— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111309
Continuing the liquidation.
Read here: Use of condoms during sex is not intended. Is it how? Are they blowing them something? Or are they being fired into the shells?"
You won’t believe what interesting ideas people come to mind. Hearing from acquaintances:
Wear two for reliability.
2) Wear only before the very completion of the act (even with several acts in a row and without a breath between).
3) Instead, leave one for several acts.
Well, it’s clear that 2 and 3 are fast recovering youths.
4) Choose not by size / bad to scratch.
Do not use lubricant with a small amount of natural lubricant.
6) Use as a lubricant "not to" (record - yes, fat).
7) The most economical last: one economical pair was quite seriously washed, dried, swallowed and reused.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111308
if the grandmother wants to fly, nothing will stop her, sometimes even the absence of sex with her is not a 100% contraceptive, that is to say about condoms which can be penetrated and the content removed.
Do not talk to unusual people. And throw your condoms wherever they get, where these foolish people can find them. The absence of sex is not contraceptive. Or pay for the foolishness of communicating with them, too.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111307
In the light of the established spring weather, the postulate of four types of lazy:
Summer (too hot to do anything)
Autumn (too wet to do anything)
Winter (too cold to do anything)
And spring is too good to do something.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111306
There is a character at work, afraid of two things:
1) eat, drink, breathe in something harmful (or be ultrasounded) which will lead to infertility.
A sheep becomes pregnant.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111305
A head of bo-bo?

Perdone mua, or maybe the biological father, for example, gave sperm to the bank? What about him, should some left-wing grandmother with artificial insemination then catch up to the wall?

In sperm banks, such contracts are completely excluded, otherwise there would be no single sperm in these banks.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111304
iiaiia: When we were choked in the entrance (forgive me my French) I wept so that after a long time it was clean!
I spoke in three languages. So that there are not understood.
There was something about pigs, karma, and constipation of such a magnitude that the fear of not cuddling kept some irresponsible subjects back for a long time.
So let’s get scared!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №111303
When you’re drunk, you don’t feel how acidic the lime is.
YYY: Maybe it’s not lime, it’s peach?
XXX: What a fucking peanut peach!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111302
This is:

Why does everyone say, “Lunar diode, give me strength,” and nobody asks, “Lunar diode, give me brains?”

Imho, there would be no need for literacy.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111301
The guys are so funny :)
1st I, I am a prince, fit 13 of the 12 criteria, so you can't find me?
2nd What are these foods? That grandmother had to be protected, I don’t know, you won’t prove anything! They are mercantile!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111300
What a fun quiet family night.
A good acquaintance shared the news that he soon became a father, I was very happy for him, because he was married for several years, wanted a child, but his wife was never pregnant. about a year ago he divorced (for several reasons), from six months ago he met a girl, months two as they started living together and yesterday his girlfriend showed him a test).
In the evening after dinner, after three joint drinking liquor, I tell my beloved spouse about this event:
Imagine he’ll soon be a father, he wanted it for so long!
It is fine. Something happened quickly, but we just moved. Is she really pregnant with him?
They live together.
Well and what? I live with you, too!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111299
I have a friend Anatoly and I have a little daughter.
Somehow she comes to me and says loudly, “Paaap, Uncle Troll is calling you!”
I almost fell from the striving, my wife in three died, in the kitchen I heard the coughing of Uncle Trolly and the glowing face of Lenusik for the task and the joy of parents.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111298
Lovers argue on the topics of mutual gender responsibility, adherents of prostitution, active and passive alimentiaries, specialists on condoms and other swallows: who are you? I do not know you! Go on naked!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111297
> ddd: Introduced. under the roaring dynamics of the music of Tchaikovsky from the toned "nine", two cotton men in sports costumes come out and say: "State, please share with us material values, yupta!"

and ==
This is actually "Fabric Orange"!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111296
Do not talk to unusual people. And throw your condoms wherever they get, where these foolish people can find them. The absence of sex is not contraceptive. Or pay for the foolishness of communicating with them, too.

It is ===

My husband’s friend 30+ years ago, when there was no DNA analysis and no talk, got into such a situation. He and the girl studied in the same group. He didn’t even communicate, he had someone to talk to, and with whom to sleep. But the girl decided that the son of the academician suited her, and went to his parents with a statement that she was pregnant with their son.

The boy really turned out to be hard, like a diamond, and many years later he did the same analysis and tweeted this certificate of his parents, who "but she could not invent all this! ", but it was a completely different story.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111295
Damn...No one knows how to press the button "I want" with the keyboard?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111294
>>It seemed - I go into the depths, Northern Steel, hard metalworkers, etc. It was a decent city, decent people.

With our Orenburg the same story - people when they go here, think they are going to Siberia. They come, and here is the wave.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111293
(The news of the fact that in the Irkutsk region from the library were seized books “Carslon who lives on the roof”, “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “Pumpkin”, “The Bell”, “Theremook” and “The Tale of the Golden Cock”).
- Well about Carlson and the inch, I can understand... there pedophilia, unequal marriages... about the colobber too, there is violence at the end... about Tom Sawyer I can also understand, there are Negroes called Negroes and they send... about the golden cock in general. The heat for what???? to
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2013 No. 376-FZ. It is also "the law on rubber apartments"
About how the outgoing percentages break down.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111292
Zzzz, it doesn’t make sense. Moderators play off with the words “what did you take that the moderator moderators the face?” and will advise you to simply remove the insults from people.
yyy: xxx, and where did the “remove from people” button not say?
Oh God, how I want this button!by 11

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111291
With Dairy:

I have new neighbors.
They get messed up often, long and boring.
The girl makes monotonous sounds, as if she is pinceting in the intimate area:
Oh yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!
In this sound accompaniment there is no entrance, no couplets with a chant, nor a final baptism. Just minutes after forty these sounds stop just as suddenly as they started.

I think that pornography really brings a lot of sorrow to life, because ordinary human sex between ordinary people is nothing beautiful or exciting. They will find porn, then climb into the bed, and there -...YAK!...YAK!
Pattern breakdown and depression are ensured.

A former neighbor, a drug addict, was driving a prostitute, and one of them took the money (or drugs) in good faith:

and yes! Yes to! Oh yes! and deeper! and deeper! Oh my God! Ah! Ah!

Just like the microphone.

A minute later, a man’s voice heard from the window on the ground floor:
and fake!
A voice from another window:
and stop.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111290
I regularly go to the Tula bookstore, and every time I ask if there is a meme in the sale. Every time I answer, no. I have asked 150 times and 150 times I have been answered no. The point is that the same seller answers me, responding with constant intonation. I ask with constant intonation:

Are there memes?

There are no memes.

Are there memes for sale?

We do not sell memes.

Can you see myths, what are they?

No, there are no memes for sale.

I would like to buy memes, what are they all about?

Sorry, we do not sell memes.

Are there funny illustrations? I need memes.

We never order or sell them.

And after all, this seller, the contagion, knows me perfectly in the face, knows what I will say, and knows what he will answer me. But none of us ever showed with a gesture or a word that we all know the script. Sometimes the seller is smoking at the entrance, when I go into the store, then I look at him through the glass doors, he is indifferent, throws a bull and returns to the shelf:

What did you want?

I need memes.

We do not have them.

It is sorry.

Sometimes he communicates with another client, then, I wait patiently for them to finish:

Are there memes for sale?

No, we are not selling them.

Sometimes he just misses the shelf when there’s no one in the store, and I’m the only one walking around the hall. Of course, he knows what’s going to happen next, but he doesn’t look and indifferently takes the magazine.

- I can't find any memes, are they in sale at all?

No, they do not exist, we do not sell them.

This is a very harsh, truly male confrontation, the outcome of which is unclear. Obviously, each side expects to win. I agree with none already.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna