— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №111329
The unmarried woman is guilty of the goats, the married woman knows a specific individual from this herd.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №111328
A colleague just told the story. When he was studying at the MAI, they had a lecturer in drawing geometry, who scratched all the mistakes in the drawings with a blue pen and wrote "READ", so that the student could not correct the mistake with a pencil and midnight drawn the whole drawing. And I loved to insult almost in an empty place. After the Prep bought a new Behah, someone scratched him on the cap "DESIGN".

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №111327
Our people love to surround vodka with something beautiful - a warm-up, Italy...
© Mikhail Zhvanetsky

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111326
The Comrade! I’m nakhuyarilamat whisker after 2.5 years of pregnancy and feeding and just happy!

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №111325
I want a child from a loved one, this is the specific thing. We want that together. You single mothers do not understand this =(

I hope you will not succeed.Such stupid should not reproduce.Most single mothers just wanted a child from a particular loved one,who usually also claims what he wants.And then betrays.And this is painful and offensive.So all your ugliness toward single mothers - the sadism of clean water,pins on broken ribs.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111324
"Does the arithmetic have an arithmetic? Or have you already made a deduction on a new bag?"

The most impressive thing is always: the fox, the former diamond, buys for five thousand, while the unhappy father is starving for the remaining fifteen.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №111323
And based on these conditions, here in general, in a good way, and for a long time, that lady's child has long been judged. He would live with his dad. In addition to food. Only from her.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yes, the lady does not need a strange child, she needs her husband to address her only her ideality and remarkability, and on all the other people in the world for a striking contrast.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111322
I: So you’re going to eat potatoes this weekend?
Brother: Yes, my wife said...I didn’t agree. If the weather is bad we will not go.)
I: - I will please you, the weather has changed again) so on Saturday +12, and on Sunday +5 and rain is possible)) so that "hello potato")))
Brother: He does not...
I: - o haaaa (devil)
Brother: I will drink a laxative! I’d rather sit in the pot than in the garden.
I: I’ll be upset, but I won’t go – man!!! (y) and

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111321
The old radio mechanic of Uncle Boris.
Do not remember the epic in its characteristics and size lamp GP-5, which stood in the chain of anodic voltage stabilization of the kinescope? The voltage on the anode of the lamp - 25 kilovolt, the temperature of the balloon after heating - 300 degrees, because of which these televisions "famous" for their fire hazard... But this is not the main thing. And the main thing is that at such high voltages, the lamp begins to behave like an X-ray tube. Yes, it is quite able to "lit up" a package wrapped in an opaque package of photo paper or film. By the way, any kinescope in operation is a source of radiation for the same reason.
This is the case.....
Yes, the lamp emitted X-ray radiation, which is why it was placed in the most remote place from the TV viewer, and in a separate screened compartment.
With regard to the kinescopes, the author was slightly lucky, the screen of the kinescope was made of thick (the brick was difficult to break) glass with the addition of lead, and as a rule, the radiation was still delayed.
But if you start to disconnect the GP-5 lamp that has lost emission, then when the anodic voltage increases, the radiation is even penetrated through the "bronze glass" :)
So if people did not sleep in the embrace with the TV, and did not heat up on the GP-5 soup, then they safely raised children and grandchildren.
Good spring to all! Uncle Bory (born in 1953)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111320
This is:

I'm all looking forward to when instead of a new iPhone will give just a check, which will indicate that the person is the owner of the new iPhone. The check will burn out, and every year you will have to run to the store to buy a new check. The iPhones themselves will be stored in strictly protected warehouses. And information about their characteristics will hang at each stop.
By the way, the problem of the duration of work from one charge, the quality of the screen, the speed of data reception and much more will be solved... :)

— — —
Do you think, or have you just invented money? Even inflation was considered, indeed, a radical method.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111319
Yesterday I went to court in a case for the protection of honour and dignity. The local TV channel ruined our entire business reputation. We are standing in the hallway waiting for the start of the meeting, representatives of the channel are sitting and clearly worried. Then the girl does not stand and calls, judging by the conversation to the author of the controversial story:
Are you soon?
Yes, I am entering...
- Go fast, or you will not be allowed without a passport, he has me.
I could not stand it and asked "Is he in slavery?"
Only witnesses laughed :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111318
Miguel: I decided to wear a pre-war American flight jacket. Immediately a bunch of problems arose: 1) where to blow up a bunch of vital things (tubes, lights, etc.2) Sometimes there was a desire to approach the girl and say, “Little girl, let’s go with me!” I bombed Tokyo!" 3) The elderly ladies periodically began to look at me with a silent question: "Milok, did you and Dullitt bomb Tokyo?" :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111317
Everything hurts me...
Where do you have everything?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111316
Now the most important thing on the way to work or from work home is not to step foot into a piece of spring :)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111315
Conversation of two men:
Do you see this blue light?
Is this green?
Yes, this is the sirene.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №111314
Alimentation is a decent thing, but it would be cool to tie it to the child. That is, to create a mechanism of admissible spending, such that the money either goes to the child or remains for his future. The same goes for maternity capital.

Oh yes! As all men-intelligence-suppliers are holy assured that the former wife solves her problems on alimony in rubles.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №111313
How are you "" in English?

The women’s and men’s toilets are opposite each other. I go out of mine, meet the boy in his way. He smiled and said, “Hi! How are you?" Naturally, automatically and smiling, I answer: "Hi, fine!", and so I wanted to continue "washed here..."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111312
The difficulties of translation.
I was at a guitar concert in the Philharmonic. The conference is represented by the French guitarist, Mr. Trallal (Judicaël Perroy), winner of international competitions. A guitarist and a translator.
Guitarist: Божур лямур тужур манифик оляляля.
The translator (who asks him): is the manicure of the manicure?
Guitarist: ui, lammour lammour, tuzhur!
The translator (hall): Bonjuur lamour tuzhur manicure of olya!
And he leaves.
Hall of O_O

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111311
Atum: Yesterday Jehovah’s Witnesses came to Sanjak.
Atum: Two hours under the door, knocked on it, at the end even started to cry...
Atum:...until he finally released them.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111310
This is what you say to the owner of the Order of the Lenny of the 3rd degree! I would show it to you, but I was lazy to go for delivery.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna