— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10618
Unlikely to appreciate all the charm of 4 MB / sec one who did not sit on the cards at 16 KB / sec.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10617
To this quote:
U.S. Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin believes that the greatest threat to the United States is “country dominated by Islamic extremism.” Such countries include Russia, Iran and North Korea.
They don’t like us, but here’s what was in the original:
HANNITY: Which countries today pose the most danger, in your view, to America?
PALIN: Any country that is going to house violent Islamic terrorists. We have to keep our eye, of course, on Iran. We've got to keep our eye on some of the ongoing activities in Russia, too. North Korea under the leadership of Kim Jong Il – there is a lot of concern there.
Feel the difference, idiots.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №10616
My mother-in-law is my own innocence. He burns up so he doesn’t understand what he said.
At the dinner table, the guests discuss the following:
Andrei looks so good lately.
The Grandmother is proud:
That’s because his wife takes a carrot every day.
And not noticing the stone red faces of all present, he adds:
Well with sugar. To improve the vision...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №10615
A gift package.
Tomahawk and the Pipeline of Peace
Price: from 1958 rub.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №10614
The students are burning.)
My sister performs homework in Russian, where you need to insert missed letters, with the help of T9 on a mobile phone... our future is in safe hands!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10613
Animemanga (14:49:36)
In general... I stand in the store... in a row... I buy juice... in the store... in the store... lunch... after all... So here... I stand in a row – behind me girls, aunts... in a row. pol.. and in front of me, the people who have already bought – also women. pol.. In short... I forget to give up and leave.. And here the seller-girl: "Girl with BIRDS, take the delivery...".. Like.. the rest have no breasts... I have red... So also a bit in that – that I have turned around... for some reason... hi..=)... although I was not the one girl in the store, and who has BIRDS..))))... Here...
thith (14:52:47)
Have you seen your breasts? Have you seen your breasts? It is now 😉

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №10612
Per the oldest and largest flash mob in Russia is the appointment of the TV channel ORT on the first button.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10611
Real blond... A girl came to me once with a group girl, wanted to wash before going home.
In general, I have a fun bath, there is a clutch without a rope, smooth and in order to unlock it you need to twist the spill of excess water in the bath (there is such a hole closed by the wrapper). In general, she washed, and I forgot to warn her about the straw... And what do you think she did? She wiped out all the water out of the bathroom with a litre glass in the rack and went out to say "Blu... I’m really a blonde!" %D

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №10610
From the Film Forum:
TwinK: People, can you ask? Why from the 4th episode (maybe not that episode, but where else Harrison Ford plays the role of Han Solo) So worsened the quality of the film? Sabers tremble, the effects are fig, the quality of the image is poor... In general, even Yoda has become some kind of plastic...
MiiYamoto San: Well, it was conceived, just Lucas wanted to show how everything was great under the Old Republic, and how all the shit became under the Empire.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №10609
The subject)
and blin.
Are you sad or distracting?
Sweet Lou
I was in love with a German woman... show me.
The subject)
Show me...
The subject)
Don’t give up the whole movie 😉
Make a print :)
Even though you can name the movie I know it)))))

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №10608
I am going to have an abortion tomorrow :)
XXX: The Work
YYY: I went to dry my pants

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №10607
Young men, a man and a woman, were talking. I happened to pass by, I heard, I was shocked. So far impressed...
Sorry, but I can’t meet you. I can’t do it without a serious relationship. I just can’t. I am afraid of a serious relationship. I am afraid... do you not understand? Of course, you have nothing to fear. You will stay with yours. You’re going to chase your motorcycle, play your music on your guitar... And I’m going to drive your girls out of our beds, like beaten cats... and where do you find them? And I will come into an empty house from work and wait. I will wait all the time. I’ll wait for you to drink a fake vodka and die after your next stupid concert. Or that you will be stabbed with a knife by an idiot in leather pants. Or that you will enter your trampoline into the wall, into the sidewalk pillar. Or you get AIDS. Or that heroin will kill you...I’m sorry, I want a different life. Therefore, we will not meet again..."

It would seem like an ordinary story. There was nothing to do with this monologue. He is banal, beaten, he is just boring. Remarkable in this monologue is different - it was not spoken by a woman. The woman stood and listened, smiling. A man spoke. The woman was allowed to smoke. On her jacket was a striped enotous tail.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №10606
Rabatam near the dentistry... went out to smoke... here from the dentistry runs out the dentist (in the white coat everything as it should be)... runs to the dentistry... gets from there 250 Bulgarians... and quickly runs back to the dentistry... Oh oh.. because I will go to them... I lose a phobia (

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №10605
<+tacgnol> In St. Petersburg, the case of the sofa, which killed a local resident, was brought to court: the wife of the deceased man is accused of unintentional murder. As established by the investigation, the wife during the quarrel pulled the foot of the couch on which the husband was lying. The couch folded and squeezed the man so that he died.
<+insecto> there is an idea, there is IKEA

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10604
How do I know how much you want to spend on a notebook?

I am in credit.

How much do you want to spend buying a loan?? to

Are you a fool?? Why should I spend a lot of money if I buy on credit???? to

It is better to spend a little money on YAD!!!! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №10603
A-a-a-a we have a demon in the institute! Sitting next to me chel (Michan), the prede is preparing to ask on the topic of the question, he is barely a sluggish whisper: "Only not I...only not I...only not I", here the prede: "So....Misha..a not better than this man next to him"I: "O_O, not better let Misha", Mikhan also whispered: "No better than thyyyyyy", Prede: "Now okay Misha answer...(prede made a pause, looked into the void and said like hypnotized) No, Misha will not answer, answer";

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №10602
Instead of the usual all calling, he has his own method - calls out of the magazine by chance 5-6 names, and all...on Friday was:
P: That is so.
and here.
P: That is so.
and here.
P: That is so.
All of them – no.
Prepod, putting N in the magazine, under his nose: "killed..."

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10601
Sexual education of children should be engaged in school, because the boy at the age of 13 was engaged in onanism and when he ejaculated - he stumbled, thinking that he had a spinal cord leak.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №10600
And we had a fire at work yesterday, so we hoped it would burn.)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10599
[FBI]babay> the son in school was asked to come up with words that read from right to left, just like from left to right, I came up with three words at once: ыыы, хых and лол

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna