— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117792
Steamer, summer, heat, all in shirts, a bag across the shoulder.

The hairdresser: Good morning! Go and dress up!
I: Good morning! Could I not dress up?
The housewife is whispering from laughter under the table. I rise.
Girl hairdresser - red: Oh... I mean the bag take off...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117791
A big family wakes up. Someone of the children (probably the oldest) drove an average girl (a princess 9 years old) a ringtone on the phone...
In general, you pick up a number, and there is such a procured bass:
So yes, listen carefully! Now a man will come, remove the tube, and you will talk to him respectfully - you understand...
I do not guarantee the authenticity of the text, but somehow.
The younger, when he first called, did not postpone the brick. Before the girlfriend stopped calling her.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №117790
I did not hold on to this:

Good evening to all!
I am so glad to have moved to your city! So beautiful and beautiful here! After Moscow came out of the swamp! So quiet and measured life is going) no problems with parking, no cars at all, there is no electricity to the people) People before did not push, everywhere crowds of people, breathing nothing. You immediately felt freedom. A glorious townboy, as he remembered himself as a child when he went to his grandmother.
All are good!

What is the city, what is the city??? Where to move?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117789
The best thing Google has done to find free movie downloads is to start removing complaint links. And it is natural to write about it, with reference to the complaint. These complaints are the best collection of links for downloading any movie.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117788
The need of the modern world for programmers I fully realized after recruiting myself! He gave me all the materials necessary for an interview in his office.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117787
An interesting fact: Every year, two million people die from workplace accidents and occupational diseases – in contrast to just 650 thousand who die in military conflicts. Work kills more than war, alcohol and drugs combined. Now you have more reasons not to want to go to work.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №117786
In America, the shark looking at its own shadow predicts the arrival of spring. In Russia, there is Ulukaev, looking at the bottom, on which the Russian economy guesses whether this bottom has come or not.

[ + 20 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117785
Do Negro songs and dances go more to Negro? is logical. But basketball was in vain, it was invented by the white. That selected African Americans have succeeded in this sport is nothing unusual. Thus they were brought out, to be strong, strong, and enduring. This is exactly what plants need. They now show good results in many sports, but the sport has not become the prerogative of the Negro.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117784
From Habr:
xxx: And I have Origin under Windows regularly falls, I have to restart, in the best case Origin itself, in the worst - Windows. Windows is not ready for desktop?
Yyy: Use matplotlib and you will be lucky. Under Windows, but under Linux.
xxx: How does matplotlib help me run Battlefield 4?
Yyy: With matplotlib, you just won’t have time on Battlefield 4.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117783
A kidney surprise is a minion’s corpse in a chocolate tomb.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №117782
by Pikachu
One day, immediately after the meeting, the girl cried, I cried, I thought about the type of former I remembered, in the emotions hit.In the morning she said that she was just very good and everything is fine.Well, I don't even know what to believe)
Yyy: Don’t believe her – she just wants you to tie her off.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117781
Requirements for Paris.
The main thing is not to be alchemy, not to be a drug addict and not to fight. Work to work, and, of course, not gay) Krasnoyarsk region, the city of Minusinsk. Come here, we have wonderful girls.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117780
As we talked about Villarreal...
Tell me why I can list all the members of the Keepwell family, I remember that Pearl was actually called Michael Baldwin Bradford Third, and Vitor Velázquez had a Suzuki Vitara (I didn’t watch it all intentionally – I was still small), and when it comes to going to the supermarket, remembering a list of 10 positions is already a problem.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117779
I remembered the story my mother told me. When she herself was 12-13 years old, there was a belief among the children - you need to come to the cemetery at night, get up in front of the cross and say something like "Fey will appear" 3 times (I don't remember exactly). After that, the cross was to be lit, a fairy appeared and fulfilled a wish.
So, she and her friend returned home, naturally beside this cemetery. So I decided to try. It would be nothing, but the cross really began to shine. They and her friend were frightened and (according to her) rushed to our house with cries, relocating all the neighbors (the house is on the sidewalk of the village, so there are not so many).

As it turned out later, today the deceased neighbor that day bought a lamp that shone at a decent distance. He decided to try it in the evening, left the house and devoted it to a metal cross.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №117778
When you come to work, you’ll have to forget everything you’ve been taught in college.
Well, I have an average special.
You do not fit us!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117777
A resident of Novosibirsk destroyed six houses and received burns by urinating on a transformator.
The police received a message that a man entered the power station in the Soviet district of the city, and then heard a cotton. According to the local residents, there was a "non-human scream" after this. Emergency and ambulance arrived at the scene - the man was hospitalized with severe burns.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117776
What a grandmother we have! A 21-year-old young man is being taught electrical engineering. A door with a magnetic lock really open is undesirable to keep. The coil of an electromagnet with a fixed magnetic system has a significantly lower electrical resistance, and therefore heats up. It may burn. And will burn. And in general, the level of technical literacy among young people should be improved.)) Soon the world will be broken.)
The engineer.)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117775
Ohhhh, what will I do for that?

I haven’t invented yet.

Will HGH be good or bad?

WOW very

WOW very

Sickly painful


WOW Pain

Fear of

The disappointment

We’re going to watch the Russian team matches. and ((

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117774
Gorshkov-Fernandez: Thank you, I like the constructive lazy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117773
We have two cats at home with normal cats. Animals are very different in temperatures. Therefore, with the light hand of the spouse, the cats are now called the pigeon and the swallow.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna