— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132259
In science was also Kowalevskaya and Maria Curie. No one wiped them. But the contribution of all of them together, honestly, can be compared to the apple of Newton.

But why did you keep silent about the fact that education, the same as that of men, was inaccessible to women? And they gave the example of single women, whom their parents and husbands did not restrict access to knowledge, and even contributed to their accomplishment.
Someone expressed the wonderful idea that if Newton from childhood had been taught only to sew, and not to the exact sciences, then the same "apple" could only be met in his sewn composition on any canvas.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132258
I remember I abandoned the throne.

YYY: And what then?

I was released from the psychic.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132257
As a child, I once said that Zhirinovsky was such a comedian. Dad joyfully agreed.
And I just confused with Zhirinovsky Zhenetsky...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132256
>It will be - I and the closet move. But a naphira? If Seroga’s husband+neighbor was chasing for spilled beer much more efficiently? and faster.

Stop to! "This is where we should have started."(Stirlic) Beer in the right quantities is an excellent lubricant for fast movement of furniture and other weights.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132255
My father has a hobby – he writes little stories, mostly about me. Once in the class asked to write a composition on the last book I read, I decided not to shudder and chose my favorite story of my father. My dad wanted me to be a writer, and I chose physics. The idea of the work is that if your children do not want to do what you advise them, they need to be supported and helped in their endeavors. As you already guessed for the composition got a three, because I did not understand the essence. I went to understand how the work made sense in the conflict of generations, honestly, I don't know where it came from, because there the idea of the story is written in black and white. I struggled a long time, and eventually got 2 for the composition. The next day I brought my father, you would see her face when she realized that the story was about me. I didn’t get any worse literature assessments.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132254
To explain that the rally in parks and museums that I have arranged for myself does not require a partner due to the great physical and emotional stress is useless. and stamp stamps.

I photograph landscapes. If the case occurs in a little crowded place, random passers will necessarily react. There are two kinds of reactions: one asks if I am a journalist, the other stares into the empty space in front of me and asks who I am photographing there.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132253
by Alexandre :
In another circle,
So that everyone is healthy,
proposed by Esmarch.
Sergei:... But Peter drank only a cup.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132252
Once my companion, being already on the last course, met a girl, and everything in them turned right quickly.

I stayed with her overnight, and some time later, literally a month and a half later, I confessed to her in love. He had the most serious intentions. He was just discouraged when she told him something like, "Sorry, but I'm getting married, and you're just going here."

She directly said that her fiancé at the moment is just on a flight, walking at sea.

My companion was very concerned, and he decided to warn the lucky man, in order to protect him from a "reliable" marriage, he found her bridegroom in VK, and as it turned out they had a common friend, through whom he asked to describe the whole situation "as long as you walk in the sea, the horns are taught you", provided evidence in the form of a bedtime selfie.

In short, the guy just sent it in three letters, and said, "You just envy me that I have such a girl, and in photoshop made photos," and said something like, "even if you were lying next to the blanket, there is no evidence that you had sex." For a while he threatened to catch up and punish for such jokes.

They are now married and have two children.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №132251
I was about 6-8 years old, I don’t remember exactly. In winter, I stayed home alone and lived in the village. Parents at work. I went for a walk at home. There were huge burials and I decided to make a cave. He took his shovel and began to dig the snow into the depths, wanted to dope to the ground. He dug for a long time but still reached her. The pit turned out to be deep and vertical... With little thought, I jumped there with a soldier (pressing my hands to the body) and just entered there, it was fun, one head twisted over the cradle. And then I realized I couldn’t move... I tried to get out for 10 minutes, but all without success. I buried myself in the neck... Here I realized that I had puzzles and I began to scream like a rage and scream))) When my parents came from work, a couple of hours later, my dad got me out of there. Pizduel from his parents did not get when he told me what happened... Apparently they thought that I, the fool, and so Mother Nature punished nicky...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132250
At the same time, usually girls say that they can’t do without sex just like boys, that they are even bigger perverse, and in general, if girls were physically stronger, there would be more rape. The unknown.

It is not a mismatch. These are different girls. The warring clans. On one side, the amateurs push the rights with the help of sex: I will not give you until you do my way, on the other - using sex for pleasure, not to resolve conflicts. The first hates the second because they ruin everything, call them bad words and accuse them of sales.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №132249
I sit at home, chew sandwiches, I don’t touch anyone. Here, the body of a neighbor's grandmother Vera from the fifth floor passes through the window. The floor of her famous coat grows into a flowerhouse in which she goes out every day for milk. A dumb man on asphalt. I run down the entrance on my bending legs, imagining that it’s going to start now. Brains on the asphalt, police, interrogations, relatives cry. The worst was, the hands trembled, nausea to the throat... It turned out, this fool took the repair and not to strain, just e@nul the back of the couch from the balcony down. And since she worked for a number of years in a fabric factory, she had not only a coat, but also curtains, and a couch - everything was from the same wrought in a flower.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №132248
In 2014, I took a taxi to Fujairah. The taxi driver always drove at a speed of 117-119 km per hour. I did not reach 120. I asked him why not 120. He replied that in the Emirates, drivers who crashed at a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour are not buried through the mosque. It is believed that the driver himself committed suicide.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132247
As a child, I wrote six messages to a person in a row.
XXX: I thought it was a lot.
xxx: I have not written more than 6 posts in a row since then
XXX is fun?
xxx: and
Reply to me, Dybala! This is my last message!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132246
I will put my five copies on weighing women, and men too. It’s time to understand one simple thing – all people are different. And their health and endurance are different. For various reasons. There are women who carry bags of 10 kg and pull a hundred from the chest, and nothing. There are those in whom the uterus really falls out of a five-kilogram hose. There are also men who will go down after lifting weight. It is not related to age. I understand, I really want everyone to be like a conveyor and not have to get stuck with an individual approach, but it doesn’t work out at all. People are born different, live different, and die different.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132245
Always choked guys who you say no, and they are, well, I am not long and I will not introduce it completely, well, tolerate.
Do you want to eat a fucking snack? What if you don’t get a little bit into your mouth?
You don’t need your fucking stuff.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №132244
HH: Let me explain the principle briefly. The natural task of males is to transmit their genes further, the natural task of females is to choose to transfer genes better. The male, in order to meet the requirements, must be the most attainable in all that is extremely rare and generates alpha males, which are five percent of the total population. Since alpha is small, and survival in the modern world is not a trivial task, females have to pay attention to the remaining 95 percent of the gray mass, which is ready for anything, only to get closer to the promising goal of transferring genes. In addition, alpha and alpha, its task is to conceive offspring, and then let the female understand itself. Therefore, the ideal option is a scheme in which children are conceived from the alpha and hanged on the neck of the most successful of the finds. As a result, the alpha has done its job, the female is also happy, and the loch, which is given once a month on weekends, pays for it all.

WOW: You are not right! There is love and feelings! It doesn’t matter what he is, only if he is loved!

Lena, you have been married twice and have two children, but none of your husbands is the father of your children. You are a walking proof of this theory.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132243
Why do people write a statement on their own? After all, if they are fired, they always pay a salary from a few months to a year.

It is paid in 10 years. Everyone sleeps and sees them as if they were fired, so they don’t work.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №132242
A person in his head should have only one of two "U", either Mind or Charter.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132241
It’s like not loving our government to live to retirement.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132240
Open lessons at the dance school. The girls, the older group of 15-17 years, work at the machine, he is also a "pile". After half an hour, a short break. The girls pass by the parents stunned, reddened, sweaty, but elevated and wrenched. Jeanne – our wonderful choreographer – commented with a thunderstorm: “This is how you should look after the stick!” excitement among parents. Someone whispered with a squeezed whisper: “Gusars, keep silent!!!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna