay. The example is simpler. Name a film in which Martin Luther King is played by a Chinese or Hindu. Or at least white.”
Another singing.
“Well, for the rest, name a movie where the Queen of England is played – no matter whether it’s a Hindu, Chinese, Arab. Again, equality is so equal as it is for gender preferences – where the Queen of England is played by a Hindu, a Chinese, or an Arab.”
Silence and depression.
"Well, what kind of hell is this unknown who (what beautiful actress she was) plays a Russian nobleman from the higher world?"
A compressed whisper and unclear apologies for the English theatre.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117795
Two grams of Persil powder were found by police at the resident of Ivanovo. In court, the attacker unsuccessfully tried to prove that it was regular cocaine.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №117794
Boys have imaginary friends, and girls have imaginary puppies.
Yyy: And the girls are very tired of fighting it.
XXX is more! The real frog is real to win, and the imaginary is like the ghosts of the former.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117793
XXX: How to paint OAZIK? It is not possible to paint a speech. The total repair budget has already been exceeded twice.
YYY: They have been painted roll throughout their lives. Normal is
Sometimes I need to ride this car in the city. And to show people sometimes, yes.
ZZZ: In "Soho" to drive for example? Paint the valley carefully.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna