— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №10578
1. ppc - a pillow is sold in the pharmacy, which retains the shape of the head... type on other pillows the head to the morning stretches like a test
2 ) ) I have to sleep in a pot.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10577
The Supreme Vitaly!
You are an atheist! I have already done everything I could for you! After you said that Odin in the collective was king and god, I began to call you god. With all of you! I changed the name of you to Ashke from "The Evil Admin" to "Atsky Odmin". I laugh at your jokes, compliment you about how delicious it smells from you! I’m soared to feed you candy and listen to jokes about blondes. I even pretend I’m not offended when you call me a writer!
If this quote appears on the tower, then the Odinis of Bash agree with me – yeah, you are the Aztic Odinis!!! and Vitaly! Well, please download the block on the site "In contact"!!!! to
Blonde by Julia

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №10576
saved 2008-09-29 at 20:10)
Well, why, I was supposed to get married, and the calves on the street themselves began to approach and meet.

K-v-a-z-a-r I will explain to you! When you are married, you have clean and smooth clothes, you are shaved and fed.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №10575
Only in the morning, and long quotes to read already fall.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №10574
I bought a cartridge for the printer. From the instructions: "Do not touch the electrical contacts of the INE cartridge as shown in Fig.2."
Fuck, I’m getting broken now.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №10573
It was in the first class. We sit in a huge stream, a man 20.
and silence. And then from the top staircase between the rows begins to slowly slide a bottle of beer underneath. The Boom Boom. I went to the school and froze. Everyone is waiting for what will happen. A quiet voice from the top rows: "Sorry, can I raise the pen"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10572
XXX is fucking! And I know how with the help of one sausage, a small pack of mayonnaise and a bulk of bread - you can have a delicious and satisfying lunch! So, we freeze the strawberries, three on the strawberries, smell the bread with mayonnaise and pour the strawberries. delicious and practical, and most importantly, one sausage is enough for 5-10 sandwiches :))
The student...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10571
XXX: You have been added
xx to greetings.
YYY: Hello
Tell me, please, you don’t know where the parachute jumps?
XXX: I need to do it once.
One time without a parachute.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10570
Are you alone at home?
yyy: no, grandmother, cat and dog
Zzzz: Are you not pulling the ribbon there?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №10569
<Fish> Vienna, you are an idiot, you have no half-brain!!! to
<Veniamine> I have a half-brain!! to

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №10568
A friend sent a link to a dictionary, I go through the link and read the following:
VIP (Very Important Person) is a form of artificial, inflatable elitism, a disease that affects the cortex and wood of the lower forms of human-like brains. The main characteristic of the VIP is exaggerated pathos and stressful situations combined with exaggerated consumption and a primitive system of values. It is characterized by signs of glamorous beetle."

) ) )

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10567
What is hypocrisy?
This is when Sapchag calls for closing 2x2 for immorality

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №10566
A friend found in someone’s diary:

I’m in the subway in the afternoon, behind me are two... male representatives. In terms of voice, vocabulary and intonation, they are typical seed absorbers.
One told the other.
Do you know of this site - There is a type of acquaintance. There was a girl who sent me her pictures. Well, I’ve taken pictures, I say, take the phone. She gave a car. meet with. Life is not what it is in the pictures.
Much more sympathetic. in the life. Well, so the car type walked, all normal, again, here she called, in the movie. We go soon.
She is studying literature. Here I am the type for the next date, *Guy-Guy*, type as in school, *Guy-Guy*, I teach poetry. of Pasternak. Assessed...

He shamefully turned away and read the poems with a touchingly quiet voice, periodically scratching with the paper.

You say that romance is dead.

c) Romansul

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10565
It’s terrible to imagine if my children, for example, don’t watch and never hear a phrase like “Luke, I’m your father.”
Night_knock (00:06:17 30/09/2008)
Do not say...
I don’t know the story of Mario.
Oh my God!! They will never throw balls from the mouse who else!!!! to
UnNickedTM (00:12:05 30/09/2008)
They will not play in "electronics"
UnNickedTM (00:12:12 30/09/2008)
Maybe even in Tetris.
Night_knock (00:12:40 30/09/2008)
They will not rub scratched discs with soap and smash green so that they start again.
UnNickedTM (00:12:52 30/09/2008)
I remember such a case...
Night_knock (00:12:58 30/09/2008)
The poor future.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10564
Brother (B) Work & Travel was in the United States
The first day I spoke to a local aboriginal (N):
You are Russian! Is there a Russian dollar? I collect money.
The brother crawled in the meals to find the hollowed mint half. Stretching an African American.
B is all that remains.
c) Super
He gives his brother 50 backs.
As the brother says they don’t even know that the dollar and the ruble have a different value

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №10563
It is not easy to be smart in the midst of fools. But to be a fool among the idiots.

Even more difficult.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №10562
I have a daughter of under five years of age. I must say that very

An adequate person, I mean, any problems with her can be

Resolving the arrangements. We decided to put her ears in. Arrived in the salon. She

calmly and kindly talked to the cosmetologist, told about herself,

In general, I made the impression of a quiet, sweet,

of a benevolent creation, which is in the prick. promised her

The chocolate.

We went into the office. I walked the first, she watched closely.

He asked questions and showed no signs of excitement.

It was her turn. They processed ears, marked points, brought up a gun,

The Click...

And that’s where it started!! A herd of mad bisons is swallowing.

Screams, screams, tears and souls.

forty minutes. For forty minutes we could not handle the child and get to it.

The second ear. No words, no excuses worked. With rare

In the flashes of consciousness, she admitted that no, it didn’t hurt, that nothing

It did not hurt, but the second ear refused to give at all. We could not her.

Even by force! Following my teaching principles, I

I tried to penetrate her mind by promising that we would go from here right away.

A toy store and I will silently buy what she says. It worked

Exactly for the five seconds in which it came to her first.

I need an ear. In the end we succeeded. I am strong.

pressed the growing strength of Rebecca to himself, cosmetologist with one hand

She pressed her head, the other raised a gun, a click, a short scream.

The wounded nose.

The eyes of the child turned to the mind. All traces of hysteria disappeared.

from the face. My daughter fell from my knees. He asked very quietly: "All

What?" He approached the door, turned to the cosmetologist and smiled gently.

She said... "Thank you." (polite, damn) and went out. You can, I think,

Imagine our faces?

In the words of the administrator.

For forty minutes, the child’s wild cries, the mother’s screams and

master, cries, sounds of fighting, the ringing of beating dishes and broken furniture,

A click, a scream and silence... I grab my phone with the thought that I’m a dietu pipet.

has arrived. I see that comes out a cute, absolutely quiet, fit.

to me and says: "Where is my chocolate?" And from the office more

No one appears. Two people come out. Mommy is overwhelmed

Hair, blurred cosmetics and shaking hands. Master in the shirt.

Buttons and hands are removed. The girl who got her

She turned around and said, “Mom, where are you? We have already gone to

Shop for a toy, I’m a good guy!" And here was the HOKHOT..."

She caught me in the store. I went to the shelf, she ticked her finger.

(When I picked the most expensive, I struck the seller and

I counted money. The seller said there is a similar, but cheaper. I am

The following is "The Treaty."

Seller: "What is it?"

I: "Our ears pierced"

The seller speaks to his daughter: "This is a great guy! Not at all?

Are you scared?"

Daughter: "I am a nicotine. But my mom has some reason to shake her hands."

I slipped under the shelf.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №10561
Only Russian schoolchild can drink half a liter of vodka, so that parents do not

I smell cigarettes.


[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №10560
Fuck, I am mad.

I woke up today from the fact that my husband is kissing, licking...

And I think, this is an infection! He promised that he would never betray me, but he would kiss someone while I was sleeping.

I wanted to scandal...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №10559
Mothers, do you feed your children with vegetables, skeletons, etc.? to
Yyy: Yes, I am feeding skeletons. Every night I go to the cemetery with a spade for a new party. Kids bite with pleasure.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna