— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158140
Briefly about English.
Each "c" in the "Pacific Ocean" is pronounced differently.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158139
Recently, the ruble has grown confidently, but does not yield.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158138
One St. Petersburg publication Roskomnadzor blocked seven times in a row. They were revived under slightly changed names, and for the eighth time took the very strange name The idea became clear when reports appeared in the press "Roskomnadzor blocked the anus."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №158137
The State Duma proposed to remove all unprofitable articles from the Criminal Code.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158136
Dmitry Medvedev urged to reduce by 2024 half the number of people with incomes below the subsistence minimum.

God, I don’t want to die.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158135
At some point there is boredom, wanting something new is not always the partner for this new agreed. And so if with interest and imagination you can and every day and many times. I had a girlfriend I had sex with probably everywhere. In the afternoon we went to the bushes in the quiet courtyard, under the rain on the street on the bench, in the park, in the toilet at the airport, in the toilet to the cinema, in the short movie where there were few eyes, on the beach under the cloth was even the most extreme. We separated because I was without a house without a car and promising work.

Yyy: Shortly she wanted to try in comfortable conditions.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №158134
A very long time ago, in 2002, he worked in a fairly large company as the chief logist. The company produced dry building mixtures (pins, scraps, etc.)

So then. Beginning of December.

These mixtures, at this time, are not needed by anyone. Everyone buys trees, guirls, gifts.

But the plan must be done...

Then the director comes to mind with a wonderful idea. He gathers the entire sales department (I, why so, was also invited) and gives a wonderful speech.

Because we are one team, we are the best, we will win. and! Every manager who fulfills the December plan will receive $1,000! (At that time, the amount is very large).

Two managers (of 12), I don’t know how, but this plan was implemented.

At the end of January, they come to the cash for their salary. You know, they are asking questions.

Where is the promised $1000? “!”

Treasurer, I don’t know, nothing, I say, I don’t know, go to the one who promised.

They took courage and went to the director.

“Yes, say and say, did you not forget, Mr. Director, that you promised a promised $1,000 for the execution of the sales plan?”

And the director thought, thought... and said a phrase from the headline.

“I promised, but I did not guarantee.”

The managers went astonished. They worked for a couple of weeks and left.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №158133
xxx: We were so bitten ten years ago at a corporate, the damaging aunt of the chief. I couldn’t really take a few minutes, I didn’t know how. She was bitten by a young woman who worked as a sales representative. The conflict between them had grown long, they were drunk and the fight began. I bit her hand, there was no blood, but the bleeding was huge. The girl held her hand with her teeth, and her hands were able to beat. The accountant did as much as he could. The most interesting thing is that nobody liked the headbuck and therefore did not rush. In short, we had fun, no one fired anyone.

Yyy: You have great corporations!))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №158132
Often people who have everything in chocolate smell bad.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158131
How the nobles do, not the courtyard - Benkendorf's speech in the Decembrist investigation.

Just a completely new perspective on this historic personality.
In the investigation in the case of the “Decabrists” – Alexander Christoforovich Benkendorf for the first interrogation gathered all the accused and told them the following:
“Are you claiming that you have risen for freedom for the bonds and the Constitution? and praise. I ask those of you who gave this very freedom to the servants - not to drive them out on the street, so that they die like homeless dogs, hungry under the fence, but let go with the ground, lifting and strength help - raise your hand. If there are such, the case against them will be terminated, since they actually act according to their own conscience. I am waiting. There is no one?
As strange as it is... I let his serfs go to Livonia in 1816 and to Tambov province in 1818. Everyone came out with the ground, with the initial means. I paid for each of them taxes for five years ahead to the state treasury. I do not consider myself a liberal or a liberator. I am more profitable. These people work better. I make money from mowing, grinding forests and other things for my former peasants. I have already covered all my expenses and got a profit from all this. And I do not go out on the square with crazy statements or protests against the Emperor, or even more, against the Empire!
Since you cannot prove that this is a political matter, we will judge you as rebels and traitors of the Fatherland, like Yemelka Pugachev. Everyone on the cameras! At one stage with the criminals go, shit!”

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №158130
He stood in the airport with a sign, met a man. Tatarina named Zamir Zakiev. Meeting the dawn in the KPZ.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №158129
When ordering a car from Europe, there are sometimes strange requests. from recently:

- Dmitry, you know, in some cars, namely in the luggage compartments there is a special pen, for the case of different force majeure... well you understand... if suddenly someone is in the luggage compartment, you can knock inside and the luggage compartment will open.

Yes, there is such a system, we can pick up a car with it.

“You didn’t understand... It is extremely important that there is no such lever in the car’s luggage.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158128
Hijackers are usually hijacked so that they remain completely confident that they are hijacked.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №158127
The son in school began to lag behind, decided to take his discipline. Among other measures, the Samsung 8500 TV turned on, so that the child does not stick. In the evening I come - my son is sitting, YouTube is watching TV. It turns out that the password does not apply to YouTube. In fact, Diane is only looking at him.
My son says to me:
Congratulations to Dad! You are Rosemary!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158126
The earth is actually flat. But she was pulled to the ball.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №158125
At one time I was in a tinder, apparently I am lucky, I met adequate and cute people there, with some we maintain contact not the first year, it was just interesting to communicate, common interests and topics without any kind of sex-shmex. But not about that.

I remembered one case from the Dottinger times. After my divorce, for some reason, many relatives and friends set themselves the goal of necessarily participating in the arrangement of my personal life by introducing me to their friends, friends of friends and other hands-on single men. Well, in principle, such a tinder, only without correspondence. There was a holiday, on March 8, I go to my friend in the suburbs, "sitting under the shampoo." Her boyfriend worked as a long-distance driver and was not expected to go home. However, it turned out that he just returned to the party, and with a friend. Oh well ok. This holiday won’t ruin us, I’m for anything except for a hunger strike. At the time of my arrival, the guys were sitting and playing in the console, Tanyuha crushed the salad in a coat and a puddle on my head, I gave out from the threshold that it was a holiday, and the boys could, if they did not organize, then somehow help, caused a mess there, sent a girlfriend to put herself in order, and the guys ended up covering on the table, crushing what they were not attentive and sensitive. Apparently, behind the flowers they broke from guilt. In general, we sat down, talked, and overall had a pleasant and positive time. That friend, Paul, called to take me home, my grandfather was paralyzed at home, and I had to feed him, give him medicines, etc. Paul did not drink, so I accepted the offer, especially I had to take heavy things from my friend.

Then began the treasure. Thro the way, Pavlentius told me how lucky I was to have a friend, how decent he earns, and how he loves children (at the time my son was 5), how wonderful, active I am, and how pleased he is with our acquaintance.  Coming home, he gets a bottle of beer right in the car and spills it into himself, with the words, now you can and rest.  Class, how do you go by taxi? It turned out that Paul was going to stay overnight with me: "You have two, we go to bed in another room, no problem, your grandfather will not bother us, and the son of my grandmother, I have all the things with me, so you can not even give me a towel." Falling down and out of the car, I said goodbye, pulled out my luggage, saying that I generally have my own view of this situation, will he sleep, apparently, in the car, or here is the number of a taxi, there to go for 30 minutes. My idea of joy for some reason did not cause, I was grabbed by the hand, with the claim, "well listen, you are this, behave correctly, I gave you flowers, I don't give them to anyone." Oh, only to those with whom I am going to sleep - I shook. And then he gives out: "Okay, because you are afraid that I will stay with you, so and so, I spend the night in the car, only give me money in debt, I want to cater to you, or I left the money with a friend (now), I go to the store, what is there to take you, shampoo? We’ll sit there a little, and maybe you’ll change your mind.”  I am generally a girl raised, but here I had to tell my mother what I think about this wonderful proposal. I gave him 500 r. for delivery, I didn't want to be honorable to such a knight. In my back came the tirade: "Who you need with such a character, a divorce with a trailer, right your husband left you."

In the morning, a friend calls: "Well, you give your mother, on the first date, Spili-Villi." After heating and not shaking out, I learned how my night passed, in what poses and how many times. Somewhere in a week this miracle rings, the phone gave him a good friend of a friend and says, "something bad with us the first date went, I will come in a couple of weeks, you think there well, the guy needs a father, you will not be one to raise him and 500 rubles I will bring you."

She wished him happiness in his personal life and blocked him. Sometimes I remember and think somebody got such a wonderful one!

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158124
One of my Korean students travelled for exchange in the United States and lived in an American family. As soon as the mother of the family asks him: (read slowly, if he understands English) NOW WE WILL EAT a chicken. Have you ever eaten chicken in Russia?

I said a lot of thought over the question and gave out - no, we don't eat chicken, we only eat chicken poor.

The ear came to her.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №158123
As history has shown, the most interesting story does not show, but shamefully hides.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158122
Scotch Pashka

From the bushes a cuddly girl cries out: “Pappa! Give me the cowards!”
The entire beach is shaken by the shrimp – and those who don’t know Pashka, and those who know that Pashka is a stolen apricot pudel.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №158121
For those who do not understand economics:
The higher the dollar, the higher the price in rubles. The lower the dollar, the higher the price in rubles. Hopefully now everything is clear.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna