— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7807
A modest glance stretches the pen

the bag is thick red, stretches the width, so that nothing obstructs the path of the stretched pipe

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №7806
20:43 I read this quote today:
"Postman: You know bored already, let us instead of the word "OK" use our Russian "Good" or "Good". OK is?
Tagged with: OK"
20:43 Decided to rate, pressed "plus")
20:44 Climbing under the table - instead of "??" appeared "OK!")))

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №7805
Kids, get out of the pool!
It's a pity that it won't get to the top - the kids here are really more :(

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №7804
nasya-6666 (14:16:22 11/07/2008)
Do you have rain there?

Sertse (14:16:36 11/07/2008)
periodically goes

nasya-6666 (14:17:19 11/07/2008)
In the Domodedovo rain! It is dry and comfortable, like in a diaper.

Sertse (14:17:39 11/07/2008)
You are next to the ass.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №7803
Remember, "nihua" is written in blank form. “The alien had no hands, no ass, no ass.”

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №7802
The girl returns from her parents:
“Rome, let me play at Warcraft, I haven’t seen him for five days!
You have not seen me for five days!
Oh yeah yeah...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №7801
xxx: "The Good Fairy:
We have a common air supply with a bakery in the toilet at work. So there’s not the smell of Mr. but the bread :-)))))))"

How it smells in the bakery.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №7800
I (01:46:53 12/07/2008)
Do you like when your nipples are gently smoothed?

Vasily Nikolaevich (work) (01:47:38 12/07/2008)
That’s a beard, you say :)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №7799
Here are the tree sticks... the adults are people, and they set up – the Collider, the headcrabs... Well, how small are the children, chestnut... What fucking assembly, what kind of blackjack do you have? We have to decide who stands for the brotherhood and who stands for the enclave!! to

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №7798
I’m patient, I’m long in my body.
Is it a type of discount accumulation system?and :)
zzz: ahah, the system of discounts first and then the distribution of awkward bonuses:))

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №7797
The admin is burning :-)
Try in the Abyss (the main does not work) three times quickly press the plus, holding the Shift :-)

Zero effect

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №7796
History of Sport:

The first for doping suffered Adam and Eve, and were expelled from heaven.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №7795
Letter to the “His Planet” section of the July issue of Cosmopolitan and

Intelligent response of the leading section Anton Bublikov:

Question: “That’s why I’m so beautiful, smart, and convergent, and I’ve got to do it.”

Is there no one yet?”

Answer: “If you wrote instead of the word ‘convergence’, that is good.

If you’re preparing and loving sex, you’d already have someone.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №7794
Mr. Medvedev, explain: Khodorkovsky in prison, and Abramovich bought

“Chelsea”; Berezovsky in exile, and Luzhkov – quite the opposite. Why is

Oligarchs are divided into two categories.

How to explain easier? You said “share”.

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №7793
All of a sudden, wip!!! to
All of a sudden, wip!!! to
All of a sudden, wip!!! to
All of a sudden, wip!!! to
All of a sudden, wip!!! to

Give me a bottle, lol!

The Fucks! Nietzsche is fucking fucking. self-expressed yes, downloading an autoclicker with a proxy override? So, you are a fool and everyone here shares that opinion, and you have caused nothing but contempt for yourself. And if someone like you gets a drop on the ballot box, then you have the only way – a murderer. Even if an apstenka, even in the shredder of Moscow to miss, although you do not have his journey.
The previous speaker is a minor beast, and goes to shake on.
Those who love and remember the old Bas, forward! Press the beast!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №7790
Early in the morning on the radio:
- It turns out, men also have cellulite! such a question, you woke up in the morning and found it in yourself, what are you doing?
I kiss him!

[ + 50 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №7789
As expected, there is a sexual theme on the list of wildest experiments. Studying sexual arousal in turkeys, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania were very interested in the fact that birds are trying to pair with mules similar to real females. Scientists gradually dismantled the molds, removing their components. It turned out that the males were extremely excited, even if you showed them one head on a stick.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №7788
xxx: Do you want to go?
WOW: I can

* * * * *
I kiss her, I touch her with my tongue. and. and.
WOW: It embraces you like a headscarf, it embraces your brain, WAHAHAHAH
XHH: I gently take the mounting, fuck it with all my strength
I am finished
HH: I too

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №7787
>>She: Sweet, I’m eating a happy banana, he’s so long and thick... I miss you!!! and :-*
>>ON: And I stitch the fish hawaiian, it’s salty and smells... don’t call me anymore!!!))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №7786
Spoof: Our Orthodox chief decided to help the father of the church (so they bought a computer). He says, download the Windows XP, the 2003 office and Kaspersky... Admin has long been outraged that it is illegal, in the end, on the question of the boss, how he, poor daddy, will buy a licensed software, the administrator asks a meeting question: And how is the commandment "do not steal" :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna