— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11098
A friend speaks on the phone:
“Hello, Sophia... Fuck it! This shit has dropped the phone!! No, I didn’t give up... fucking.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11097
Do you want to wreck with your Runnet Awards? Are there not enough students?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11096
Situations in the minibus:

She cried with an unhappy voice:
I asked to stop at the bridge.
The driver, without the hint of decreasing speed, opens the door at full speed. Voice from the salon:
Go ahead until he changes his mind.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11095
I was once chased by my drunk friend boxer, and I broke his nose.
No: not good
Why was my nose broken?
xh: well he said, go, say, be with all your strength - for me you are a peach)))
Q: How much do you weigh?
xxx: 50, but as a teenager I went to kung fu
What did he do to you then?
I was upset 😉
Tagged: noble

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11094
I’ve seen a lot... but to keep the hoops in the courtyard guarding them to set up their phone, forgive the overload.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11093
In addition to the story of the mistake window... the situation from the previous work:
I am (17:23:34)
Sapiyaiahishis... the prime minister is not there all day, to hold no one. I drank all the coffee, smoked all the cigarettes, appreciated the porn in the inertia, spotted the phone with everyone you can, even the filmmaker had time to stir 8) this is what I understand the working day succeeded! What else to do?
The Chief (17:31:18)
I know what. You go to the pharmacy in front of the office across the road, buy a bowl of vaseline and go back to the office. You open, with a sharp movement of the index finger, you slide through the throat of the bank and carefully lubricate the rear passage. Then you open "inetik", go to and list page after page. By 6 I think I will have time to go, in any case wait, we will challenge the phrases "threaten no one" and "day succeeded"!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11092
What do we know about telescopes?

1st They live in a bunker, in a world where they live (survived?) Only they, the rabbits and the vacuum cleaner.
2nd Telescopes are human-like cyborgs with embedded screens, through which they maintain communication with the outer world of another planet unclearly - what they see is possible, only the recording and those people have long been dead.
Three They eat synthetic food.
4 is They are regularly brainwashed (we will embrace, telephone!!!) Per they are constantly taking drugs-hallucinogens (the sun-child?!!)
They will obey the voice of the reproducer who controls their lives.

Why is?
The Option 1. In the distant future, a nuclear disaster occurred. Telepusics parasitize on the remains of the former civilization.
The option 2. Telepusics is a scientific experiment. They are held with unknown goals in an isolated territory. Maybe scientists are experimenting with the creation of a new society.
The Option 3. Telepuzics are colonizing another planet, or they have colonized, but it’s been so long that they’ve forgotten... well, in short, a remake of the Universe’s Passages.

Based on this, the genre of transmission is a post-apocalyptic totalitarian anti-utopia.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11091
Prepod at a lecture in honey: Well, the generation is now gone... The mouth is not your sexual organ, it must be used for the purpose...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11090
I’m going to Moscow in the morning, cloudy. On the right is a road, fence, type of repair, and behind it no trail is visible - fog. 0 O
End of location?? to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11089
The Nude :)
Each man in his own way.
Rome is
You are as unique as Picasso’s painting.
The Nude :)
Not just a boy today.
She said, beautiful and angry.
Smart, positive and glamorous
In other words, you are rational.
Roman is
You know at all.
The lexical meaning of the word
What is "Rarity"
The Nude :)
To be honest, I don’t know what it is.
Roman is
and theme
At least I like you.
for my sweet
Mercury, tell me about
Everyone likes it, people like it.
Quality is
Roman is
You are a little freezer.
The Beautiful)
The Nude :)
Good afternoon :)
Roman is
I am glad to make you pleasant.
The Royal Sphinx

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11088
So what is there?

Lovely you called me.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11087
If ordinary people hope for awareness, then programmers hope for randomness.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11086
Two employees need a rubber. I bought cars in the summer. I call the firm, where I bought last winter (I have discounts there), there the girl raises the tube, and I say, "Hello, what you have from rubber, at the moment, reliable and good, better German, size 185/55 or 195/65, you can spat."
At the other end of the line there was silence.
Then the girl answers: "It’s actually a pharmaceutical company! We don’t have such a rubber!"
But you can come in!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11085
thx(16:27:11 8/10/2008)
Hi to
yyy (16:27:21 8/10/2008)
This is who?
xxx(16:27:35 8/10/2008)
yyy(16:27:55 8/10/2008)
You are 14 years old, right? and :)
xxx (16:29:26 8/10/2008)
Yes is
yyy(16:30:10 8/10/2008)
And I am an old pervert, where do you live, girl? and :)
xxx (16:31:17 8/10/2008)
Do not write to me!
yyy(16:31:18 8/10/2008)
And I will try by IP address, where you live and I will hunt you :) From school to meet, and when I find the right time!!!! to
yyy (16:32:04 8/10/2008)
I will drag you behind the garages and make you an adult woman, then you will have a mosque, and you will not be knocking in the ass again all in a row!! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11084
KUS: Senja defended over the flash mob
is :?? to
A man, an American, gathered a crowd of people in blue t-shirts, black glasses and reservoirs, near the bank, when the collection machine came up, with money from shops, several tens of thousands of dollars, he came, grabbed a bag and fled. The police can't catch him, because a huge number of witnesses saw the robbery, saw who robbed, and everyone saw that the criminal ran away... no one knows where.

[ + 44 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №11083
A girl in a brilliant machine in a traffic jamming - with one hand smoking, the other - holds a mobile phone. It is unclear how. A man from the neighboring car watches this circus, then sets up with it, opens his window and feels like this:
Go to Home! Vary the Borsch!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №11082
There is romance – there is no regular sex, there is regular sex – there is no romance

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11081
I work in technical support.
Support: Restart the computer
User is OK. and now. and what? With you?
Support: Yes, I’m already an adult :) You can come with me :)
User : :D

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №11080
Undeadwolf: Heavy breathing
Tagged: quietly broken
MIDNIGHT: What did this do guys?
I think it’s cream)))
and creampie ))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №11079
We call the optimist not the one who shouts first, but the one who

Who is the last to scream "p**children"...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna