— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №99528
On this hill:

If one is named Mario and the other is named Luigi, then what hell are the "brothers Mario" named together?? to
Study mat. part, body: they have the name Mario. Mario and Luigi Mario.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №99527
XX: That’s why I’m watching TV and I can’t change anything, but there’s something to experience in this life.

UUU: ah, on the television one interpreting channel Romashka remains :)

XXX: I am not in the topic))) what is the miracle channel?)))))))) Could it be fun?))

Russian night :) do the same as on the first channel, but not with the brains

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99526
I will add.

"I would add:
Anteater: Lord, do not confuse the weapon of crime and the cold weapon. I once had a neighbor cracked while drinking another on the head with a stick of sausage - that shit from the table - and hello. But the sausage is not okay.
chivaz: Collapse shot to death, straight ready plot for Donzova)
— — —
And they ate the weapon of crime"

— — —
You are ironic. Hitchcock has a movie where his wife killed his husband with a frozen lamb's leg, and then fed that leg to a police officer investigating the crime.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №99525
X: Why would you read that?
yyy: Experimentally it was established that the "Federal List of Extremist Materials" contains the most comprehensive list of the most interesting =)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №99524
The first six months after the vacation are the hardest.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №99523
The news:
Ukrainian TV issued a tank game in Moscow for Russian invasion of Donbass
Video footage from the event dedicated to the popular online game World of Tanks was shown.

That is a thought! Draw the WOT logo on the tanks of the militia and say that the Ukrainian media is lying. Wargaming should pay for such advertising.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №99522
Now it was beautiful!A stranger writes to me:"Hello Simpotiška:)." I open a message, I am going to write a couple of affectionate about spelling and punctuation...And I am informed that he allows to write to him only friends.It is interesting, how long the guy will go, why nobody answers him.)))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №99521
And everything would be fine, but there’s one thing... why, playing for a monster, I have to play sudden music more than the victim itself, aaah?!?!??! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №99520
From the discussion of the 10th series of season 4 "Game of Thrones"
X: And I had hoped until the last time that Lady Catherine would appear this season.
Y: You guys, she was cut down last season!
Z: You know nothing, John Snow.

[ + 23 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99519
I went to check the water counters. We asked why cold water is twice as high as hot water. I asked if they had data on the number of days a year when they turned off the hot water. It was very accurate (six months a year).

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №99518
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Karelia needed to dismiss information that honors his organs

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №99517
I open the oven, the husband silently squeezes the table with the cat and so seriously "for dinner meat)". Close the oven. Yesterday the cat didn’t bite.


Of course, she was in the oven!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №99516
Comments on the news about the release of Adobe stylus for drawing on iPad:

xxx: And I’m drawing my mouse in adbe c3, it’s very decent.
YYY: And I am a ballooner writing YUH on the fence. I like it.
Zzzz: But it’s not decent ;)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №99515
I bought in the online store two hamsters of 16 kilograms each. Delivery to home. I am not going to bring it out of the store. >_<

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №99514
(Useless by Fa)
Q: Is there a way for men to get rid of cowards and socks whileining dignity?
YYY: Become a club everyday with male striptease, watch, learn to train at home...
zzz: * wondered at what stage stripteaseers can take off socks*
Is it hard to order a stripper in socks?
zzz: The weakest, but the girlfriend is planning a girlfriend, you will need to make an offer. )))
Yyy: The video is welcome! ))))))))))))
YYY: And if a stripper, jumping on one leg, stumbles the TV...

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99513
With the word “Europe” everyone represents what is closest and most interesting to him.
Catholics - Catholics, Democrats - Democrats, lawyers - the rule of law, marijuana lovers - cafés in Amsterdam, museum lovers - the Louvre and Prado, antique lovers - ancient temples and medieval castles, and perverted and pedophiles - perverted and pedophiles.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №99512
From the listener:

I know why we pay for cold water! They are cooling it!! to
B is : -???! to
A: Well see: in the river the temperature is 21, and in the crane is 14!!! Even the fifth grade students understand that they are cooling!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №99511
Most of all, I like to respond with good to evil: gratitude for money.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №99510
Workers and Collectors

This is a story of great love and that in the present gift, the main thing is not the cost, but the spiritual work of the donor. You can, for example, give a person a hundred rubles and offend the insignificance of the sum, and you can and vice versa, I was given only twenty copies for my birthday, and at the same time I jumped to the ceiling from the inflated pleasure. The two-wheeled, however, is not simple, but my peer, born in 1967, with the cruiser "Aurora", the coat of arms and all affairs.

But I will no longer test your patience and go to the story itself.

On the weekend, I went to a wedding with old friends and not to a simple wedding, but to a porcelain.
The guests were a man of forty, all honorable and noble, gave mostly porcelain.
I also handed a large porcelain soup, in short, did not lag behind the collective, and late in the evening came, finally, the fifteen-year-old son of the "newlyweds".
He entered the hall, hiding his hands behind his back and a little embarrassed, burned out from the threshold:
“Mom, Dad, I congratulate you on the 20th anniversary of your wedding, live long and happy. Let this gift remind you of what... how... well, in short, here.
And he pulled out from behind his back a small porcelain statue "Workers and the Collective Farm", and on the serpent near the Collective Farm hanged a small cellophane bag with pumpkin seeds.
The guests joked: - "How cute", "That's also fun" "It doesn't matter - what to give, the main thing is to porcelain" "Bite, collective farmers seeds and don't refuse anything to yourself"
And suddenly everyone noticed that the culprits of the celebration hugged and naturally cried, even the one-hundred-pound "bridegroom" teared, and he was a Colonel of the Emergency Ministry, among other things.
There was silence, and the father of the family, wiping the red eyes with his hairy hand, smiled and said:
Thank you, I did not expect. I rejoiced, so I rejoiced.
Dear guests, if anyone doesn’t know, I’ll tell you this story:
Some hundred years ago, I fell from a motorcycle and broke my arm in several places.
Everything is fine, I am recovered, I am lying in the hospital, I miss it.
One day I went out for a walk in the kindergarten - summer, heat, I was in shorts, in a jacket and plaster.
Suddenly I see - a cute girl at the urn stands and self-forgottenly grows the seeds from a large package. The girl’s hand is also in the plaster, but only I have the right hand, and she has the left.
So she puts her whole head in the bag and dive, grabs the seed, grinds and splashes into the urn. Like a pigeon.
I admired this painting, and here, apparently, smoothed - her bag broke in the seam and it all dried up.
And I am a life savior, though with a broken arm, but a savior. He jumped up and quickly attached to her healthy right hand, his healthy left, a quite spacious cradle. So together we went through the whole courtyard into the chamber, as a worker and a collective. Everyone is smiling around, and we go very carefully so that the seeds do not spread.
It’s been twenty years and we’re going...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №99509
Igor Ivanovich Sechin, president of the state oil company "Rosneft", earns five million a day. This is about a bowl of bread, a bag of milk, a dozen eggs and an apartment in Moscow.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna