— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111109
There is always meaning if you think right.

If you think correctly, you can not drop your hands in a difficult situation, but play cards, the chess you have!

She thinks we’re both playing a fool, and I’m here, and I’m walking a horse!! to

c) the voa

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111108
There should be brains in a woman, not some kind of riddles and mysteries.
Zombies said so.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111107
Add to dressing.
We all wear shirts and jeans.
But there was one sold walking in a pantyhose with Kamani.
They fired. Theft a dog.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111106
Necropunk: After all, you guys, with your "omnomn!!!" all kinds of... I can now read the usual word "omonyme" quietly, in my head immediately appears a giant pacman with eight-bit sounds devouring everything and all and above it a pixel inscription with acid flowers "OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111105
By the way, yes:
And six months before that, the Soviets launched Belka and Strelka. (This is not counting the dead Laika, who was flying three years earlier.)
And not only Laika, but many other creatures, including dogs, cats, monkeys and white mice. White and Strelka are the first animals to survive the flight into space

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111104
xxx> I am terrorized by the son of our saxophonist
xxx> first called on the mobile phone and multi-significantly sang in the tube, the threat shell in Klingon writes SMS-KAMs, I quote: "ermfm and!mrshfsmrrich itr ut ti";
yyy> the son? How old is he?
xxx> saxophonist - 20, son - a year and two months )

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111103
I wonder where the sun is?

It is where the sun goes up or down to the side. What incomprehensible...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111102
When going to the theater, it is better to take care that (a) sweet spirits from you do not sound out, so that the people sitting next to you hold their breath until the entrance, (b) that there are no grand hairstyles with a hat, so that the people behind you can see the scene, and not appreciate in the darkness Your genetic sense of style - profit! Jeans are completely neutral clothes, which no one will scratch their eyes (in any case, normal jeans, spectacularly "drainy" or with overflowing application on **** - can really attract attention with inappropriacy in context).

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №111101
I beat twice.
The first in e@alnik, the second on the cover of the tomb

Why on the cover? Want to go out?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111100
Once references to the classic about the dress code, I will recall the most famous example, and then wonder why nobody remembers it.

This asteroid was spotted in a telescope only once, in 1909, by a Turkish astronomer.
The Astronomer. The astronomer then his remarkable discovery.
The International Astronomical Congress. But nobody believed him, and all
He was dressed in Turkish. Such people are these adults!
Fortunately for the reputation of asteroid B-612, the Turkish Sultan said
Wearing a European dress under the threat of death. In 1920
This year, the astronomer announced his discovery. This time he was
He was dressed in the latest fashion, and everyone agreed with him.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111099
In nature, there are such men who can in the best case only get out of the entrance, and in an hour they look as if he had eaten and slept in these things for a week. And yes, he is praised for what he wears, he is in any surprise from the first run.
However, among women, they also fall, just girls in this regard are usually raised stricter.
If you walk in clothes, and not wear carefully, like a basket of eggs in the subway at the peak hour, then, of course, temperament and accumulation will be enough for a short time. and what? The main thing is that people and clothes do not smell and there is no obvious dirt (except for shoes in wet weather, this is the norm). And such a person looks like a person, not like a shit TP, constantly fixing and wiping the shoes with towels. The clothes are for us, not we for the clothes.! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111098
Without asking, of course, I asked. The Americans were shot. Immediately after the war. For the fact that he developed Fau-2. Therefore, the Americans created everything from scratch, and the Russians - according to ready drawings.
— — —
Aliens from a parallel world.
In our world, he developed missile carriers for NASA and even became the deputy director of this institution and the head of the commodrome.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111097
and so:
and OK. Two boys with the same skills and skills. One in a costume, the other in jeans. Who of them looks like a specialist, and who is a under-learned student and who would prefer to choose the chief?
— — —
You are describing a spherical horse in a vacuum. There are no two people with the same knowledge and skills. And if the management so poorly organizes the selection process of candidates that the difference between them, except in appearance, does not find, then this is your firm. Another thing is that most people come to the interview with a full parade, so you usually have to choose between these two in costumes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111096
I couldn’t find my cup, I thought it broke.
It turned out that someone who had been in the last four days washed it and put it on a shelf for dishes.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №111095
Sea pigs do not live in the sea, victorious pigs do not win, Kiev Rus is not from Kiev.

In the first - Prince Dolgoruki (by birth, among other things, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal, not Kiev) came and captured Kiev, and before the march to Kiev he had already been in Moscow, so when they say that "The Prince of Kiev founded Moscow" - they usually do not specify that Kiev conquered this Prince after Moscow was founded.

In the second - Prince Dolgoruki came to Kiev who paid taxes to the Khazarians (i.e. It was neither a “Russian” nor a “Ukrainian” city, and stated that from now on it is a Russian city. In fact, the Russian Prince captured Kiev and included it in Russia, not vice versa.

In conclusion, we are all Slavs, across the vast territory from Austria to the Mongols, from Turkey to the Scandinavians, we have one roots and one ethnicity. Sooner or later we will remember it. The question is whether it will happen sooner or too late.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111094
As you know, you can’t spoil the oil. But in our soldier’s dining room we thought and decided – and suddenly?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111093
A good move!

I don’t know if I’m a woman, another would have been hysterical in that case for a long time. And I’m sitting here and thinking, “Well, I’ll arrange a flight arrangement, and what will it give me?” I’ll shake his nerves, I’ll ruin my mood... Better I’ll come, kiss him and say, “You’re the best anyway!”

What does it mean "All is equal"??" And here we take it in our gentle, chained legs :)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111092
When I was lied once, I am reluctant to believe it the second time.
I didn’t lie, you believed it yourself.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111091
This is what you need to be, I'm sorry, the last TP to get married, and the main thing is to give birth to a child who is beating you and your child is beating. And after all, they always have the fault of the father in the situation, and those who advise to suffer are guilty - everyone is guilty except her. Per the brain is more important to men and children?

And yes, I am a girl. I just had enough brains to marry someone I’t have to drive out from anywhere. I am jealous =)

Having a brain is a good thing, but sometimes the brain itself gives out rather unpleasant tricks. First, when the thing is hit in the head, it can ruin. And not only from shock, but also from years of being in a stressful situation. Secondly, the brain of a child in the first years of life fixes the environment as the norm, and in the future does not want to reproduce this norm in one way or another. Rule "See how the father/mother of the chosen person behaves and think well" works.
Are you lucky with your parents? Or have you found the strength to recycle childhood trauma and not repeat the script? It’s great, but to pin those who came a little later than you were before is disgusting. Go to the traumatology, boast as you have nothing broken and does not hurt.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111090
XXX: I don’t understand it. I do charges, I do not fat, and I do not lose weight. The muscles grow in the ass.
yyy : ) )
YYY: Everything is possible
Maybe it is just a restructuring of the body.
Women are all bound by hormones.
xxx: well... restructuring, dry law... happy yet and collapse like the USSR...
Yyy: )))))))))))))))))))))))
You and the association.
XXX: Yes, I have lived for a long time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna