— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150885
If it were necessary to transfer at least 10% of the personal wealth to the Fund of the Motherland to save Russia, we would see a huge gap in the lean ranks of modern patriots.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150884
The story of yesterday.“Everything genius is simple.”
After finishing ninth grade, like many of my classmates, I went to work in the collegiate farm, because only there took minors for summer holidays. There was still a canned factory, but it was more for girls. He is not a helper, but a helper. And it happened that the combine's left half-axis was covered (due to a bad battery, it was necessary to start this machine every morning from the trailer).By the evening, the spare parts were delivered and the combinees began to discuss among themselves how they would strike the installation of this half-axis tomorrow. With the words "morning evening wiser" spread across the houses. At night, I turned a little, contemplating the details of the upcoming operation, and no light had rushed to the combine, pressing in my hand a wooden blade with a blade attached to it. There was no one there and I went to work. He pushed the blade inside the body, placed a half-axis on it, and, arming it, like a lever, began to fall into the slices. From the second time everything worked out, and after pulling out the rope, I began to wait for the mechanics. It must be said that their amazement and admiration for my wisdom had no limits, and my authority in their eyes grew noticeably.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150883
Now the men will celebrate retirement twice - at 60 in the old style at 65 in the new.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150882
If you do not feed the horse, then you will save money on the feed, but you will not be able to smell on it.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150881
Everything genius is simple. Beaten banality, but to see what lies literally on the surface, even having certain knowledge in the desired area, with a run and even enough thought, usually does not work out. It takes a little push from the outside, a very small dose of additional information and... fucking! We did not guess before! Everyone who worked with the USM, with an apparatus called "Bulgarka" in the people, probably encountered a situation when the peeling of a rather long profile, the circle clamps, it flies out into pieces, and the crimping round gauge clings to the dirt. It is impossible to turn it away with the standard key, further on the increasing: the "gas" key, the blade, the hammer, and this is even if the stopper has not broken. This is what happened before my eyes in a familiar car service. All the guys with a great technical experience are trying to turn this gait away. It does not work very well, it does not work at all. And next to it, in the customer area, on the couch sits a grandfather from a deaf village, "Oku" ancient for repair.
Guys, can you help?
At first they wavered, like not before you, and so the trouble is enough, but then one of the most humorous said:
Father, please help me!
Find me a small piece of tree.
...??? to
I found. My grandfather came business.
Put the device on the side. Turn on!
The grandfather brought a piece of reiki to the furiously rotating gait. After a few seconds, the tree dampened... And then immediately everything became clear to everyone, because the technicians, a short-term local heating, even a portable burner because of the rapid heat transfer, did not this, the gauge was turned almost out of hand.
Grandfather, how did you think?
We have been around for fifteen years in the village.
Everyone was respected, respected and respected. I don’t like the “Thank you grandfather for winning” on the back glasses, here really thank you!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150880
The Sambo School in Leningrad has produced more billionaires than the Harvard Business School.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150879
Rules of longevity.
Eat grapefruit and don’t go to a meeting.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150878
About the year 2007-2008, Bulgaria. We, among other things, were then engaged in the rental of apartments on the sea for rest. New complex, normal apartments, Bulgarian ridiculous prices.
A mother and her daughter aged 8-9 arrived at the settlement. And, it is believed, began to negotiate and lower the price. I stand on the terrace and she says:
Why on the floor and not laminate?
Why is the TV so diagonal?
Why a shower and not a bathroom?
And ends with a pathetic "- You know, I'm used to a bit different, it's not my level..." - and then it is interrupted by the daughter, who runs to us on the terrace and cries loudly:
Mommy Mommy! What a good apartment! We have never lived like that...

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150877
1st We have overcome the consequences of the terrible 90s.
2nd We have a sustainably growing economy.
Three Finance is stable, reserves are large
4 is The state is concerned with the social support of people
These were the four main reasons why, according to Putin, there is no more money even for poor pensions.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №150876
I made my first dish when I was four years old. True, I had to wake my parents up early because the dish did not look presentable. I broke the eggs, mixed, but nothing happened. And all because I was obedient: it was forbidden to touch the plate and I did my manipulations on the board.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №150875
I usually take my daughter to the kindergarten by car, except for those rare cases when the car is taken by the spouse, so every such walk is a small adventure. The road lies past an empty plot with a burned house, which has grown not only with grass and bushes, but also with lots of household and construction garbage. This area I have always cited as an obvious example of what happens when you waste. We usually have the following dialogue.

I: Do you see how much rubbish and how bad it is?

Daughter: Yes, it is not beautiful. Where is so much rubbish?

I: These bad people are throwing it here instead of taking it to a laundry or to an urn.

Why don’t they throw the rubbish at the laundry?

I: Because as a child, their parents did not teach them where to throw rubbish.

Over the past six months, the dialogue has changed a little.

Look at how much rubbish!

I: Yes, my daughter, there is a lot of rubbish.

Daughter: And the bad people keep throwing it here instead of taking it to the wash! How uneducated they are! Not people, but pigs.

Today, I go with my daughter to the garden just next to this garbage site. The daughter with her childhood ringing voice begins her favorite tirade on the theme of uneducated people, garbage and washing. At this time, a guy goes to meet, gets a cigarette out of a pack, shakes an empty pack and is already preparing to throw it into the nearest bunch of garbage, as he hears the words of the daughter, the hand in the middle of the road changes the trajectory of movement from "throw" to "put in the pocket". The girl notices it and says even louder:

This grandfather was well educated by his parents.

The man, smiling confusedly, passes by.

“Yes, daughter,” I agree, without expressing my doubts about the correctness of her conclusions.

I want to believe that it will be like in a movie: a guy goes on the street, puts his hand in his pocket, gets a dirty package from there and wants to just throw it to the ground, as suddenly in front of his eyes pops up the morning scene and in his head sounds the voice of a little girl "Here you see, mom, this uncle was well raised by his parents! » The guy breathes, smiles and goes to throw an empty package into the nearest urn.

This rarely happens in life, unfortunately. But I think at four years it is too early to kill a little man’s faith in a good, good and bright human principle.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150874
We went to relax with a girl on the Sea of Azov. And since the sea has not seen for a long time, decided to jump on the waves, well, accidentally swallowed water. I did not pay attention, as a result, for a couple of days I thought everything was bad with the gastrointestinal tract because of the heat, and I can hardly tolerate it. On the pre-last day when the food of the gods, the Pelmenis and the Ketchunese, did not want to settle in a new house with an acidic environment and rushed away from there, I decided that I should buy something for the stomach. I remembered that I swallowed water, realized that the simplest in my stomach and did not give rest, and decided to buy Enterofuril with Activated Carbon.

I leave the house, open an article on the genomic analysis of the Azov Sea biota, and read the text slowly go to the Pharmacy. Since the brightness did not decrease on the phone, I did not especially see that in front of me and occasionally looked. And here my right leg suddenly begins to fall into the abyss, simultaneously pulling my body. I fell into some incomprehensible 1mx2m outflow with a pipe in the middle. He sharply came out of there and began to wipe his elbows and knees from mud with leaves from trees, simultaneously heading further to the pharmacy. When the lights began to appear, I realized that I had blood in my abdomen because the shirt was white. Looking around, I saw that I broke my stomach with something, because I fell first on the tube. I hold a shirt away from the wound and watch the blood drop on the asphalt.

I go to the pharmacy. 23:30 at the pharmacy. The girl in the line sees the blood and misses me. I approach the window, the pharmacist looks at my wound, eyes like 5 rubles. Well I say, “Hello, please Enterofuril...”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150873
When I was four years old, my dad worked in a factory. And, as it used to be, he was given milk “for harmfulness.”

I was sure that daddy was given milk because it was harmful. Whenever I heard this phrase, I imagined how a father abhorred at his factory and did not obey the director, and he was given milk to refine him and re-educate him =)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150872
One day I was speechless.

It was late autumn. I met a friend I once worked with. Talk about affairs. I told you how we had an aural day at the end of last month. There was noise and chaos in the office this morning. Everyone had to do 10 things at the same time. In the middle of the day, I realized that the only thing that would help me survive was a quiet lunch with my favorite playlist in my headphones and an interesting book in front of my eyes. As I dressed up and was about to leave the office, the loudest and most talkative of my colleagues cried out to me, “Oh! Are you going to lunch too? »

"And here I stand in my coat, at the hour of day, and painfully consider how natural the answer will sound 'no' and how uncomfortable I will be if in 15 minutes we meet in the dining room. I finished my story.

I’ll tell you about lifehack. My friend answered. See also. First, you need to find out at what time most people leave eating. And then just go for lunch an hour before them or immediately after they return. So you get not one, but two hours of silence.

is not bad. When I thought, I sneaked. By the way, communicability is not our horse. It’s amazing that we communicate with each other.

So we’t communicate. When we met, there were no free tables in the dining room. You were the only one sitting there. I had to sit with you.

and exactly. Then I thought, “You didn’t find it easy.” And then, I see, no, like a normal guy. It is silent. He does not ask stupid questions. Well, I decided that it would be easier to call you for lunch with you – no one else would definitely sit down.

It’s nice to have something in common with someone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №150871
The expression "old snorkel" means that there are some young snorkelers.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №150870
Spurgeons are different: "harmony", virtuous carving on pencil pins, even "temporary tattoo" on different parts of the body. However, they all have one thing in common: they are hidden, and very carefully. And I will tell you about the case when the sparkle, which helped me to surrender, was performed directly, and otherwise it would not have worked out. And then catarsis! In the direct and translational sense.

It was the class in the 11th probably, we then along with school subjects in advance listened to and took university courses - it was then that we got the notorious culture. The subject is funny and interesting, but the load with the matan is not comparable, and therefore I taught it on the average, on the residual principle. Well, I flew - I got the second question in the ticket mimesis with catarsis, and I'm like cut off, I don't remember what a fig. Classmates were sincerely sick for me - found out what was in the ticket, tried a couple of times to throw the spurs. Prepod stopped it, but did not expel anyone. Still, the maths, not her faculty - and even not students, but schoolchildren. He didn’t want to be disciplined, but he had to be disciplined. Here she took everything from me, let me reflect and watched with curiosity. I was upset, accustomed that if I forgot something - I will immediately take out the leaflet and prove it. But culture is not mathematics, what is there to draw out and prove? Either you know or not. I did not know.

And at that moment, from the corridor, I heard the powerful voices of two of my friends:
And then Andrea! Did you know what cataracts are?! to
In the end, Anton! Catarsis is purification through suffering, an important concept in Hellenic culture! Do you know what Mimesis is?! to

Prepod rusted when she went out to the hallway to mourn for the noise, which the comrades made innocent eyes and said that they were just preparing for the exam, repeating questions and checking each other. Is it heard inside? We will try to be quieter.

I gave up.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №150869
The mayor of the city not only promised to build a new church, but also, taking off the shirt, immediately showed how it would look.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №150868
About the year 2007-2008, Bulgaria. We, among other things, were then engaged in the rental of apartments on the sea for rest. New complex, normal apartments, Bulgarian ridiculous prices.

A mother and her daughter aged 8-9 arrived at the settlement. And, it is believed, began to negotiate and lower the price. I stand on the terrace and she says:

Why on the floor and not laminate?

Why is the TV so diagonal?

Why a shower and not a bathroom?

And ends with a pathetic "- You know, I'm used to a bit different, it's not my level..." - and then it is interrupted by the daughter, who runs to us on the terrace and cries loudly:

Mommy Mommy! What a good apartment! We have never lived like that...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150867
A friend calls me on Skype to complain about my fate. In general, on Skype, she only calls when she wants people to see her sad face, as actively as possible to begin to regret her. Less than six months ago, she got married and went with her husband to Tver, and on August 25, she had a birthday, and she called me to complain about her husband, who doesn’t love her at all and so he doesn’t care about her, on her birthday he didn’t give her anything at all, not even a bad card.

After communicating with a friend, I called her husband, by the way, I introduced them to see if everything is as she says or not?

As it turned out, her husband, as a gift, paid her a loan for the car she took before meeting him. To pay her was still a little less than 500 thousand rubles, she took a taiota camri. So, the husband spent money to repay the loan of his beloved wife, which he saved for himself on a new car, in the end he is now a greedy fool who gave nothing to his wife on the day, because as she thinks, the gift must be material to keep in memory, and that he repayed her loan, it is his direct duty as a husband.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150866
Girls with an assy waist, as a rule, also have a pool in the set.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna