— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №110029
I am sitting on my diet.
HH: Well, I’t be happy with the child. Built and rejoicing.
The essence is in another.
I am a little frightened as she quietly continues to cook me deliciously and with a stone face to refuse to eat at various feasts.
XHH: Sometimes it seems, as calmly and with the same stone face, she could have crushed people into farce...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110028
On the evening of February 23. I take a taxi home. The driver says: "Another clock and his nap - I will go home to celebrate the holiday!"" Amid the conversation I give him my visit card ("computer repair").
The morning of February 24. A call from a woman laughs: “We celebrated February 23 yesterday and poured vodka into the laptop. Husband with surprise and silent question "How??" gave me your business card."
The karma? ?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110027
Today, I say to the average - go laundry laundry, loading socks and what else you will find black.
I reached the machine, I go hanging - there are two of his socks and my hair rubber.
The other socks he did not find.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110026

Another variant of translation – can infinity be more infinite?
Maybe! Untold infinity is more infinite than counting infinity. We are talking about Alef-0 and Alef-1. Kantor wrote a lot about the power of infinite sets.

The joke:

There is a lecture in mathematics, in the audience a lecturer and 3 students.
Five people get up and leave.
The Lector:
There will be two more, and there will be no one left.

[ + 26 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110025
The cameras at the site of Nemtsov’s murder were not working.

What is the probability that the cameras in the 200 meters of the Kremlin did not work?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110024
The boy has just learned about the poem size and joyfully shares his discovery? Ask your teacher to tell you about a beast called Verliber.
Bahit is a clean pancucha, school you are thin.
Is there a law that prohibits punks from writing verlibrary? Or maybe, GOST on songs, where it is stated that the punk can only write them with jamb and strictly male rhythms? The very concept of "creativity" you know, "critic"?

An anecdote on the topic of "panks can't write verlibrom"
I have a migraine.
“Well you... Migraine is an aristocratic disease, and you are a tearwinner. You have a crack.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110023
The Electrical Monitors:
Who broke my flat screwdriver?What kind of crucifixion do I have?
Tagged: evolved

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110022
A girlfriend after she was dropped a link to a quote with a neuron beating about the neck bone

Do you know how cool it is to be a doctor? You begin to see new lines of jokes that the author did not even suspect.
XH: the occipital zones are visual. This neuron was responsible for displaying the image with the author.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110021
Last year’s quote:

xxx: "The dollar may jump to 40 rubles tomorrow!This is 30 percent of the old exchange rate!" - the Russians are terrified. The hryvnia dropped from 8 to 13 for the backs! Catastrophe!" – Ukrainians can’t get back from the shock. And only we, the stable Belarusians, remembering how the backs jumped from 3000 to 10,000 of our rabbits cannot understand what to worry about such little things.


Now the Slavic brothers are once again united.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110020
I am looking for gas. A civil anti-gas system. I looked at the advertisement board.

The anti-gas GP-5
Category: Collections and Collections (UGU!!! The Gp-5?

The anti-gas GP-5
Category: Industrial Equipment

Anti-gas IP-46 (military, closed system)
Category: Construction (O_O I am afraid of our builders)

I-I and I!!! HIT is!! to
Protection and Rescue Equipment (PG-4U)
Beauty and Health (Darling you your eyebrows pulled out???)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110019
"Today I will go to bed early!" from the creators "Tomorrow I will quit smoking!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110018
Are your children on March 8th? Or children in the hands, a gift in the teeth, and quickly fled to rest and celebrate?
— — —
Do you know that grandmothers are different? My mother - I can let you go for a clock if necessary, but then I have everything scheduled for a few minutes. But you can bring your grandchildren any other day. and tomorrow? No, tomorrow I can’t, my friends come to me. No, tomorrow afternoon I was going to work at home, I will not have time to watch them. Let’s go in a couple of weeks, only first have to check how I am there with time". Of course, on March 8th, she will only have flowers, grandchildren will not be lucky. And the mother’s wife "Why didn’t they come last year? Send in the summer for a couple of weeks of children, we go for berries, go for a walk on the lake, friends with their grandchildren will come - it will be fun for children. For her, grandchildren in the house are the best gift. No flowers on March 8th :)

Don’t think, I don’t complain and don’t blame, just all people are different and obviously not knowing the situation to blame people that they plunged children to grandmother, and even on the holiday – at least incorrect.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110017
I flew to the savannah, jumped with a parachute, went to a massage, dived with an aqualance from a yacht. She travelled half the world, descended into the volcano’s slope and looked from there to the starry sky. And yet, there is nothing better than just falling in bed with your loved one in the morning. Learn to be happy without impressions, but just so. every day.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №110016
Davecha closed the male toilet at work, went to the general client. Closed and cleaned. I went to smoke, we were around the corner, I was already drying, I watched the cleaner passed by. I go to the goal, and from the clothes are two beautiful fairies, under the age of 35. I go in, I open the cabin (it is the only one), and there the lowered chair is wrapped, the floor next to it is also in sane, not wrapped, and the used paper is rolled right next to the toilet. He healed. I approach to wash my hands, and there the dishwasher as it was dry cleaner wiped, so it stands. The fears did not even wash their hands.
I would very much like to advise the resentful male "coaters" ladies to first look at themselves and others like themselves.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110015
In our garden on 7 keys a few years ago another apple tree collapsed. They started to dismantle it on spare parts to take it out of the site - and there is a nest. The shirt. of aluminum. Forty dragged aluminum wire from somewhere and struck the modern palace. A distant relative who carried out the dismantling of the tree, first roared that the nest would be destroyed in the flower plantation. When he spent a few hours disassembling the nest, he was no longer laughing)))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110014
Zem: I’m not sure yet awakened... I read: There is more protein in avocado than in other fruits.
This is what fucking protein does in avocado.
The state of something like in the United States - avocado
What proteins do in other fruits
Here is the state of fruit.
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110013
1st Have you forgotten what kind of happiness you have?
2nd Colonel of Justice. Remember the song of Snoor "Where are you pale"? There are the words: “Not rich, not famous, not Lieutenant Colonel.”
2nd I still have the same thing.
2nd Only Colonel

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110012
I thought here everything in the world has already been discussed, but in which pants to squeeze a member is five!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110011
I fell to the bottom, but the bottom rejected me.
WOW: What, even at McDonald’s didn’t get a job?
HGH and HGH (

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110010
It is such a feeling that school teachers exhibit assessments to parents.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna