— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10095
Korean automaker SsangYong finally managed to create a car that can like not only people with visual and taste defects.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10094
XXX: Will you go to the counter?
SeeT_LoToF is going. I am for the cantons!
SeeT_LoToF: Go Go Go Go. Bahá’u’lláh bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘Umar bin ‘U! to
SeeT_LoToF: I have won

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №10093
We just rehearsed in the technarry, when we were still studying in it... here we went to smoke in the technarry. I noticed, the look we all had was characteristic of metallurgy))
Here we were stuck in this case by the chief cleaning officer - well, and asks, the guys say, your names, names...
He looks at me – and I take it – Sergey Mavrin.
And then — Vladimír Holstinín, Valery Kipelov, Vitaly Dubinin, Alexander Manjakin... Well, that is, the group Arya in full composition at the time of 89-94 years smoked in the technical toilet.

The names did not appear to match the lists of students. And the paperwork was hanged on a prominent spot with the note “They were struck by smokers in the men’s toilet on the second floor.”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10092
Pavell: and if the battery is installed in the Nissan micro, then connect your stylish iPod to a special connector and move on...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №10091
venera87 (01:32:23 14/09/2008)
If you learn to dance... at the level... then all the virgins will be yours.I tell you exactly.I was conquered with a valse today, and then more than crazy!

melee (01:32:54 14/09/2008)
This is called sex.)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10090
Q: Do you know Vishnu?

YYYYY: Yes I know how to endure it perfectly.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №10089
X: Do I need Play Stayshen 2?
Y : No! I do not suffer like that! :)
X: After I bought it, I realized that I don’t suffer like that either.
Y: I look at these things first in others!))
X: Right... I’m just such a person... I’m going to get rid of a fool... and then I’m sorry...
X: So I got married.
and :D

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №10088
Aquaz: pl... the jams have struck! No noise, I sleep well. The facade of the house is being repaired - in the woods. The curtains on the windows are transparent. So every week at 8 a.m. I watch the news on TV together with their entire brigade.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №10087
The Prehistory. I sit on the roof floor behind the compass.
I am going to go to the toilet, on the way to the toilet, I throw a couple of whiteners into the microwave, on the way back, I pick up and return to the comp.
Dialogue on the ASI:

Wait five minutes, I’ll go fucking.
In 5 minutes *
I: Behold, I came back and made myself two whales.
My friend: 0? to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №10086
What a smart sisadmin - I say I have a notebook cut off when I insert the flash - he said that it shouldn't be so, it's wrong...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №10085
xxx:People urgently need help started to connect everything on their own but the screws from the wing do not fit to the mother just absolutely not that connector!if there is a possibility to give advice by phone or otherwise I will be grateful very need to earn a plus
YYY: the beginning of photos
zzz: >yyy:the beginning of the picture
ttt: >zzz: >yyy:the beginning of the picture
xxx: here I will post photos of winch and shleif

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №10084
Today I cursed the man who invented the T9. I write an ordinary SMS to my girlfriend who is studying with me at the same university: "How many couples?". Dumb T9 writes "How many of us?". He noticed a mistake after sending, considered himself a debil. The answer comes: "Once you asked yourself... we will soon be 3". I try to call back.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10083
by Lapa
Aaaah... I’m just a puppy!! I am sitting right next to the door, in a large office, we have several services here, including the staff... Well, the door opens, a strange-looking confused girl appears, stumbles on the threshold (how she did it I don’t know, it’s impossible to stumble there!!!), falls, enters the middle of the cabinet on the stomach, then jumps, pulls the bag from the floor and the bullet flows out of the cabinet... in three seconds she opens the door, makes the most solid look and reports that she came to the interview!!!!!!! The whole room slowly slipped on the table.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №10082
Studying at the Agricultural University, at one of the practices the teacher says the words "I can tell you that in agriculture there is money...". Voice from the audience: "Only tss..."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №10081
From chat lineage2, communication with GM:
EDMANN: I have a problem.
->EDMANN: And I should guess it?
EDMANN: In general, a friend betrayed me I was sitting near the house he asked to go into my spell I went
EDMANN: showed
EDMANN: here is such a joke come 2 guys I don't have time to get out of the game
EDMANN: How Three People Start Holding Me and One Stumbling Me
EDMANN: What should I do?
Edman: They took everything from me.
->EDMANN: to file a complaint to the police
EDMANN: Will GMs not help?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №10080
Do you have an age test on Facebook?
I know my age :)
Determination of real physiological age.
Is it necessary to send a member to the disc, so that it can count the annual rings?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №10079
Xel: I walk through the street, I observe the picture: on the bench a man of about fourteen years smokes, a girl rides to him: you won't have a lighter? The man stretches her a cigarette (in the name of a cigarette), she with the phrase "thank you" takes a cigarette, stretches and leaves with her =) the man was in such a shower that he didn't even say anything.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10078
A friend working at MTS said:
“Today I walk through the corridor, and our administrator steps in front of me and pulls old mice on the floor, holding them for the wire. I asked: Do you want to walk?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №10077
Korean (15:01:19 12/09/2008)
How is the proga called by which on the grid you can see what is being done on someone else's car?
Kadrin (15:05:07 12/09/2008)
Korean (15:05:26 12/09/2008)
OK is

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10076
Admin at our work his friend (also admin) told us:
Closed it means users access to the basement. In what one of the users promised to make a doll like him and tick it with needles. The next day she changed her mind: she said that she would make a server doll and plunder it every Friday at 4 p.m.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna